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Chicago professor's new book on Americans and the Holocaust heaps criticism on Deborah Lipstadt: He makes the "shoah-business" argument, Novick cites her work as an example of the santification of the Holocaust.

Novick bookThe Holocaust in American Life
by Peter Novick, Eric Chinski (Editor)

List Price: $27.00 • Our Price: $18.90 at a glance You Save: $8.10 (30%)

Hardcover - 320 pages (June 1999)

Houghton Mifflin Co (Trd); ISBN: 0395840090


The Chronicle of Higher Education

A Scholar Argues that Americans Are Obsessed with The Holocaust


Please see the original story on The Chronicle's Website at

Scott Jaschik, Editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education asks that our readers see the article on the original Website rather than on ours. Sorry!

Now see the scholarly debate in The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Do Americans obsess over the Holocaust? Has the focus on the Holocaust distorted scholarship and our understanding of history, and our perception of other atrocities and war crimes?"
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