Sunday, December 13, 1998
| Traditional
Enemies of Free Speech spreading their Hidden
and Suffocating Hold Across the
Net The
Cyber Patrol controversy BOYCOTT
THE CENSORS! | Friday,
December 11, 1998Does
Cyber Patrol have political agenda?
Large Christian Internet site blocked
as 'intolerant' By
Stephan Archer THE LEARNING COMPANY, one of the
world's largest publishers of
children's educational software, has
been selling a new software program to
parents and teachers that effectively
blocks "intolerant" sites on the
Internet, but some say that the program
has unfairly pegged a large, Christian
site as being intolerant. The means by which TLC is denying
access to such "intolerant" sites is
through their Internet screening
software known as Cyber Patrol. Cyber
Patrol is a tool with which parents and
teachers make decisions concerning what
constitutes inappropriate Internet
content for children. However,
the decisions that can be made by
parents and teachers using the
software is limited, for not even
purchasers of the software are given
access to the list of sites that
Cyber Patrol considers to be
intolerant. "We don't publish the list," said
Susan Getgood, the director of
corporate communications at TLC. The only way for the software user
to get information about Cyber Patrol's
intolerant sites is to go to Cyber
Patrol's web site. There, if they know
the exact URL of the web site in
question, they can type it in and find
out the site's status. If they don't
have the exact URL, the system won't
work. The Christian site that has been
identified as "intolerant" by TLC's
software is the American Family
Association's web site -- an
organization which, along with a strong
pro-family agenda, takes a stance
opposing homosexuality. The concern that TLC had with AFA's
web site, according to AFA's public
relations director Allen
Wildmon, had to do with a report on
the web site about homosexuality that
was written by Dr. Richard Howe,
a professor at the University of North
Carolina. In this report were two or
three sentences, said Wildmon, that
TLC's Cyber Patrol considered to be
"intolerant." Because Cyber Patrol found the
content in this section of the report
to be "intolerant," the AFA went
through a one-step appeal process with
Cyber Patrol's CyberNOT Oversight
Committee. This committee consists of a
group of members who come from
different political, social and civic
organizations. These organizations
include the Gay and Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation, The National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, Morality in the Media,
women's rights groups, teachers'
unions, social workers, a minister, and
a psychologist. Currently, the
committee meets every two months. In
the appeal, the AFA not only agreed
to take the section out of the
report but also argued that many
homosexual activist groups use
various types of intolerant
language, such as the term "hate
mongers," to describe the AFA. Yet,
these groups aren't put on the
CyberNOT list. Despite its
objections, the AFA was not removed
from Cyber Patrol's CyberNOT
list. "The language in the report was not
hate language by anyone's standards,"
said Wildmon who wanted to make it very
clear that the AFA does not hate
homosexuals. "There's no doubt in our
minds that it was the subject matter,
not the content of the report, that got
us onto the CyberNOT list in the first
place." When Getgood was asked by
WorldNetDaily whether or not she
believed that this banning of the AFA's
web site could be seen by some as
religious intolerance, she responded,
"I can't speak for other people." Religious intolerance or not, other
Christian web sites have been blocked
by Cyber Patrol. One of them is a web
site by Quiet Thunder. This
organization describes itself as "a
graphically evangelical ministry." It
consists of cartoons that are drawn by
Mike Purcell that have an
underlining Christian theme. Although
the web site checks out on the Cyber
Patrol web site, it is effectively
blocked when the Cyber Patrol software
is loaded onto a computer. Due
to this labeling of
intolerance against the AFA
and other Christian sites
by TLC's screening
software, various people
and groups at the
grass-roots level are
asking others to join them
in the boycott of TLC by
not purchasing any products
made by TLC or its
subsidiaries. These
products include "Sesame
Street," Compton
Encyclopedias, Printmaster,
Print Shop, Schoolhouse
Books, Reader Rabbit,
Carmen Sandiego, The
Munchers and others.
