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Jewish Telegraph Agency

Jewish Telegraph Agency, New York, October 10, 1999

News at a Glance | JTA

[Decoding David Icke]

Last updated Thusday, October 10


Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Some 60 people in Toronto protested a speech by a British author known for his belief in conspiracy theories and for his anti-Semitism. David Icke, a former BBC sports announcer and one-time member of the British Green Party, substituted words such as "freemasons" and "reptilian race" in place of "Jew" when he spoke Oct. 6 at the University of Toronto, according to a Jewish leader.

© Jewish Telegraphic Agency Inc.



Website comment: it is to be feared that reptiles and freemasons will be the next to complain about Mr Icke's vicious emarks.

Reproduced without alteration other than typographical. Headline added. [Related item]

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