Robert Harris spills some beans: Tony Blair often wore make-up, even off-TV, thought he was the Messiah – or Herman Göring
Again: Police in Barcelona close down Pedro Varela’s “Europa” Bookstore | more | The police of Wiltshire, having nothing more urgent to investigate …| Did G K Chesterton really predict Brexit?
The retired general on Donald Trump’s Vice President shortlist: Trump considering pro Russian General Michael Flynn | Jewish group (ADL, no less) calls on Trump to “take a stand against anti-Semitism”
Where their home is: Goldman Sachs hires former EU Commission chief Manuel Barroso
Spy story: Russian spy Ursula Kuczynski [sister of Churchill’s economic advisor Jurgen Kuczynski, friend of atom spy Klaus Fuchs, another Jew],who sent British atomic secrets back to Moscow | Jews (who else) call Spanish cartoon of President Obama cartoon “anti-Semitic”: he calls off visit to Sevilla
Former “Nazi death squad member” [actually: interpreter] allowed to stay in Canada
France jails for eight years mega-fraudster Arnaud Mimran, linked to Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, in vast tax evasion scheme involving carbon-emissions permits - (IMF chief next?) | British descendants of Jews who fled the “Nazis” now seeking German citizenship post-Brexit | Der ewige Jude
Iceland joins boycott Israel movement — People in Iceland’s capital have voted to boycott all Israeli products until Palestine is freed from occupation.
U.S. election fight gets uglier: How Hillary Clinton ignores peace | Donald Trump tweets and deletes image “labeled anti-Semitic” – because it uses a six-point star and a pile of money, but does not (otherwise) mention them. Gosh! | Zoopla CEO behind Mishcon de Reya anti-Brexit legal action – Lipstadt’s lawyers, acting again
Roger Friedman: Actor Gary Oldman ends his career in Hollywood with racist, anti-Semitic interview – read the Comments, while they last
The Occidental Observer: Hit by a Hate-Quake: Brexit, Saint Jo and the Liberal Elite | Dr Andrew Joyce: Brexit and the Jews – an assessment of Britain’s role in Europe
Death at 87 of Elie Wiesel – his name is pronounced “Wieselle”, not “Weasel”. The poor man lost $15million dollars in Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme (didn't we all. (No.)) Furious Wiesel on Madoff, the other fraudster: “Psychopath – it’s too nice a word for him” | Politico | CBC | Rense | IHR | Ha’aretz | Lipstadt | Max Blumenthal blasts Elie Wiesel | Counterpunch: Poseur for Peace
Austria’s Presidential vote was rigged: highest court orders new vote: Österreich: Verfassungsgerichtshof kippt Präsidentenwahl (in German); 90 witnesses, say “hair-raising” oddities in leftist’s last-minute postal-vote “victory” | Breitbart (in English): Serious fraud
Mustn’t say that: Jeremy Corbyn compares Israel with ISIS in remarks against anti-Semitism
No Jews suffered: Germany drops investigation of 94-year-old SS officer linked to massacre in Italy - evidence dismissed
Why didn’t Theresa May act like this?: Danish police seize valuables from immigrants under new law – Five seeking asylum have £14,400 worth of dollars and euros seized at Copenhagen airport
The Occidental Observer: Brexit — the shockwaves continue: UKIP rising as Labour heads toward oblivion, Israel Lobby emerges triumphant
AWPOW*: Reversing course, U.S. “Mein Kampf” publisher will support “Holocaust survivors”
The Forward doesn’t like people naming (((Jews)))? “Nazi” detector app puts automatic swastika around “Right-Wing extremists” – and Donald Trump
Blame Hitler: “Far Right” demands exit poll for Germany. But referenda are banned since 1945 “because Hitler abused polls”– i.e. he kept winning genuine vast majorities, like 98.4 percent. No referendum has been held in Germany since 1945
Nigel Farage goads EU Parliament with famous Hitler quote (January 30, 1939): “You’re not laughing now”
Ha’aretz Confirms: Britain has been operating as an Israeli “asset” within the EU
Careful who succeeds Cameron: Israeli press asserts that Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and Theresa May are Zionist enthusiasts
That’s how they are: Court told that wealthy Larry Zalcman “smashed up his mother’s grave with a hammer” in Surrey cemetery’s Jewish section: now nobody will talk about it
David Cameron’s EU would-be immigrant (BBC: “migrant”) friends, rather rude, try a frantic last-minute invasion of Britain before the drawbridge goes up: “F*** the UK: Hundreds of stone-throwing immigrants force Calais to close, in violent rampage as police fire tear gas.”
