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Posted Monday, February 15, 1999

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Israeli Goverment's Frantic Hodge-Podge of Lies about the March of Real History

The Israeli government has issued the following report on world-wide trends which it finds disturbing, particularly "Holocaust denial".



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a. General Background -- 1991-1992

(1) The world trend in antisemitic manifestations was on the upswing in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. Violent antisemitic activity peaked in 1991, when the Israeli monitoring agencies recorded 61 assaults and 106 violent incidents against Jewish institutions, individuals, synagogues, cemeteries, and memorials. The explanation for this lies in several events and processes that combined with the basic 'loss of shame,, phenomenon, now that two generations have passed since the Holocaust.

  • (a) The aftereffects of the collapse of Communism in the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe include the release of nationalist, ethnic, and ultra-Rightist forces, which had long held themselves in check for fear of the Soviet regime. These forces blame the Jews for the Soviet occupation of their countries and the crimes committed by the Communist regimes. Communist forces, in turn, have accused the Jews of responsibility for glasnost and the downfall of Communism. Both sides in this ideological struggle -- the nationalists and the Communists -- allege today that the Jews have been the major beneficiaries of the economic liberalization in the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe, to the exclusion of the majority of the population.
  • (b) In the Gulf crisis, various extremist groups -- Right, Left, and fundamentalist -- joined forces against the American and Allied policy toward Iraq. They believed that Israel, Zionism, and the Jews lurked behind the imperialist plot to attack Iraq and take over the entire world.
  • (c) The economic crisis in Western Europe and the United States reinforced extremists, mostly on the Right but also on the Left, who blame the Jews for the crisis and its consequences.


  • (a) As it happened, 1992 (for which a detailed annual summary has been completed) was calmer than 1991 until autumn, when a spasm of racist xenophobia erupted in Germany. This outbreak was marked by the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and memorials, and for this reason remains engraved in our memory. As a matter of fact, the total number of antisemitic incidents in Germany in 1992 was no higher than previously. Their character, however, triggered outbursts of violence by neo-Nazi forces in other countries. Desecration of cemeteries and attacks on community centers and individual Jews proliferated in France, Sweden, Canada, Hungary, Australia, and other countries.
  • (b) In 1992, Israeli agencies gathered information on 48 attacks: 36 in Europe and Latin America and 12 in the United States. This marked a significant decrease compared with the abovementioned 61 cases of assault recorded in 1991, although this decrease did not include the Eastern European countries.(n.1) All in all, 1992 was no calmer than 1991 for Jewish communities around the world. In terms of violent incidents (category 6: an increase from 106 in 1991 to 173 in 1992) and of venomous antisemitic propaganda, antisemitism was actually stronger in 1992, despite some success in the struggle and the sensitivities and protests of broad segments of public opinion, chiefly in Western Europe, against the upturn in racism and antisemitism.
  • (c) In Germany, the Government acted vigorously against lawbreakers and the public demonstrated en masse against the neo-Nazi upsurge. However, it remains to be seen how matters will unfold in view of the grave employment crisis in Germany.
  • (d) The Yugoslav crisis and the ethnic conflicts in the CIS (the former Soviet Union) also threatened the stability of large areas, and directly or indirectly, the security of various Jewish communities.
  • (e) The ascendancy of radical Islam in several Arab countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan), in Judea-Samaria and Gaza, and in Israel, coupled with Iran's willingness to help any extremist Islamic movement and any radical anti- Israel group, is a menace to Jewish communities, either directly or through the radicalization of nearby local Muslim communities. The perpetrators of ten of the 36 assaults recorded in 1992 (including two in North Africa and two in Turkey) were Islamic or Arab, and such agents were responsible for 21 of the 150 violent incidents recorded last year.


b. Violent Incidents in the First Half of 1993(n.2)

(1) The level of antisemitic activity recorded in January 1993 was still high, pursuant to that of the last four months of 1992. In January, a cell of the Turkish arm of Hizbullah, evidently helped by Iran, attempted to assassinate Jewish industrial and public figure Jacques Kimhi in Turkey, and 23 violent incidents were recorded.

(2) Through June, only six assaults or attempted assaults were recorded around the world, and in at least three of them -- the murders of a Jew in Belarus and a Jewish engineer and a physician in Latvia -- it is not at all certain that the background was antisemitic.