Subsidiaries' names under
which TLC sells products
include Broderbund
Software, Compton's
Learning, Mindscape,
Springboard Software
and Creative
One of the
organizations taking part in the
boycott is the ChildCare Action Project
(CAP). Thomas Carder, president
of CAP, believes that it is
anti-constitutional to block Christian
sites in this manner while allowing
access to homosexual and anti-family
sites. "I believe it's an inversion of the
freedom of speech," Carder said. "It
seems that Cyber Patrol is being
intolerant of those that they claim to
be 'intolerant'." Terry Graham, a self-employed
management consultant and political
activist, says that the word about the
boycott is spreading in true
grass-roots fashion -- through e-mails
and telephone calls. Graham believes
strongly in the boycott movement
because as a strict constitutionalist,
she believes that TLC's blockade of
sites such as the AFA is a direct
violation of the First Amendment. "I look at this as a free speech
issue and Internet intervention issue,"
she said. One group that has been informed
about the boycott through e-mails and
phone calls is the Council for
Conservative Citizens, a group that
consists of more than 15,000 members
spread out among every state in the
Union plus six foreign countries.
Gordon Lee Baum, the
administrator and CEO of the group,
said that he finds the AFA ban by TLC's
Cyber Patrol to be very disturbing and
plans to alert all who are part of the
group. "We plan to alert our members
through our newspaper and newsletter
and to urge them to participate in the
boycott," Baum said. Paul Fromm, the director of
the Canadian Association for Free
Expression, said he believes that what
TLC has done to the AFA by blocking
their web site via their Cyber Patrol
software program is wrong as well.
Although Fromm's group isn't taking an
active part in the boycott, they're
making sure that other people are aware
of the issue. "We say
to people that this is a form of
censorship carrying out the agenda
of some rather sinister interest
groups," Fromm said. "I don't think
most of our supporters would be in
favor of this software screening out
Christian sites from young
people." "I think it's a major step when we
start to block groups because of such
things as intolerance," said Dave
Schuman, an education activist who
also reported to WorldNetDaily that
among the education Internet loop, news
of the boycott is spreading fast. "It's
'thought police.' That's what we're
talking about here," Schuman said. Karen Anderson, managing
editor of the Calistoga Citizen,
is another activist that is taking part
in the boycott. As a parent of home
schools, she's very upset by the action
that TLC has taken against the AFA and
other Christian web sites. "As a parent
of home schools, I can't and won't
purchase any materials or products from
a company that is against traditional
family values," she said. Although the AFA doesn't like the
fact that they are being blocked by
Cyber Patrol, they aren't taking any
active part in the boycott. "We do
believe in their (Cyber Patrol's) First
Amendment right to block our web site,"
said Wildmon. When Getgood was asked if she had
any previous knowledge of the boycott
attempt currently taking place at the
grassroots level, she replied that
until she was informed by WorldNetDaily
about the boycott, she had no previous
knowledge of the subject.  ©
1998 WorldNetDaily.com | Paul
of the Canadian Association for Free
Expression, comments:In
the above article Stephen Archer failed
to note that one of America's premier
censorship groups, the
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai
Brith and the Learning Co.
co-operatively developed
| WE
HAVE BEEN informed that, following the
lead taken in Florida and other states,
the Anti-Defamation
pernicious Cyber Patrol software has been
secretly installed on NEW HAMPSHIRE state
computers as well as those in all library
and school computers in that state,
effectively blocking access to this web
site as well as those of the IHR and CODOH
and other organs of Real History.
BUT: clear-thinking students
and citizens will simply go elsewhere,
and log onto our sites to find out what
the ADL does not want them to read;
this will, in the end, increase
Anti-Semitism (which is the last
thing the ADL wants, right?)
papers on this topic by friend and
foe: | Further
late news on Attempts to Suppress Internet
Free Speech | Lewis
D., of Olympia, Washington State, a
patron of the Timberland
Regional Library in Washington State
reports to us: "Mr. Irving, I use a
Netscape system at the library. When I
type in your [URL] using Yahoo
they send me to the Nizkor Project."
