David Irving:
ATTEMPTS to shut down Revisionist viewpoints have been world wide. They refuse to debate. They have issued an edict from Los Angeles or where ever the headquarters is saying, "On no account debate the Revisionists". On about 1970 or 1972 .. If you read the newspapers and books before 1970 you wont find the word "holocaust". You wont find the word being used then. But of course since then they've taken it over. Haven't they? They've taken over that word. Give it just that one meaning, Give it a capitol H at the front. You half expect to see a "tm" at the end of it because it has become a kind of trademark. It many sound tasteless but think about it. The way that concept is being packaged, and marketed to us. It is being packaged with all the expertise and finesse of Tylenol. Capitol "T", capitol "H", a little tm at the end. Don't open the package you. You're not allowed to examine the contents. If you do you are a holocaust denier. you may think this an extraordinary thing. But they will not let us use any word but the word "denial". Because it makes us look like total twits. Because as the television media says, "Mr. Irving is accused of being a holocaust denier". Simultaneous they show the news reel film of the bulldozers, tipping the emaciated corpses into the pits. And the average TV viewer says "how can you deny it, we can see it with our own eyes." Eye witnesses, there is another phrase they use. Holocaust, holocaust denier, eye witnesses. Eye witness evidence, the very phrase "eye witness" implies there was something for those eyes to witness. Therefore for anyone to challenges those eyewitnesses is also some kind of incorrigible twit. Eye witness news, channel 7. It exists. Tankers burning on the Long Island expressway. Eye witness news. These things really happen. But eye witness reports, the only evidence that can be used against us... the dissident historians. I think they should be called "verbal testimony" or "oral statements" that is all they are, There is a subtle difference between "verbal statement" on one hand, and "eye witness report" on the other. That's how they do it. The other word I am going to examine before the end of my talk, is the fourth word they've taken over and injected into the main stream English language. And that is the word still written with a little "g" genocide. It is an important word because their whole cause revolves around that little word, "genocide". The real crimes, not only of WW2, but of all wars this century, and the times between the wars isn't genocide at all. For killing someone because of their race or religion. That isn't the crime that really concerns us. The real crime is what I call "innocencecide". The killing of innocent people. This is the important factor. It is so simple when you consider it. What made the crimes of Auschwitz, or Dachau, or Bergen Belsen, or Buchenwald, or Hiroshima, or Dresden or Coventry a crime, was the innocence of the victims. What made the crime of Auschwitz, or what ever happened there at Babr Yar, (Helmut is this the right spelling?) was not their Jewishness, but their innocence. So why the word genocide? Well the word genocide has been invented to limit it to crimes against people because of their race. That way they exclude all the other people around the world who also suffered. By implication they are not entitled to any kind of compensation. This is what it all boils down to. This is why basically the whole campaign has be unleashed against me, and a hand full of others, over the last 5 or 6 years, I deeply regret making the mistake I made in 1988 when I first took this unexpected high road. In April 1988 when I gave evidence in a certain case in Toronto. It was a serious mistake, I never should have done it. Had I foreseen all this would happen to me and my family, then I never would have taken that step. I have to admit it. It is not one I would have willingly taken had I seen all this coming. But the English, and I say this immodestly, we have a certain characteristic. I remember Australian television telephoning me in May this year, when I won another case yet against the Australian government. Because it is a worldwide fight. The government is trying to ban me and stop me from speaking. Australian Television which is on my side phoned me and said "Mr. Irving, why do you keep on doing this? Why are you spending hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting the Australian government to get in and continue your lecture tour? Why are you continuing your campaign? This crusade, this international campaign for Real History?" The international campaign for real history of which this is the poster (holds up a large poster of David Irving) for the last two or thee years, around the world. I replied to the Australian television commentator. I replied, "my opponents have misunderstood us, they have underestimated the English, The English march towards the sounds of gunfire, When we hear the sounds of gunfire we start marching towards those guns and we keep marching as long as the guns keep