John Pilger: Why the British said no to Europe | watch Peter Hitchens destroying the comfortable elitist Remain camp, on live BBC TV
Politico: Trump, touting his golf course, promises Brexit is only the beginning | The Swastika in My Basement | Crisis for the pollsters again after surveys failed to predict Brexit
The Jewish crook who was Hitler’s top smuggler for stolen loot: and his mysterious death |The Guardian: Oops. Man who claimed to have escaped Auschwitz admits he lied for years
ADL: Dramatic rise in US anti-Semitic assaults in last year — disliked for years, still don't get it.
These territories are all that remains of the British Empire: The Queen has just celebrated her 90th birthday, and it’s got us thinking. When she was born 90 years ago the British Empire was at its height”
Top Jewish historians attack Ken Livingstone’s claim that “Hitler supported Zionism” – but grudgingly admit the embarrassing Ha’avara Agreement of 1933, and that in 1935 Germany passed the Nuremberg Laws ruling that the national flag was the swastika and (Section 4) Jews could fly “the Jewish colors” — usually held to be blue and white
David Cameron, First Lord of the Treasury incidentally, and
his most notorious referendum untruth
The Occidental Observer: The Stolen Referendum: How Cameron & Co have ruthlessly exploited the murder of [little-known] MP Jo Cox to save their skins | British Jewry faces Brexit vote with fear and trepidation| Francis Begbie: The selective compassion of Jo Cox, the murdered Labour MP. Comment: “The truth cuts through [the] crap like a hot knife through butter”
“Argentine” buyer spends more than €600,000 at Nazi memorabilia auction | “Nazi” relics sold at German auction highlight growing “Far-Right” obsession with Holocaust Revival (uh?) | Hitler’s uniform sells for £215k to Argentinian collector
Stalin in June 1941 considered giving Hitler Ukraine and Baltic republics – This was also the view of General Dmitri Volkogonov, chairman of the Russian Archives Declassifying Commision, based on Stalin’s secret-safe documents which he saw. Panicking, Stalin asked a few days later, “Is [German Ambassador Friedrich-Werner von der] Schulenburg still on Soviet soil?”
Pamela Geller: Merkel, hell-bent on destroying Germany
Outrage: Jewish group disgusted at auction of “Nazi,” relics | Former Auschwitz guard Reinhold Hanning, 94, is convicted – “he may have escorted some to the gas chambers”
Hungary: One-third of population shares anti-Semitic beliefs - that’s a real mystery only for those who have forgotten the names Gerö, Farkas, Rakósi, Revai, Gabór Peter, and other 1956 Budapest criminals | One-third of all Hungarians . . .
JTA: French court fines writer Soral for implying on Facebook that Hitler should have finished the job – also ordered him to pay $5,600 to each of the [Beate] Klarsfelds, and $2,000 to the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (which came under suspicion in the 1938 murder of Vom Rath which triggered the Kristallnacht)
Outrage as Germany says it will no longer allow immigrants to have multiple marriages - justice minister Heiko Maas has said that no one has the “right to place their cultural values or religious beliefs above our laws”
[Enjoy the photograph]: Michigan mandates Holocaust education
Jewish newspaper: “Renowned Historian” Deborah Lipstadt is interviewed about Lipstadt, the movie | “Godzilla” writer take on new Monster. Digital Times says: a “despicable saga in the long history of poisonous sophistry and intellectualized racism” | Expensive Trailer launches Lipstadt, the movie. In Hollywood, given their, uh, persuasions, can there be any doubt who will get awards…? – Now look at the actual trial transcript. Incidentally, the Court refused the real Lipstadt her multi-million dollars costs (and we know why)
Lipstadt Trial: A team of historians rebuilt a “Nazi” gas chamber – but Professor Robert Jan Van Pelt conceded during voir dire (pages 38ff) that he was just a “professor of cultural history,” and not a qualified “architect”; overlooking this, the court permitted him to give expert evidence as an architect | what we had to say about Van Pelt; rebuttal and peepholes, at the trial | New York Times, “The Evidence Room”: Architects examine the horrors of Auschwitz: “The [gas] column also raises tricky questions of authenticity.” The eight, Mr. van Pelt said, were dismantled by the Nazis in late 1944, and vanished
| Now why would he say those things? Pennsylvania ASSHOL* lied about his age, Auschwitz imprisonment and escape | Now Great Shakedown targets Poland: International forum on Holocaust restitution, ‘J’accuse’ against Poland | Fox News
Latest news on Orlando: Mass killer Omar Mateen is “outed” as jilted homosexual; wife faces charges after “helping him scope out attack”
Austria: A rerun of the Austrian presidential election likely, following complaint filed by the defeated Freedom Party, according to an expert on the Austrian constitution. Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache filed the complaint Wednesday | And: “Far-right” file case against media for “Nazi” claim | Austria’s interior minister: Hitler’s birth house “likely” to be demolished
$20 Million Gift to Upgrade U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: “in honor of the parents of Allan Holt, who are Holocaust survivors. Holt, an investment manager at the Carlyle Group, […]” etc.