(3) Between February and June, the number of violent incidents recorded decreased significantly, to an average of 13-14 per month. A total of 84 incidents were recorded. However, several characteristics of these incidents were novel and deserve special mention:

  • a. Cases of stonethrowing at Jewish institutions and synagogues increased, evidently copying intifada behavior.
  • b. Many of the incidents involved desecration of cemeteries and memorials (21 cases). They occurred in many countries, including some, such as Finland and Russia, that had hardly witnessed such incidents in the past. Cemetery desecrations in Germany, Sweden, France, and Argentina are especially noteworthy.
  • c. There were more attacks on Jewish schools or schoolchildren, and more telephoned or written threats against schools.

(4) A large number of incidents occurred in Australia, Germany, France, Hungary, and Great Britain. The number of incidents in South America, chiefly Brazil and Argentina, also increased recently.


c. The Propaganda Front

(1) Antisemitic propaganda gathered strength during the period reviewed, despite the efforts of authorities in various locations to restrain it.

(2) A novelty that turned up over the past few months in several European countries, Australia, and the United States, was the mailing of antisemitic propaganda to Jewish institutions and individuals, or to individuals who wrote letters to newspaper editors criticizing antisemitic groups or defending the State of Israel.

(3) One special phenomenon, well known from past experience, which has become doubly important in view of legal measures taken in European and other countries to prevent the publication of neo-Nazi propaganda, is the mailing of hate material, in several languages, from the United States to these countries, either overtly or surreptitiously. Today, the publications and colorful stickers of the Nazi organization NSDAP/AO and the Liberty Lobby are being circulated in all European countries, South America, and Australia. The freedom of speech provisions of the United States Constitution make this possible. Another technique of disseminating reports and giving operational orders is electronic mail, which the neo-Nazi organizations in Germany use efficiently.

(4) Antisemitic brochures and articles, which are sometimes published in mass-circulation newspapers, have proliferated in states such as Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Hungary, Russia, Romania, and Turkey, despite appeals to the authorities. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf are readily obtainable in several countries.

(5) Articles with antisemitic barbs have been proliferating in Arab countries, especially Egypt and Syria. In Syria, two new antisemitic books have been published, and antisemitic writings have appeared in official organs of the Baath Party. Extreme Muslim groups in Europe (e.g., France and Great Britain) disseminate antisemitic material, in books, pamphlets, and cassettes including sermons by well-known Islamic preachers.

(6) In Iran, sermons delivered at mosques or broadcast by radio in the past few months have contained antisemitic expressions, and the official newspaper Al-Qian published a hate article.

(7) In South America, racist skinhead groups formed in the past year (in Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, and Colombia), adopting the symbols used by their United States and European colleagues.

(8) The expulsion by Israel of Hamas leaders in December 1992 triggered an anti-Zionist and antisemitic reawakening among far-Left organizations and Arab and Palestinian circles, in Europe and South America, as manifested in newspaper articles, defamatory graffiti in the streets, and threats against Jewish communities and prominent individuals. Manifestations such as these surfaced -- for the first time -- in Central American and Caribbean countries. In Paris, for example, Arabic-language cassettes with the sermons of well-known Islamic preachers inciting against the Jews "based on" quotations from the Koran, have been circulated. The major themes in these sermons are that the Jews are scoundrels of long standing; a cowardly, malevolent, and racist aggregate, controllers of international banking and media, and the augurers of the modernity and "Oriental studies" that have besmirched the face of Islam.

(9) In the Middle East, fundamentalist movements are gaining strength in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Turkey. This includes their terror units, some of which operate outside the Middle East. Iran and Sudan, the two countries in the region that are presently controlled by fundamentalist parties, freely provide the region's fundamentalist movements with material assistance and political backing. They promote calls for jihad and encourage the resulting terrorism. Iran and the fundamentalist movements are expanding their operations in the Muslim communities of Europe, Australia, the United States, and South America, exploiting the war in Bosnia to boost their influence and persuade the muslim communities to take a militant stance against the West and moderate Middle East regimes.


d. Holocaust Denial

(1) One of the contemporary manifestations of antisemitism is denial of the Holocaust, facilitated by the dimming of memory as the event recedes. Holocaust denial takes place on two levels. The low, grass-roots level is the province of the neo-Nazis, who ridicule the concept of the Holocaust in bluntly worded leaflets, bulletins, wall graffiti, and libels. The second, concurrent level focuses on sophisticated activity meant for intellectuals and academics. In 1990, Bradley Smith, the public relations officer of the Institute for Historical Review, developed the technique of depicting Holocaust denial as a legitimate opinion, no less weighty than the views of Holocaust affirmers, and accordingly entitled to equal status in any discussion. Smith attempted to place paid advertisements defending this "right" in the student newspapers of many universities, some of which agreed to run the advertisements.