firing". If the Jewish community, internationally, against whom I personally bear no grudge, believe me, stopped their campaign against me, then I would stop marching. But as long as they do what they are doing in their insensate way, and coate way I will keep up the campaign the way I am doing it. And so the fight has gone on world wide. Let me tell you some of the highlights since I last came and spoke to you here in Oregon, in Gresham, In October 1992 two years ago, almost to the day. The first time I had been in Oregon to speak, wonderful audience the same kind of scum outside, hired, someone pays them to demonstrate, These people don't come on their own volition. All that kind of thing takes money, Exactly the same kind of thing happens in Ireland, and elsewhere, and it is always the same people putting up the money to organize the demonstrations. A few days after I spoke to you here in Oregon two years ago, I went up to Victoria on Vancouver Island, and I addressed the Canadian Free Speech League, which was good enough to award me the George Orwell plaque for freedom of speech. In recognition of my stand up to that point. Ten minutes after that award I was making my speech of thanks when eight Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers burst in and dragged me off in handcuffs. A really Orwellian scene you might admit. Dragged off in handcuffs and for the next three weeks I had to fight a running battle. First of all in Vancouver. Held the first two days in five different prisons so my own lawyer could not find me. That was after I spoke to you here. Then over to Niagara Falls, where I was last night, again arrested, again held in prison in Niagara Falls, finally flung onto the floor of a prison van on November the 13th, two years ago, then driven at high speed to Toronto airport, and put on a plane bound for London. At the orders of the minister Bernard Belcourt of Canada, I know this because all across Canada I have friends, I have a lot of friends in Canada. One of these turned out to be the man in charge of the prison holding center at Toronto. The Pierce International Airport, at Toronto. He said, "Mr. Irving I have left your cell door open. I don't believe in what is going on here. I will not have you left in handcuffs. Until your plane comes this evening as far as I am concerned , you are free to come and go as you please. You can use the phone on the desk to call the radio and TV stations and the Media." Of course I did. I Said "why are you doing it?" and he said "Mr. Irving that phone has been ringing itself off the hook, All day today, I've had phone calls all day from the minister in person. To notify him the moment when your plane takes off bound for London." This is an indication the kind of clout our enemies wield when they can have a minister trembling, quivering, with fear, telephoning police officers at airports demanding to know when the dreaded enemy has left Canadian soil. And so it was in Australia too, I was supposed to go to Australia a few months later after I spoke to you, and carry on a 6 weeks speaking tour right across Australia in the campaign for Real History. Banned from Australia. Not allowed to set foot in Australia. But they underestimated us our traditional enemy because they made a mistake. They had to admit at the end of three or four weeks, that they had lost the battle of the press against David Irving, We had won the battle because they do not control the press in Australia. Not like they do in a large part of the United States. That's not to say the entire United States is controlled by these elements, But significant parts of it is. Certainly in England, Certainly in Germany now. Certainly in Canada. But not in Australia. The Australian press is controlled by Rupert Murdoch and the Fairfax family. So our traditional enemies did not get diddly. Every Australian newspaper ran horrified editorials about what was being done to me and why I was being kept out, and what was going on. So they began to investigate. So they found out that these people had been bankrolling Keatings labor party. They were the ones who had put up a large part of the election campaign funds. They were now calling in their markers and demanding I be kept out. So I couldn't deliver my lectures across Australia. But we managed to get our message across just the same because we fought them in the Federal court in Australia and my lawyer, in Australia a very fine man called Ed Wall, said "Mr. Irving, assuming you lose the federal court action, why don't you prepare a video of the speech you would have made and we'll get the videos 10,000 copies plastered across Australia. We'll hold premiers in the seven biggest cities on the day after the court finds against you. So we did that. The court found against me in the first instance. We had 10,000 copies that video rushed in and our enemies tried to get the video prosecuted as an unlicensed video. An interesting thing happened. In two days we got the videos cleared by the Australian Video Censorship Board by paying the 2,000 dollars