May 19, 1999
Makers Seek Rise in Pentagon
WHATEVER lessons the
war with Serbia may teach Nato's military
planners, American weapons makers are
already anticipating that Kosovo may help
secure a strategic victory for them -- not
on the battlefield, but in Congress.
After a decade of slashing armaments
spending by nearly 70 percent and
downsizing the military contracting
industry, Washington now seems inclined to
increase outlays for weapons. And this
spending will go far beyond the request
for $12.2 billion in Kosovo emergency
funds now before Congress. Even before
Nato bombs started dropping, the
administration's budget proposal in
February had requested $112 billion in
additional Pentagon spending over the next
five years to bring the Pentagon's budget
up to $319 billion by 2005. The increase, intended in part to head
off Republican claims that the Democratic
White House has let the military atrophy,
would be the biggest increase in military
spending since the late 1980s. For
military contractors, the relevant portion
of the Pentagon budget is the money
earmarked for weapons -- as much as $53
billion for weapons procurement next year
and $60 billion the following year --
compared with $44 billion last year, which
was the lowest level in more than a
decade. Although there was already widespread
support for the spending measures, many
political and industry analysts say that
the fighting in Kosovo can only strengthen
the case for increasing weapons spending
when Congress takes up the Pentagon budget
early this summer. "Kosovo has definitely
changed things here on defense spending
issues," said Rep. Duncan Hunter,
R-Calif., who heads the procurement
subcommittee of the House Armed Services
Committee, the subcommittee that helps set
the level of weapons spending. "Folks who
used to vote to cut defense massively are
now voting to deploy our military more and
more." The spending
increases would be used to replenish
stocks of ships and aircraft, radar
jammers and missiles that the Pentagon,
for years, claimed have become
dangerously frayed and dangerously low.
Just how many, and what kinds of
weapons would be the topic of much
further debate and lobbying, even once
the money was appropriated. But this
much is already clear: Most of the
transports, weapons and ordnance now in
use in Kosovo is equipment no longer
actively produced -- including the C-5
transport plane, the B-2 bomber and the
Tomahawk cruise missile. So the need for new generations of
materiel, and the money to pay for it,
represents the best business opportunity
in years for military contractors. "Kosovo
underscores what the industry has been
saying -- that we need to get to a
sustainable rate of spending," said
Daniel T. Burnham, chief executive
of the Raytheon Co., which made the
Tomahawk cruise missile. "We need to get
to $60 billion in weapons outlays,"
Burhham said. "We are now on that path.
And we are getting there faster than we
first thought." Too fast, perhaps, for some. "The
procurement amounts proposed are out of
line," Rep. Neil Abercrombie,
D-Hawaii, and ranking member of a House
Armed Services personnel subcommittee,
said on Tuesday. "We haven't answered
fundamental questions of what size defense
we want, how we get there and what are the
costs the country can realistically absorb
in a post Cold War environment." The
downsizing and consolidation that followed
the end of the Cold War has left the
nation with three main military
contractors: the Boeing Co., Raytheon and
the Lockheed Martin Co., along with
thousands and thousands of subcontractors
that are attached to these giants. Pentagon budgets have long been
operated on a boom-and-bust cycle. But
during this latest period of industry
reorganization, fundamental changes were
also taking place in the nature of
warfare. No longer was the nation planning
for a big two-country conflict of the type
once feared with the Soviet Union.
Instead, the 1990s have been characterized
by many small military engagements.
Compared with the Bush administration,
when there were 14 military engagements --
most notably the Gulf War -- the Clinton
years so far have seen American troops
called into action nearly four dozen
times, including the current engagement in
Yugoslavia. Those efforts include military missions
in South Korea, Haiti, Somalia, the
Balkans and Iraq -- as well as
humanitarian efforts following hurricanes
and earthquakes in Central America and
other places. "These engagements wear out
equipment faster, and the faster it wears
out, the sooner you have to pay for new
equipment," said Jonathan L.
Etherton, head of legislative affairs
for the Aerospace Industries Association,
a Washington trade group. "A lot of this
equipment will end its useful life faster
than expected." At the same
time, in addition to the C-5 and B-2
planes and Tomahawk cruise missiles,
many of other weapons now being used in
the Balkans have aged and, often, are
no longer in production. The Pentagon
has not bought new F-16 Fighting
Falcons in years, and the F-15 Strike
Eagle production line is about to
close. The list of aircraft out of
production includes the EA-6B, a Navy
anti-jamming aircraft; the A-10
Thunderbolt, the A-6 attack
air-to-ground craft and the F-117
Stealth fighter. While the next generation of weapons is
still largely a matter for Congress and
the Pentagon to decide -- with intense
lobbying from military contractors -- the
Pentagon has already drawn up a wish list.
It includes additional F-22's, upgrades of
the Abrams tanks and Apache helicopter, a
new destroyer, attack submarine and a new
aircraft carrier. And in what already is
shaping up as a showdown between Boeing
and Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon has
proposed a Joint Strike Fighter to replace
the F-16, now made by Lockheed. One other impact of Kosovo for American
military contractors is the realization
that Nato might not be as much of a
customer for their future products as
previously imagined. For years, the
military industry has lobbied for Nato
expansion -- in fact the Committee to
Expand Nato, the main lobbying force, is
headed by a Lockheed Martin executive. The
assumption has been that all these
countries would want to buy all the latest
and newest equipment that American arms
makers could produce rather than relying
on European-made armaments. Certainly, Kosovo has highlighted the
shortcomings of many of the European
forces -- and thus of coalition warfare,
when allies are not equally equipped. Only
10 percent of the aircraft used by
European forces are capable of precision
bombing, and few of the Nato countries
have the smart weapons and communications
systems now common in the American
military. But it is unclear whether other Nato
nations will increase their military
budgets enough to buy new equipment and,
even if they did, whether they would buy
from American military contractors rather
then European ones. "Kosovo is showing the
big disparities in Nato capability," said
one military industry lobbyist, who
insisted on not being named. "That will be
looked at after the war. But will these
countries have the political imperative to
buy this new equipment? The answer is
still out."