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 Posted Tuesday, May 18, 1999

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Collins with Canadian television reporter

Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE): Press Release, Tuesday, May 18, 1999



Dear Free Speech Supporter:

Yesterday in Supreme Court in Victoria, the mouthpiece for the B.C. Attorney General sought to quash Doug Collins' appeal -- motion for judicial review -- of his conviction in February by a B.C. Human Rights Tribunal for having written "hate" against various privileged minorities.

This totalitarian press gag must, of course, be appealed. CAFE intends to seek intervenor status -- our lawyer was present at the proceedings -- and has already contributed $500 toward the Collins' appeal and is raising more.

The B.C. Attorney General and the NDP government wish to postpone or quash the hearings. They fear being further disgraced as the censors they are as their shaky regime totters toward an election which will likely decimate them.

Yesterday, the judge refused to quash the proceedings and on June 15 will set a date for the appeal to be heard.

-- Paul Fromm

Our opinion
   NOW READ what the Vancouver BC newspaper North Shore News writes in support of its famous journalist Douglas Collins.

The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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