fee to get it rushed through in two days. A few weeks later the Australian press reported that a member of the Australian Parliament had asked a question in the Parliament about a hidden microphone that had been found planted in the Video Censorship boards office by the Israeli secret service. This shows that we are up against governments here. There are people not just with private vested interests, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles who are trying to suppress Real History, But governments who have their own vital interests at stake. Are doing what they can to silence me. And of course they wanted to know which member of the board had voted in favor of having the video released and whose against it. Eight had voted in favor and one in favor of total censorship of the video. And this is basically what we are up against world wide. People with colossal money. The Anti-Defamation League which is a body probably familiar to some in this room and certainly not unconnected with the mob outside. The Anti-Defamation League has an annual budget of $37,000,000. At their disposal, To prevent as it turns out Real History being put about. And yet they are losing the battle, because last April the American public was astonished to read in their papers that a Gallup poll had been taken which showed that 25% of the American public didn't believe in holocaust, They believed that quite possibly it didn't happen. What ever it was. A horrifying figure. A similar poll has now been taken in Australia, and thanks entirely to the efforts of my enemies down there 25% of the Australians also are now having second thoughts. Should we doubt that version of history? Well common sense dictates that there is probably sound reason to doubt. Why else would Hollywood make a movie called Schindlers List? It wasn't because the Revisionists were gaining hand over foot in this particular debate. It is an extraordinary thing. They say we are not to be debated. They refuse to go on television programs with us in order to effectively to silence us. Because television in this country insists that both sides of a debate shall be heard. So by refusing to appear against us they effectively silence our voice too except for an occasional program like the Donnahue show. I've now assembled enough material, world wide from these various court ordered discloser of government files, that I am able now to write pretty impressive booklet that will come out in a few weeks time called Vendetta giving the whole inside story of this world wide attempt to silence us. But of course they failed and this is the glorious thing. We are winning the battle. I said two years ago that the fight would only last two years. I underestimated their tenacity. I think probably another year from now eventually our enemy will give up this particular battle. The signs are clearly there. What they're doing now are measures of desperation. If you followed the scene in Germany at all, extraordinary things are happening. You would imagine Germany would be the bastion of the free world after its experiences of two world wars and the Third Reich and Hitler, the Nazis and all the rest. But in fact nothing has changed in Germany. In my opinion. Certainly not in the legal system, Certainly not since the end of the first World War. The legal system is unchanged. They still click their heels and obey orders from above. The only thing missing now is they don't have to wear the arm bands any more. There has been some graphic demonstrations of this in the last few weeks. I've witnessed a lot of hardships in Germany I must say. Inflicted not on me but on those who followed me in one way or another. When I was fined in January of last year 22,000 dollars, A Nurnberg school teacher wrote a letter to a Bavarian television station, to protest about the tone of their news bulletins. Which they had gleefully announced the fine imposed on me. The Bavarian television station was good enough and decent enough to pass his letter on to Bavarian minister of culture who is their direct superior in the education system. And he was dismissed. Man of my age, totally without a future now, no pension, no job no livelihood. Purely because he had written a letter of protest to a television station. Quite a common occurrence. You wonder why they take photographs of you when you come in here? In Germany it has become systematic. A school teacher sitting in the front row of one of my audiences, three or four years ago, somewhere near Hanover. Her face appeared on the evening Television bulletin and she was dismissed the next day. She only attended out of curiosity. Wanted to see what I had to say. She was dismissed for sitting in an audience. The Gunther Deckert case is the most pregnant example of the way Germany is drifting. A Jewish historian in New Zealand of whom I'm most friendly who has investigated this case world wide, now has written in a doctoral dissertation that Germany's record in the human rights league is a miserable one indeed. The Deckert Case I think is the most appalling