Subj: International Days of Anti-War
Protest-- April 17 Date: Sunday, April 4, 1999
12:59:44 am From: [email protected] Press Contact: Sara Flounders For: Immediate Release Deirdre Sinnott,
212-633-6646 As Fires
Rage in Belgrade: Anti-war activists
set "March for Truth" demanding STOP
the Bombing, STOP the War Against
Yugoslavia Wed., April 7, 5:00 p.m.
Grand Central Station, NYC Marching to
offices of G.E.-owned NBC at
Rockefeller Center (5 Ave, 47th - 50th
Sts.) Call
for International Days of Protest against
U.S./NATO bombing of Yugoslavia Sat.,
April 17 Charge
NBC with hiding real issues behind
U.S./NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. NBC is
owned by GE -- one of the world's largest
military contractors.
On April 3, as fires raged in downtown
Belgrade -- a city of 2 million hit by a
U.S./NATO cruise missiles -- anti-war
activists announced the next in a series
of growing protests against the bombing.
On Wed., April 7 in New York City at 5
p.m. there will be a March for Truth at
Grand Central Station, marching to
Rockefeller Center (5 Ave., 47th-50th
Sts.). The protest will target GE-owned
NBC and other major media for falsely
presenting the issues behind the U.S.
bombing of Yugoslavia. The demonstration
is initiated by the International Action
Center. "NBC and other major media are owned by
the leading military contractors and war
profiteers. The news media functions as a
public relations firm for these war
corporations and the Pentagon.," said
Brian Becker, co-coordinator of the
International Action Center. "Because of
this, the suffering of only one group, the
refugees leaving Kosovo, is covered.
Meanwhile, the other Yugoslav victims of
the U.S./NATO bombings are ignored.
General Electric, one of the world's
largest military contractors with a direct
interest in the bombing as a supplier of
engines for NATO jet fighters, owns NBC
and co-owns MS/NBC." The International Action Center also
issued a call for April 17 International
Day of Protest against the U.S./NATO
Bombing of Yugoslavia. The New York City
action will be on Sat., April 17, 12 noon,
gathering at Grand Central Station.
Coordinated actions will take place in
cities throughout the U.S. and around the
world demanding "STOP the Bombing, STOP
the War Against Yugoslavia."  International
Action Center 39 West 14 Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011 email:
[email protected] phone: (212)
633-6646 fax: (212)
633-2889 |