We must have blinked: “The era of the quiet Jew is over”: says Ronald Lauder,World Jewish Congress, accepting “Zionist” award from Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies. Previous recipients include Jonathan Sacks, James S. Snyder, Dore Gold, Malcolm Hoenlein, Caroline Glick, Norman Podhoretz, Daniel Pipes, William Safire, Arthur Cohn, Charles Krauthammer, Cynthia Ozick, A.M. Rosenthal, Herman Wouk and Elie Wiesel
More famous Jewish paedophiles: Sir Clement Freud exposed as a paedophile, linked to murdered Madeleine McCann. Shared an office with Cyril Smith, serial paedophile. British Police knew…
Outrage as German court refuses to hear Israeli “Holocaust expert” at new trial of 94-year-old SS guard. “You can Google it”
Germany’s vice chancellor: Anti-immigrant AfD party sounds like my Nazi father – but that isn’t the only reason to vote for it
Israel is concealing vital records to prevent darkest periods in its history from coming to light, academics say
Outrage as Berlusconi’s newspaper Il Giornale offers free copies of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” with supplement | Shock and more outrage | Hitler’s book suddenly popular again
Jews don’t just destroy BHS jobs, they also heroically prosecute: Former radio operator facing genocide trial is 92 years old
A dog’s life: Sex with pets is OK by Canada’s Supreme Court - and read the hilarious comments
Google [Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen] are “directly engaged” in Clinton campaign, says Julian Assange, reports Breitbart | She throws German voter-support under the bus: Hillary baits fans into calling Trump a “Nazi”; he’s of “German heritage”
Bilderberg conference meets in Dresden five-star hotel for three days ending today June 11| Revealed: Guests at secretive meeting will include former “C,” ex-CIA chief, Dutch king, bankers, politicians — Read the reader Comments | Europe to send conspiracy theorists to “Reeducation Camps”
Meanwhile the real criminals skip away with billions: Italian parliament adopts law combatting Holocaust-denial - Corriere della Sera columnist Pierluigi Battista asks for arguments, rather than “liberticidal” laws. “Censorship constantly extends its boundaries, covering an ever greater number of opinions as crimes, which instead may be disgusting, but not criminal"
Traditional enemies of free speech: World’s social media giants agree with Europe to suppress what they call “hate speech,” e.g., criticism of abortion, homosexual “marriage,” etc.