[The Nizkor project is a Jewish
financed, Canada-based Website desdigned
to smear Real History.] | We also draw attention to the attempted
suppression of free speech by B'nai B'rith
Anti-Defamation Commission, of 99 Hotham
Rd., Balaclava, Victoria 3183, Australia.
See their report, "Racism
On The Internet". | A military collectibles store
in New Hampshire, USA, reports: "We have a
customer who used to routinely access our
web site from his office during his lunch
break. Recently his company installed a
software blocking program which will not
allow any computer in their company
intranet to access any Website which deals
with a World War II theme. When he tried
to visit our website he received a message
"Forbidden access" and he was later called
into his manager's office and told that
these websites are off limits. He can
still however access adult oriented web
sites and websites like Nizkor and the JDL
[Jewish Defence League, a body until
recently listed by the FBI as a terrorist
organisation]. The fellow is not a
revisionist, but rather a history buff and
W.W.II memorabilia collector." | On September 15, 1998 William
Thoreau of Florida wrote us this about
his Webpage
on Cyber Thought Police: "I have some
evidence that the ADL is behind the
censoring of webpages for CyberPatrol.
They are the ones who use feminist,
homosexuals and blacks as a front so they
can do their own band of censoring. I
thought most people are sophisticated
enough to realize whose behind it.
Sometimes its best not to spell it all out
-- it forces reader to think!" Thoreau
asked I also ask CyberPatrol when they
were going to filter out the most
offensive site on the Internet namely that
of the Jewish Defense Organization site
(see http://www.jdo.org), since they did
not hesitate to censor the American Family
Association, David
Duke and other sites with views they
opposed. | Now read this press
release: "Cyber-Rights &
Cyber-Liberties (UK) releases a new
Watchmen Report"
Internet censorship report released
August 27, 1998 By
"uk.politics.censorship" From: [email protected]
(Yaman Akdeniz) LEEDS - Today the Leeds
based Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties
(UK) published the second in the series of
its Who Watches the Watchmen
reports. The new report entitled as
"Accountability & Effective
Self-Regulation in the Information
Age" is available through the
organisation's new web site at http://www.cyber-rights.org.
This new report describes the new
developments since the publication of the
initial Who Watches the Watchmen
report in November 1997 in a critical and
analytical way; provides assistance to the
government agencies for the review of the
Internet Watch Foundation; and reviews the
IWF consultation document on rating
systems. Mr. Yaman Akdeniz,
director of the organisation stated
that: "November 97 seems like a long
time ago but there has been so many
developments that another report was
needed to create public awareness of
what the government is up to with
Internet regulation within the UK. This
report is ironically rated 18 as its
conclusions may 'deprave and corrupt'
the readers and regulators and may lead
them to take a more liberal approach
into Internet regulation." This second report questions the
current solutions offered at various foras
such as the development of rating and
filtering systems and further the report
suggests that these may not be the real
answers and solutions for the existence
problems. Professor Clive Walker,
deputy director of the organisation stated
that: "A clear and present danger to
Internet liberty arises from the terms
on which self regulation is made
available to the individual. The
Watchmen report explains that danger.