example. Gunther Deckert a school teacher who many years ago already lost his job a because of his opinions, imagine that. Imagine that happening in the United States. Imagine a school teacher being fired for his opinions. Happens in Canada of course, but not yet in the United States.Not officially anyway. Gunther Deckert officially dismissed in Germany because having the wrong opinions as a school teacher. He became the leader of the right wing Nationalist Party in Germany, a constitutional party. Like many of the active parties in Germany. Not illegal in any way. And of course as such an anathema for the liberal German media. He translated the lecture delivered by Fred Leuchter in Mannheim in November 1991. Fred Leuchter as nearly all of you know is the American consultant on American gas chambers technology who was sent to Auschwitz to investigate the so called gas chambers by Ernst Zundel. Fred Leuchter is the world expert on gas chambers. And on gassing human beings. He brought back 30 samples from the brick work of the Auschwitz gas chambers. And subjected these holy relics to forensic test in laboratories in the Unites States. With the results you all know that there was no trace of cyanide gas what so ever from in these samples. Fred Leuchter has had his life and career ruined by the traditional enemy of the truth. That is not the point here. In November 1991 Fred Leuchter was lecturing in Mannheim, he doesn't speak German, so his lecture was being translated by Gunther Deckert, the school teacher I just mentioned. For interpreting that lecture Gunther Deckert was sentenced to one year in prison and fined $7,000. This is a democracy, This is Germany, This is the way things are going in Germany now. I personally don't care what Deckert said or wrote or interpreted, I don't think people should be imprisoned for expressing their opinions. I don't think people should be fined colossal sums of money for expressing their opinions as long as they are not inciting race hatred or incitement to break the law. The judges in Germany who heard the appeal of Gunther Deckert this summer evidently agreed, because although they found no alternative but to uphold the sentence, one year imposed on Deckert, they suspended it. In their written judgement which they finally published, a month or two later, in the middle of August, this year, the two judges, one who was Muller, the chairman of the court. said that the reason for suspending the sentence and treating Deckert relatively lenient was because he had acted as a patriot. Because he had done what he did in Germany's interests and because he like many other Germans was being thoroughly fed up with what was being done to Germany. By Israel in the sense of continually pestering them for financial compensation. From the actual culprits and perpetrators of the holocaust. From their sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters. And the Judges said in their verdict, obviously they had a certain degree of sympathy for Deckert, having done it for these reasons. They understood why he had done it. The result of course next day was outcry and uproar in the German liberal news media. They demanded the heads of these two judges and the German minister of justice. A woman, a liberal member of the Liberal party in Germany. She said found these two judges verdict shameful, and she would expect decisions to be taken. Sure enough these two judges were dismissed a few days later for health reasons. They fought back and pointed out the were not ill. A few weeks later they had to be given their jobs back. But it gets worse. The prosecutor in that case in Germany, a man called Klein, insisted that these two judges have their verdicts closely scrutinized to see if they too could be prosecuted under the same laws. What an extraordinary case. It's like Animal Farm. If any of you have read Animal Farm, The prosecutor can say, you have handed down a verdict, which I as a prosecutor disagree, I am going to look and see if I cant have you two put in prison too. What an extraordinary situation. I think this is what finally brought the house down in Germany. Because a lot of thinking people to wonder which way Germany was drifting. And Germany is drifting in very odd directions now. The coming elections are going to show. In very alarming directions. I've now assembled enough material, world wide from these various court ordered discloser of government files, that I am able now to write pretty impressive booklet that will come out in a few weeks time called Vendetta giving the whole inside story of this world wide attempt to silence us. But of course they failed and this is the glorious thing. We are winning the battle. I said two years ago that the fight would only last two years. I underestimated their tenacity. I think probably another year from now eventually our enemy will give up this particular battle. The signs are clearly there. What they're doing now are measures of desperation. If you followed the scene in Germany at all, extraordinary things are happening. You