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 Posted Sunday, May 16, 1999

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The Not So Independent
May 15, 1999

War in the Balkans

"It all went very well," said the General. "Another effective day."


By Robert Fisk in Brussels

IN SAIGON, during the Vietnam War, they had the five o'clock follies. In the 1991 Gulf War, the Americans boasted of their military successes at the four o'clock follies.

In Brussels, Nato's follies start at three o'clock. But yesterday, the Shea and Jertz show was theatre of the obscene.

Indeed, as we all waited to hear Nato's reaction to what might be its most terrible bloodbath to date (or Serbia's most successful propaganda), a Nato technician projected a massive test slide on to the screen next to the 19 flags of the alliance.



WE regret that by letter dated Tuesday, December 5, 2000 a Ms. Louise Hayman, the head of legal services at The Independent newspaper, requested that Robert Fisk's articles be removed from this website. We have adjusted the masthead accordingly. You can access it by the link at the top until the newspaper disables th4e URL.

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