Outrage as Irish female member of European Parliament says Israeli lobbyists are [all over this place, Brussels] “like a rash” – they are not outraged by the fact, but by her language | Israeli con-men stole millions from global companies | ADL belatedly warns against (((echo))) symbol – Jews prefer not to be identified as such | Google removes racist Chrome extension that was used to “target” Jewish people online | Israel shields sex fiend: won’t extradite ex-school principal wanted in Australia on sex crime charge
What were they actually doing in a non-Jewish area on the darkened Dover beach? Scores of Jewish teenagers from London risk unplanned-drowning holocaust, finally a British Coast Guard helicopter comes to their rescue
Hitler’s “secret” brother: German leader had a disabled younger sibling
The Occidental Observer: A Smear Campaign against Croatia's Dr. Zlatko Hasanbegovic, Culture Minister
Trump’s Jewish adviser: Trump is not responsible for supporters’ anti-Semitism | Foxman’s ADL hates Trump, goes after those criticising Jewish journalists | Examples of what ADL sees as antisemitism; said H.S. Truman: Can’t take the heat – get outta da kitchen
Oh, what a tangled web: Row as east Libyan central bank prints billions of Russian-backed bank-notes similar to those of US-backed authorities
What we know about Ashley Hasti, Minnesota victim of UCLA shooter Mainak Sarkar. Her father must have been so pleased when she brought him to dinner …
Why the BBC is turning Black: BBC turns down trainees because they are intelligent White: Job applicants told BBC wants people only from (less intelligent) “ethnic minority” backgrounds – but the minority will soon be us White people, if this “migration” madness is not halted
... more madness: Life-size “butcher” statue stood outside a shop here in Inverness for thirty years: city council bosses threaten a £2,500 “pavement-blocking” fine
Who, us? Outrage as “Neo-Nazi” Golden Dawn lawmaker calls Israel the “eternal enemy of Greece and Orthodoxy”
The Occidental Observer: The Fall of London: Thoughts on White Dispossession
Rachel Weisz Holocaust Denier movie drama “Dental” to open Sept. 30 — “Dental” relates Deborah Lipstadt’s (Rachel Weisz, left) crusade against David Irving (Timothy Spall), who sued her for libel. (Facts warning: “Dental” was rewritten for the screen by screenwriter Max Borenstein, Russ Krasnoff, Jeff Skoll, BBC Films’ Joe Oppenheimer, and Bleecker Street’s Andrew Karpen.) Warbles Anthony d’Alessandro: “I’ve heard great things about this one for awards season.”
AWPOW*: Outrage as Jewish plans for a six-mile “eruv” of fishing wire are leaked in London. Wanna bet which side comes out on top?
“Far-right” parties winning over some Jewish voters, warns Moscow’s and Europe’s top rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt. “Today Austria is home to an estimated 15,000 Jews and more than 500,000 Muslims.”
International Policy Digest: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), has been in dispute after 248 pages of its content were leaked. Greenpeace Netherlands sheds light on a document that remains obscure
What Chancellor Konrad Adenauer said about “Jewish power.” A German minister of the interior (Friedrich Zimmermann) privately told a journalist, explaining his reluctance to visit Auschwitz, “Ich nehme an, Sie haben wenig Umgang mit dem international Judentum” | What German MP Martin Hohmann said about the Jews as a Tätervolk, a Nation of Perpetrators
“Hitler’s code machine” [a Lorenz Geheimschreiber] snapped up off eBay for £9.50, after discovery in Essex shed
Top Hungarian says US, Obama, and György Söros, want to fill Europe with Muslim immigrants - which explains why Cameron & Co have to trot along with them | Breitbart: Immigrants committing disproportionately high crime in Germany; but media and government focus on “Far Right” thought-crimes
Those nice folks at Harvard commencement. Steven Spielberg, in Harvard speech, says anti-semitism on the rise (“Two bloody noses,” bad news for any Jew, “it was horrible”). Nobody asks why anti-semitism is on the rise; ask 11,000 former BHS employees. — Times have changed since 1944. Morgenthau in 1944 discussed Harvard with FDR, where just 5% were Jews ; and agreed with FDR, that was too many
The Aftermath at Dunkirk, as seen by Hitler’s personal photographer Hugo Jäger
| Kristallnacht
Dangerous times for those who speak the truth: Ken Livingstone has popular radio show axed after suggesting Hitler and Zionists wanted the same thing. Mustn’t say that; it happens to be true, but… | Even Ha’aretz says Donald Trump must clean up his act: Trump’s new sleazy fundraiser’s Israel connection | Israel snubbed: British historian Catherine Hall rejects £225,000 Israeli award, citing “political” reasons
German prosecutors investigate “neo-Nazi” edition of Mein Kampf – printed without the hundreds of “do-gooder” notes | Because: Weitere Infos hier: Endlich unkommentiert! - Nachdruck von Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf!