would imagine Germany would be the bastion of the free world after its experiences of two world wars and the Third Reich and Hitler, the Nazis and all the rest. But in fact nothing has changed in Germany. In my opinion. Certainly not in the legal system, Certainly not since the end of the first World War. The legal system is unchanged. They still click their heels and obey orders from above. The only thing missing now is they don't have to wear the arm bands any more. There has been some graphic demonstrations of this in the last few weeks. I've witnessed a lot of hardships in Germany I must say. Inflicted not on me but on those who followed me in one way or another. When I was fined in January of last year 22,000 dollars, A Nurnberg school teacher wrote a letter to a Bavarian television station, to protest about the tone of their news bulletins. Which they had gleefully announced the fine imposed on me. The Bavarian television station was good enough and decent enough to pass his letter on to Bavarian minister of culture who is their direct superior in the education system. And he was dismissed. Man of my age, totally without a future now, no pension, no job no livelihood. Purely because he had written a letter of protest to a television station. Quite a common occurrence. You wonder why they take photographs of you when you come in here? In Germany it has become systematic. A school teacher sitting in the front row of one of my audiences, three or four years ago, somewhere near Hanover. Her face appeared on the evening Television bulletin and she was dismissed the next day. She only attended out of curiosity. Wanted to see what I had to say. She was dismissed for sitting in an audience. The Gunther Deckert case is the most pregnant example of the way Germany is drifting. A Jewish historian in New Zealand of whom I'm most friendly who has investigated this case world wide, now has written in a doctoral dissertation that Germany's record in the human rights league is a miserable one indeed. The Deckert Case I think is the most appalling example. Gunther Deckert a school teacher who many years ago already lost his job a because of his opinions, imagine that. Imagine that happening in the United States. Imagine a school teacher being fired for his opinions. Happens in Canada of course, but not yet in the United States.Not officially anyway. Gunther Deckert officially dismissed in Germany because having the wrong opinions as a school teacher. He became the leader of the right wing Nationalist Party in Germany, a constitutional party. Like many of the active parties in Germany. Not illegal in any way. And of course as such an anathema for the liberal German media. He translated the lecture delivered by Fred Leuchter in Mannheim in November 1991. Fred Leuchter as nearly all of you know is the American consultant on American gas chambers technology who was sent to Auschwitz to investigate the so called gas chambers by Ernst Zundel. Fred Leuchter is the world expert on gas chambers. And on gassing human beings. He brought back 30 samples from the brick work of the Auschwitz gas chambers. And subjected these holy relics to forensic test in laboratories in the Unites States. With the results you all know that there was no trace of cyanide gas what so ever from in these samples. Fred Leuchter has had his life and career ruined by the traditional enemy of the truth. That is not the point here. In November 1991 Fred Leuchter was lecturing in Mannheim, he doesn't speak German, so his lecture was being translated by Gunther Deckert, the school teacher I just mentioned. For interpreting that lecture Gunther Deckert was sentenced to one year in prison and fined $7,000. This is a democracy, This is Germany, This is the way things are going in Germany now. I personally don't care what Deckert said or wrote or interpreted, I don't think people should be imprisoned for expressing their opinions. I don't think people should be fined colossal sums of money for expressing their opinions as long as they are not inciting race hatred or incitement to break the law. The judges in Germany who heard the appeal of Gunther Deckert this summer evidently agreed, because although they found no alternative but to uphold the sentence, one year imposed on Deckert, they suspended it. In their written judgement which they finally published, a month or two later, in the middle of August, this year, the two judges, one who was Muller, the chairman of the court. said that the reason for suspending the sentence and treating Deckert relatively lenient was because he had acted as a patriot. Because he had done what he did in Germany's interests and because he like many other Germans was being thoroughly fed up with what was being done to Germany. By Israel in the sense of continually pestering them for financial compensation. From the actual culprits and perpetrators of the holocaust. From their sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters. And the Judges said in their verdict, obviously they had a certain degree of sympathy for