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 March 15, 1974 THE
IRVING: The Rise and Fail of the Luftwaffe. The
Life of Luftwaffe Marshal Erhard Milch, 451pp
WEIDENFELD & NICOLSON £5.95 TO look at the genesis and
downfall of the Luftwaffe with David Irving largely
through the eyes of [Erhard] Milch
is to be impressed once again with the German
government's lack of vision, its rejection time
after time of good advice and Göring's
inability to pick the right man for the job -- or
to back the right man when luck presented
him. Before war was imminent Milch submitted a
ten-year plan for the development of air force
equipment and training, and had it turned down. He
concluded that what Göring wanted was a
"propaganda air force ", not a real one, but he
went on trying to convince his superiors of the
need of an efficient fighter force. He nearly
succeeded in 1943-44 when the' strategic campaigns
of the RAF aid the United States Air Force were
conducted only at great cost in men and aircraft.
In the end he was eased out of his position as
director of air armaments, but he continued to
believe that not even the massive strikes of the
Flying Fortresses against Germany's oil supplies
could have defeated her if the fighters,
particularly the jet fighters. could have taken
over in sufficient numbers. The
Nazis had made an exciting start in evading the
Versailles Treaty, with their secret
pilot-training, their building of commercial
aircraft convertible into bombers, their
organization of an aircraft industry and an air
staff. The seeds of trouble were sown when Hitler
launched into war two years too soon early
successes gave him his persistent faith in the
bomber. By 1944 he was converted to the defensive
idea which Milch had advocated from the start, but
it was too late. Hitler and Göring had made no
allowance for the fact that specialist aircraft
took. much longer to develop in the 1940s than they
had done in 1914. In any event, they had neglected
the long-range bomber, partly because Göring
emphasized numbers and Hitler the tactical use of
the air arm. By 1943 they were fuming at the
superior characteristics of the Fortresses, the
Lancasters and especially the Mosquitoes. Milch's
diaries, to which Mr Irving has had access, contain
convincing evidence.
There can be no doubt from this evidence that
Milch thought along the right lines and sought to
influence policy and action. When he failed to move
his masters, he remained loyal to them, though he
had to contend with Göring's vanity and
Udet's shiftlessness throughout the years
when the latter was in charge of aircraft design
and production. Milch was hampered, too, by
Messerschmitt's love of new projects and
lack of interest in production. Later he found his friend Speer blocking
his attempts to get the requisite men and materials
for the aircraft industry. The wonder is that he
succeeded between 1939 and 1944 in multiplying
output four times: indeed, Hitler several times
alluded to Milch as the man to whom the word
"impossible" was unknown. Hitler also relied on his
thrust and enterprise in the more difficult
military situations, belatedly putting him in
charge of supplying by air the beleaguered army in
Stalingrad. The tale of how Milch restored the flow
by energetic action on the airfields, with the
temperature 27 degrees below zero, and inside
Stalingrad itself is proof of the quality of the
man (he had already won his Knight's Cross as field
marshal directing the air operations in
Mr Irving occasionally describes Milch as
"ruthless ". It would be more accurate to say
"single-minded and endlessly energetic ". He was
not ruthless enough to get Udet unseated when he
went on neglecting his work and presenting
misleading returns: Udet was his friend. He could
do little to move or remove Göring, who
admitted that he never read his reports and was
clearly jealous of him: Göring, too, had been
his friend. Milch remained devoted to Hitler
despite his leader's annoyance when he spoke
frankly. There is no suggestion that, with these
weaknesses cured, he could have saved the
Luftwaffe. There were too many changes in military
objectives and in the assessment of the means
necessary to their realization. The Rise and
Fall of the Luftwaffe does not alter in any
marked degree earlier conclusions about the
Luftwaffe's ultimate defeat. But the book does set out the muddle of
competing interests, the intense vitality of the
air effort, and the clash of personalities watching
their own prospects. Milch was not ruthless enough,
or concerned enough with his own glory, to make a
successful gladiator in that contest. Ironically,
he was disgracefully used by the United States
authorities when they got hold of him for treating
his workers harshly. In truth, he fought harder for
them than he did for himself.
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