Guido Fawkes: EU plots tax numbers for every European citizen – remember the “Boston Tea Party”?
Allan Hall: Outrage after son of detested Nazi leader, Heider Heydrich, announces he wants to restore “castle” where Butcher of Prague ruled. Heider Heydrich is 81; he told Mr Irving in 1970 he would never forget the spectacle in 1942 (he was seven) as thousands of ordinary Czechs stood in line for hours, the women dressed in mourning and carrying flowers, as the body of his father — hated by Jews, Communists, and British journalists who invented the “Butcher” title – lay in state in Prague. He was assassinated by British-trained SOE men
Prof John Mearsheimer says Baiting Russia is not good policy: How the World Ends
Austrian presidential election: “Whoever loves Austria is Sh*t” – Austria’s new President hates his own country. Mystery “postal-votes” just save the day in Austria | Daily Mail takes a look at his “defeated” opponent and the “winner’’
Observer: Abe Foxman on the Cancerous State of Anti-Semitism
Reinhard Heydrich villa up for sale for a cool 17 million dollars (in Czech).
Electric Intifada says Jews like Klemperer are secretly behind Labour “anti-Semitism” campaign: Instigator of anti-Semitism scam kicked out of Labour Party
The “Nazi” hunters who wouldn’t give up: “Many war criminals… simply went back and resumed their lives”
Religion: Archbishop Welby (the bastard) says: Anti-semitism is “embedded” in British culture
Austrians can’t do anything right: The beautiful flower with an ugly past | Panic strikes the old gang in Austria: “Far-Right” wins first round of Austrian presidential election | Reuters Commentary: Shadow of “Nazism” looms over Vienna
Israel National News: Melania [Trump] blames the Jews | Donald Trump: Bad for Jewish Republicans? | Europe’s Leaders blast Bill Clinton over democracy jibe: “The Mouth Belongs To Clinton, The Voice Belongs To Soros”
Israel’s global reach threatens freedom of speech everywhere – “a global apparatus that seeks to shut down the will of the people everywhere, and erode our freedoms, in order to increase the power of politicians, multinational corporations, and the global arms and security trade”
Fox News “consultant” (and torture-advocate) Alan Dershowitz (born 1938) says Europe’s old and new hells remind us of Israel’s importance
National Post: The “Nazi” who fell from the sky: seventy-five years since the Rudolf Hess’s peace mission failed | BBC: Inside the mind of Adolf Hitler's deputy
Battle for Freedom of Speech. #1: U.S. Holocaust Museum calls on Iran to disavow cartoon contest |
Washington Post: Iranians say Holocaust cartoon contest not aimed at denial | US Holocaust museum urges Iranians to deny visas to participants in Holocaust cartoon event | Antisemitic Crimes on the rise in Britain, audit finds: Jews will “have no choice but to emigrate”
Battle for Freedom of Speech. #2: “Customs” kicks French comic out of Canada
Woof-woof, #3: Scotsman arrested after teaching girlfriend’s dog to perform Hitler salute as a “prank” - responding to the phrase “gas the Jews,” pug raises its paw in an imitation salute. And we always thought Scots had nae sense of humour
Landlord got at? Alternative für Deutschland battles to use Hofbräuhaus beer hall that launched Hitler’s career | Beer hall that hosted Hitler’s first speech forced to allow “far-right party” meeting
The Occidental Observer: Philip Green, Jewish Criminality, and the Cost of Economic Parasitism: The Wider Context of Jewish “White Collar” Crime | Outrage over Göttingen’s dismissal of Jewish anti-Semitism expert - (Bad teachers get dismissed all the time) | U.S. criticises Romanian central bank for issuing “anti-Semitic” coin – The bank’s governor died in a communist KGB prison in 1950, which says all we need to know
David Irving has often said that Professor Helmut Krausnick asked him in 1970 about this new word “holocaust” that he was hearing. That stuck in Irving’s memory. Now Google (left) confirms it: that was the year the world began to hear that word (but in 2000, with the trial of Irving vs. Lipstadt, the popularity-decline began)
Now interestingly compare it with the Google graph on "Israeli war crimes"
“A born natural orator”: Irish student’s account of Adolf Hitler in 1921. Sounds to us like something written with Irish hindsight, the future Führer “foaming at the mouth,” etc.