October 14, 1999
-- For more than a
year the publishers of a slender 155-page
memoir of a young Latvian Jewish orphan's
early life of struggle in two
concentration camps stood firm against
accusations that the memories of terror
were nothing more than vivid
fantasies. But Wednesday the German publisher,
Suhrkamp Verlag, which had once vigorously
defended the author, Binjamin
Wilkomirksi, announced with
expressions of pity that it was
withdrawing from stores all hardcover
copies of the book, "Fragments." It was
acting on information in a historian's
100-page confidential report that had
recently been presented to it that
concluded that Wilkomirski had not been a
Jewish orphan but a Swiss-born child named
Bruno Doessekker. The announcement, in which the
publisher continued to refer to the author
as Binjamin Wilkomirski, was made in a
brief statement in what amounts to the
public square of international publishing,
the annual Frankfurt Book Fair, which
draws more than 6,000 exhibitors annually.
And it is likely that the Suhrkamp
announcement will have a ripple effect
since many of the other publishers of the
book around the world had relied on the
well-respected German publisher to vouch
for Wilkomirski. Wilkomirski did not respond to
messages left for him at his home
in Switzerland. But two people
with knowledge of the report said
that when he was confronted with
its findings, he stood up and
declared defiantly, "I am
Binjamin Wilkomirski." The frail, reclusive author
has been immersed in an
international controversy since a
Swiss writer, Daniel
Ganzfried, first
raised doubts publicly last
year about whether Wilkomirski
was actually Jewish or even old
enough to have witnessed the
terrors of two concentration
camps in Poland. The author
described watching rats rummaging
among the corpses and starving
babies sucking their fingers to
the bone. In
translations, the book's simple,
searing language has reaped a
number of honors like the
National Jewish Book Award in the
United States and the Prix
Mémoire de la Shoah in
France. Wilkomirski also toured
the United States to deliver
lectures in major cities
sponsored by the Umited States
Holocaust Memorial
Museum. | The
Original N Y Times
Review "His
extraordinary memoir,
'Fragments: Memories of a
Wartime Childhood,' recalls
the Holocaust with the
powerful immediacy of
innocence, injecting
well-documented events with
fresh terror and poignancy.
Constructed like flashes of
memory, the book unfolds in
bursts of association, the way
children tell stories. Only
here the evil giants are real,
the endings rarely happy."
From Julie Salamon's
review of 'Fragments' (January
12, 1997) |
But as the nagging doubts about his
identity increased, Wilkomirski's Swiss
agent, Eva Koralnik, decided to
hire a Swiss historian, Stefan
Mächler, to investigate the
author's murky past. Mächler's
preliminary report, six months in the
making, includes new information from
documents, which indicate that Wilkomirski
was living in Switzerland and never left
the country during the war years, a period
when, he has said, he was struggling to
survive in the camps of Majdanek and
Auschwitz. A Swiss television station also
reported this week that the historian had
tracked down the author's living natural
father. A final report is still scheduled to be
issued, Suhrkamp said, but there was
enough troubling information to prompt the
publisher to pull several hundred
hardcover copies in circulation in German
bookstores and to banish the title from
the back list of its Jewish-interest
publishing imprint, Jüdischer Verlag.
Suhrkamp will continue to sell paperback
versions until the final report comes out
sometime in the next three weeks and the
company makes what it says will be its
ultimate conclusion. "We are very disappointed to make this
decision," said Nadine Meyer, the
editor of Jüdischer. "We are sad
about it and we feel sorry about it, but
also have a responsiblity as a
publisher." Heide
Grasnick, a spokeswoman for
Suhrkamp, said the company did not
condemn Wilkomirksi but rather felt
sympathy for the author, who was raised
by his adoptive parents in Switzerland
and spent decades searching for his
identity. While awaiting a response from
Wilkomirski, Ms. Grasnick said, the
company decided to move right away to
withdraw books published by Jüdischer
because it now seemed inappropiate for a
Jewish publishing imprint to be
circulating the book. "It's a problem," Ms. Grasnick said.
"What do you do when you have an author
who maintains that this is his identity
and still believes it and there are these
documents?" She added: "I feel pity for
him because I know him personally. He's
not a happy person." In his book, first published in 1995,
Wilkomirski portrayed himself as an
orphaned young Latvian Jew despite Swiss
legal records that indicated that he was
born in Biel, Switzerland, in 1941 to an
unmarried Swiss woman who was Christian,
Yvonne Grosjean. He was later
adopted by middle-class parents, the
Doessekkers. Publishers said that the report was the
result of a rare formal contract among
Wilkomirski; his literary agent, Ms.
Koralnik, and Mächler, who struck an
agreement to look at all of Wilkomirski's
documentation. Mächler was given
power of attorney to request private
government documents. As part of that contract, Wilkomirski
has the right to review the report and to
respond within the next 20 days, Ms.
Grasnick of Suhrkamp said. Ms. Koralnik started sharing the report
with the book's various publishers this
week. "It's the only way we can do this to
bring an end to this matter," Ms. Koralnik
said of her decision to commission a
report. "So we decided that we owed
something to the reader, to the publisher
and everybody who read the book." She declined to describe her own
reaction to the report, but said, "I think
that the fact that the book was withdrawn
speaks for itself." Carol
Janeway, Wilkomirski's American
editor and translator for Schocken
Books, an imprint of Alfred A. Knopf,
said she had received a copy of the
preliminary report on Tuesday but would
probably not take any action until
after reading it. When doubts about the
book were raised, Ms. Janeway defended
it last November as "remarkable
testimony" and said the publisher was
not about to "vet every manuscript and
every author on an adversarial
basis." Leon Stabinsky, the president of
the California Association of Holocaust
Survivors, said that Suhrkamp should have
taken this latest step a long time ago
because it had fielded early allegations
from a former Swiss newspaper editor that
the book was a work of fiction. But the view was far from unanimous
even among Holocaust survivors. Stabinsky
formed his own group after splitting off
from the Holocaust Child Survivors Group
of Los Angeles, in part because of feuding
over whether the book's author was telling
the truth.  Copyright
1999 The New York Times
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