Deckert, having done it for these reasons. They understood why he had done it. The result of course next day was outcry and uproar in the German liberal news media. They demanded the heads of these two judges and the German minister of justice. A woman, a liberal member of the Liberal party in Germany. She said found these two judges verdict shameful, and she would expect decisions to be taken. Sure enough these two judges were dismissed a few days later for health reasons. They fought back and pointed out the were not ill. A few weeks later they had to be given their jobs back. But it gets worse. The prosecutor in that case in Germany, a man called Klein, insisted that these two judges have their verdicts closely scrutinized to see if they too could be prosecuted under the same laws. What an extraordinary case. It's like Animal Farm. If any of you have read Animal Farm, The prosecutor can say, you have handed down a verdict, which I as a prosecutor disagree, I am going to look and see if I cant have you two put in prison too. What an extraordinary situation. I think this is what finally brought the house down in Germany. Because a lot of thinking people to wonder which way Germany was drifting. And Germany is drifting in very odd directions now. The coming elections are going to show. In very alarming directions. But the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany's serious and respected newspaper. I'm sure there is not a newspaper in Europe that carries as much authority and weight as the Frankfurter Allgeminer Zeitung, has finally seen the light of day and this is why my one year estimate us very close to the mark. The Frankfurter Allgeminer Zeitung, for the last three or four months, has begun publishing editorials coming down in favor of the Revisionists. Suggesting that the sentences are too harsh. A few weeks ago they published a half page article by professor Hans Nolte. Nolte how has hitherto been a very cautious historian in Germany. Not one to come out whole heatedly waving his flag on our behalf. But now professor Hans Nolte has said, in this half page article, which the newspaper published unchanged. That the revisionists, as he understands them, do have a case which has to be answered. He himself does not know the answer to the resvisonists. But he thinks the establishment historians should now try to cobble together some kind of joint answer to the Revisionists. Because it is no longer enough to practical to use methods of brute force,and legal terrorism, against them to silence them. That was the gist of the half page article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. And of course it is not what he published. What he wrote. But the fact that the newspaper published it. They published a letter a few days later from a young man called Gherman Rudloph. Gherman Rudolph wrote this letter pointing out this and that about the revisionists which he is proud to be one. At the end of the letter he included the sentence "please don't publish the above letter if it in so doing it is found that I have inadvertently broken the law". Of course the newspaper, very tongue in cheek, published the letter in full including the last sentence. Just to give the readers a bit of a jolt which way Germany is going. The leading newspapers of the calibre of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung might turn out to have inadvertently broken the law by publishing the readers letter. What a strange state of affairs. How exciting it is. Three or four years ago Robert Faurisson the French dissident Revisionist historian, who has had acid poured in his eyes. Jaw broken so badly by three Jewish thugs when he was walking his dog in a park in Vichy in France. 4 years ago so badly his jaw it had to be wired together for 6 months. They poured sulfuric acid in his eyes as well. Same kind of people outside spitting at me just now. That's the methods they use. Faurrison coined the phrase The Intellectual Adventure. And that is what it really is. From where we stand we can see a world of innocent people. Millions. Hundreds of millions innocent people who are innocently believing in a legend. Believing it to be true because they in turn had been told it by plausible people who believed it in turn by people who told it to them. It's something like a religion in other words, The intellectual adventure is that we are reversing this entire trend within the space of one generation. That in a few years time no one will believe this particular legend any more. They will all say as I do, that atrocities were committed. Yes hundreds of thousands were killed, but there were no factories of death. All that is a blood libel against the German People. Which the german government, I can not understand, has willfully tolerated for the last 50 years. And that is one of the real mysteries should be investigated. Why the German Government has put up with it. Against its own people. Not only put up with it, but has stamped out people like me. Leuchter, Faurisson, Ernst Zundel and the rest, Who have tried to