Irving's Attempts to Speak at the University of California at Berkeley
the mid-1990s DAVID
invited several times to address functions at the University
of California, at Berkeley, birthplace of the Free Speech
movement of the 1960s. The local Jewish and communist
organisations staged violent protests to prevent audiences
from hearing him.
| Index
- September 15, 1994, Reuters
Report: "Fighting disrupts controversial historian's
- October 13, 1994: David
Irving issues a special ACTION REPORT on the Berkeley
disturbances for DIFF contributors living in California,
Nevada and Oregon, October 1994
- October 13, 1994:
Communist press brags about the Violence. "Berkeley
Anti-Fascists give Holocaust-denier the Boot
- November 21, 1994: A
special ACTION REPORT on the Berkeley disturbances for
DIFF contributors living in California, Nevada and
Oregon, October 1994
- February 2, 1995: Diary of
David Irving's Renewed Attempt to Lecture at
- 1995, Editorial in
The Daily Californian: "Protest Irving Peacefully",
February 2, 1995
- UCB Campus Police Block
David Irving's Audience February 1995
- Jewish
Defense League (JDL) leaflet accuses Louis Farrakhan of
promoting Irving lecture at Oakland, September 10,
- Communist Leaflet attacks
David Irving before Oakland, California, speech Sep 12,
Sep 12, 1996 dialogue between journalist Rich Graves and
anti-revisionist Webmaster Jamie McCarthy about the work
of David Irving- Sep
13, 1996: Graves reports that David Irving bashed
Internet for telling the truth
- (Department
of Biter getting Bit): Berkeley demonstrators block
speech by former Israeli prime minister, Nov 28,