  • a. The most prominent Holocaust denier today is British historian David Irving, the author of five volumes of research on World War II. [See Mr Irving's response below]. Irving, who once argued that the Holocaust had been carried out by local commanders who acted without orders from Hitler, has embraced the doctrine of total Holocaust denial and identifies with the neo-Nazis. In 1989, Irving published the "Leuchter report," an essay in which one Fred Leuchter alleges that he examined sections of cell walls from buildings in Auschwitz-Birkenau and Maidanek and found that they bore no traces of Zyklon B gas. The response to these remarks is that traces of gas could not possibly be found after 50 years; furthermore, this material is water-soluble. (In 1991, Leuchter admitted in court that he had merely postured as an engineer; his university degree was a B.A. in history).
  • b. Irving travels abroad extensively. He disseminated the false doctrine of historical revisionism in visits to Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, Canada, and the United States. He recently sought to make a video presentation in Australia and New Zealand, but was not allowed to enter these countries. In April [1993], Irving, together with other Holocaust deniers, participated in a neo-Nazi demonstration in Washington across from the Museum of the Holocaust. In July, he took part in a semi-secret international conference sponsored in Bern by Roger Wuetricht, leader of a Swiss neo-Nazi group. Unfortunately, Irving's decision to join the camp of Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis has not harmed his reputation as a scholar. In 1992, the Sunday Times commissioned him to decipher and translate Goebbels, diaries. His remuneration: 175,000 pounds sterling.

(3) Another prominent figure among the Holocaust deniers is Robert Faurisson, a former professor of literature at the University of Lyons who even now holds the position of researcher at the university, who has published nine books and essays arguing, inter alia, that the gas chambers could never have existed and that the diary of Anne Frank is a forgery. Faurisson has been prosecuted several times, most recently in 1991. He was sentenced and heavily fined under a 1990 law prohibiting denial of the Holocaust. Faurisson, like Irving, is active internationally and participated in the demonstration across from the Museum of the Holocaust in Washington and the conference of Holocaust deniers in Bern.

(4) Another well-known Holocaust denier in France is Henri Roques, who earned a Ph.D. from the University of Nantes in 1985 for a dissertation on the non-existence of the gas chambers. The French Ministry of Education nullified his degree a year later. Roques edited the Revisionist History Annual until it was banned in 1992 under the law against Holocaust denial. It had been hoped that the trial of Rene Bousquet, chief of police under the Vichy regime, would enhance awareness of the Holocaust in France and repudiate the lies of the Holocaust deniers, but Bousquet was murdered in May. Still awaiting trial is Paul Touvier, former chief of police in Lyons.

(5) Ernst Zundel, a German living in Canada, became famous for the legal battle that his case elicited. His activity consisted of dispatching booklets on Holocaust denial by mail, to destinations in Canada, the United States, and Germany. In 1987, he was tried and convicted for disseminating false information and sentenced to thirteen months in prison and three years, probation. After protracted proceedings including appeals and a retrial, Zundel was acquitted in 1992 by the Canadian Supreme Court, which struck down the law against disseminating false information as unconstitutional. Zundel, like the neo-Nazis mentioned above, is invited to Holocaust-denial events in various countries. In April he participated in the demonstration opposite the Museum of the Holocaust in Washington.

Our opinion
WE comment here only on the lies about David Irving. He has published not five books on World War II but thirty; the weather-resistant permanence of ferric-ferrocyanide compounds in brickwork is now an established scientific fact; he has never participated in any demonstrations against the US Holocaust Memorial Museum; he has never heard of the Swiss gentleman Roger Wuetricht, and has not been in Berne, Switzerland, since December 1981, when he donated his research files on the 1956 Hungarian Uprising to the Swiss Institute of Eastern European Affairs. We wonder how many other such lying documents are skulking in government files?

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