challenge that legend. Ghermann Rudolph is the most inspiring example because more and more young Germans are coming around to our cause. Ghermann Rudolph, brilliant chemist at the Max Plank Institute, expert in solid state chemistry. He was brought in the defense of one of these miserable trials in Germany. One of these teachers who questioned the holocaust. The defense team brought in Ghermann Rudolph in as the expert in solid state chemistry to prove that there should have been some trace cyanide compound left in the brick work at Auschwitz, after fifty years. He did it easily as a part of his doctoral dissertation. He proved without doubt the brickwork in the Auschwitz gas chambers, crematories, so called, contained enough iron to create a compound called Prussian Blue. Berliner Blau. Dye stuff. So permanent nothing would wash it out. No wind, no rain no tempest would wash out the trace of cyanide from the brick work of the gas chambers if it was there in the first place. Of course writing that in his doctoral dissertation his professor said "Rudolph I think you are in for a sticky ride. But I admire what you are doing." Not in public but in private. He went ahead with his dissertation and he submitted his samples. For he too went to Auschwitz and carried out the tests and brought back the forensic sample. He submitted his samples to a well known forensic laboratory in Germany but made the mistake of submitting it on the stationery of the Max Planck Institute of which he was an employee. Which gave the Institute the grounds to fire him. Which it did. He did the interesting thing he sued the institute for wrongful dismissal in the Industrial Tribunal of Germany. The Max Planck Institute of Germany which was thoroughly fed up which had been done to one of its finest scientists, decided to open all it's records in the process called discovery. Among its files, was a whole treasure hoard of letters written to it by the Jewish leaders of Germany. Demanding that Ghermann should be dismissed. They had to bow to pressure and knuckle under and agree to the dismissal of Ghermann Rudolph. Willingly, gleefully, they made these letters public. Planck ends with these words when writing back to the head of the Jewish committee in Berlin saying, "We have now dismissed Herr Rudolph we now hope this makes you satisfied." In exactly that tone of voice. These letters were then published. It is worth mentioning incidentally, the head of the Jewish committee is Germany. The Jewish Council in Germany, Ignas Bubis is a criminal with a conviction of a 12 year sentence of racketeering. He didn't serve it. He jumped bail and fled before he could be put in prison. But every time around the world I hear that David Irving is a criminal which is what the Jewish Committee says about me. To get me banned from South Africa or some other country I reply. "I may be a criminal but my crime I am proud of. My crime was telling the truth, Expressing an opinion which turns out to be true. Where the head of their community his crime is a real crime. Sentenced to 12 years in prison." Which he has yet to serve. We have to be tasteless about this. I am going to be tasteless about it. It calls for extreme tastelessness. We cant fight back with kid gloves. When I get into Australia in January, after we defeat them in the courts next month. My lawyer says there is no reason to doubt we will defeat them in the courts. The Australian government deliberately changed the law in order to exclude me. They changed the law to exclude people of bad character. So the government just has to announce that David Irving is a bad character and they wont let him in. In May they announced just that. The Australian media called me when I was down in Florida, writing. The Australian media said, "Mr. Irving, in Parliament this afternoon the Australian minister of immigration has announced that you are excluded because you are considered a bad character. What is you comment on that?" I said, It is an unusual experience as an Englishman to have an Australian politician describe me as a bad character. But I now know if televisions detective Lt. Colombo were to criticise the cut of my raincoat." They also said I was a deported person from Canada. That I was a person with a criminal record. I said it was an odd thing for the Australian to protest about letting someone in with a criminal record, considering the whole of Australia is populated with deported English criminals. They didn't like that one. When I get to Australia in January I know what is going to happen. They are going to wheel out all the so called eyewitnesses. One in particular Mrs. Altman I've clashed with her once or twice. She is very convincing. They can be very convincing. Because they have do it so often over the years. They've had a free run. We're going to meet because she has that tattoo. I am going to say. "You have that tattoo, we all have the utmost sympathy for you but how much money have you made on it? In the last 45 years? Can I estimate? Quarter of a million? Half million? Certainly not less. That's how much you've made from the German taxpayers and the American taxpayers." Ladies and gentlemen you're paying 3 billion dollars a year to the state of Israel. Compensation to people like Mrs. Altman. She'll say, "why not. I suffered." I'll say you didn't. You survived. You are a survivor. By definition you didn't suffer. Not half as much as those who died. Those who did die in the so called gas chamber, gas ovens, or cremated, or died in the plague, or epidemics, or what ever in Auschwitz. They suffered. You didn't. You're the one making the money. Explain to me this. Why are you people have made all the money, but Australian soldiers who suffered for five years in Japanese prison camps haven't got a bent nickel out of it?" I can guarantee this will evoke a wave of sympathy around 16 million Australians television viewers that evening. When I come out with that extremely tasteless remark. This is why they don't want to let me in. They know I am going to be tasteless about the whole matter. But you need tastelessness to break the taboo. They still can't be tasteless. They are still locking up people who are asking for the truth. It is possible to be absolutely precise and specific about what happened in Auschwitz. No question at all exists in any ones mind now. Even our opponents know that we are right. Our opponents have published in a wonderful book by a man called John Claude Pressaic. Who is on of our most dedicated enemies. By accident they have published the total quantity of coke delivered to Auschwitz in the war years. Two thousand one hundred and eighty eight tons of coke, were delivered to the crematoria during the entire period Auschwitz was in operation. 2188 tons. You can do the calculation on the back of an envelope. 35 or 40 kg per cadaver even if the crematories were operating at their top efficiency. Which they weren't during the war years. You get a quantity of 65 or 70 thousand bodies. MAXIMUM that were being cremated at Auschwitz during the entire period. And Incidentally that tallies with the capacity of the crematories in Auschwitz. We know how many crematories there are. We got the design. We actually got the design from the Moscow archives now of the Vulcan SS unit that built the crematory. How many retorts in each crematorium. We know what the operating capacity was. The Tops company that built them kept the most precise records, We know how many they could burn in a year, in a week, in a day, in a month. Over the entire period that these individual crematories were in operation. We know that they could have cremated a MAXIMUM of 60 to a 100 thousand bodies. So where does this 1,000,000 or 4,000,000 figure come from? Imagination that's all it is. When you start examining the facts you come again and again to this figure of 60 or a 100 thousand. And you have another cross check because we British were breaking the codes of the Commandment of Auschwitz. Night after night he was signaling to Berlin. Oswald Pohl the SS Chief of the concentration camps. He was reporting night after night the statistics. How many prisoners had arrived at Auschwitz of slave laborers, how many had left over the previous 24 hours, How many were on hand at midnight, and how many had died during the 24 hours. How many had died from all causes. He breaks it down into 4 particular causes. How many had died from epidemics, and disease, how many had been hanged, how many had been shot. And that is all. The official British Historian Professor Frank Hensley. The historian of the British Secret Service who reported these code breaking intercepts in volume 2 of the British Official History. stated explicitly . In these intercepts there is no reference to anyone being gassed. Now of course if Prof. Frank Hinsley Master of St Johns College in Cambridge now. If he went to France and said that or if he said it in his college in Cambridge to a French newspaper journalist he would be prosecuted by the French for challenging something as defined by the Nurnberg Tribunal. If he went to Germany he would be fined 23,000 dollars he would be deported and banned from the German archives. If he went to Canada he would be put in handcuffs thrown on the floor of a van and taken to Pierson airport. This is how ludicrous it is. All the facts are on our side. And yet the media, Hollywood, newspapers, the journalists, all belong to this tottering conspiracy of silence against us. But it is tottering I think ladies and gentlemen, It has
only one more year to go. A year at most. And then finally
all the journalists will agree we were probably right. Not
that they are going to print the fact that we were right.
The journalists will all then unanimously decide they knew
it all along. They knew it all along that the holocaust was
a myth, a legend, large parts of it were untrue. That they
had known it all along so what is the fuss all about? Rather
like the story bars of soap nowadays. That's how journalists
are. They have no moral fibre, no character. I rank them
somewhat lower than lawyers in my social strata. Thank you. |