Government censorship has not gone away
but is perhaps becoming more subtle and
insidious." Yaman Akdeniz added that: "Government inspired and
enforced pre-censorship is no more
different than government-imposed
censorship. Such restrictions and
complex regulations would make Britain,
like any other jurisdiction that goes
too far, a very hostile place for
network development." Notes
for the MediaThe new home of Cyber-Rights &
Cyber-Liberties (UK) is at <http://www.cyber-rights.org>
but until a complete move is completed,
the pages will continue to be available
through http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/pgs/yaman/yaman.htm This press release is available through
http://www.cyber-rights.org/press/ The second Watchmen report is available
at: http://www.cyber-rights.org/watchmen-ii.htm The initial Watchmen report (November
97) is available at: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/pgs/yaman/watchmen.htm See also the Cyber-Rights &
Cyber-Liberties (UK) CensorWare pages for
further information at http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/pgs/yaman/censorware.html Right to Reply: Your comments and views
on the Internet Watch Foundation Proposals
for Developing Rating Systems for the
Internet at a UK level at http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/pgs/yaman/right-to-reply.html Mr Yaman Akdeniz Address: Centre For Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT. E-mail: [email protected]Urls:
http://www.cyber-rights.org http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/pgs/yaman/yaman.htm
& Cyber-Liberties (UK)
is a
non-profit civil liberties organisation
founded on January 10, 1997. Its
main purpose is to promote free speech
and privacy on the Internet and raise
public awareness of these important
issues. The Web pages have been online
since July 1996. Cyber-Rights
& Cyber-Liberties (UK) started to
become involved with national
Internet-related civil liberties issues
following the release of the DTI white
paper on encryption in June 1996 and
the Metropolitan Police action to
censor around 130 newsgroups in
August 1996. Cyber-Rights
& Cyber-Liberties (UK) recently
criticised the attempts of the
Nottinghamshire County Council to
suppress the availability of the JET
Report on the Internet.
& Cyber-Liberties (UK) covers such
important issues as the regulation of
child pornography on the Internet and
UK Government's encryption policy. The
organisation provides up-to-date
information related to free speech and
privacy on the Internet. Cyber-Rights
& Cyber-Liberties (UK) is a member
of various action groups on the
Internet and also a member of the
Global Internet Liberty Campaign (see
<http://www.gilc.org>) which has
over 30 member organisations world
wide. In November
1997, Cyber-Rights &
Cyber-Liberties (UK) launched a new
report entitled, Who Watches the
Watchmen, on the implications of the
use and development of rating systems
and filtering tools for the Internet
content. The report insists that the
debates on regulation of
Internet-content should take place
openly and with the involvement of
public at large rather than at the
hands of a few industry based private
bodies. In February
1998, Cyber-Rights &
Cyber-Liberties (UK) produced the
Global Internet Liberty Campaign member
statement which criticised the possible
introduction of "key escrow" or "key
recovery" systems for the regulation of
encryption services in the UK. The
statement signed by 22 organisations
world-wide concluded that "mandatory
key recovery policies would make
Britain a second-class nation in the
Information Age." | Then there's
this April 17, 1998
story in the Salt Lake City
Sex Sites: Public School Logs Show
TRIBUNE Not every Utah
student who goes into the school
computer lab has academics in mind. Not
surprisingly, many are more interested
in sex. Tracking logs from the Utah
Education Network (UEN), which serves
as the hub of all public school
computer activity, show that in
February, students had tried more than
259,000 times to access Internet sites
that were sexual in nature. Parents
should not despair, though. Those
numbers represent the times students
tried -- and were denied access. UEN has a filtering program in place
that keeps students from seeing
information on those sites. In fact,
the majority of Utah students are using
school computers and the Internet
appropriately, said Don Porter,
manager of network information at UEN.
Monthly logs show that through March,
Utah students had made almost 53
million trips to Internet sites to help
them with everything from science
projects to
lessons. Porter said that by the
end of the school year he expects to
have reached 60 million hits, a
significant one-year jump. Last April, students had accessed
the World Wide Web less than 10 million
times. Porter will report that
information today to members of the
state School Board during its monthly
meeting in Salt Lake City. UEN
contracts with a national company,
Secure Computing, which filters
unwanted information. The
company blocks information that fits
into five categories: anything
related to
skills, drugs, hate speech, gambling
The service, which costs the company
as much as $20,000 annually, provides
UEN with a sort of ``blacklist'' of
sites that is updated weekly. While
students try to access sites related to
all those topics, the logs at UEN
clearly show that anything of a sexual
nature has the most allure for
students. In February, there were
259,144 hits in the "sex" category,
compared with 6,789 tries for sites
related to criminal skills, 4,775 for
gambling, 3,093 for drug-related sites
and 897 for hate speech. The figures represent the number of
times students tried to access a
certain topic and were denied. In
January, there were 233,883 hits in the
sex category, 6,289 for criminal
skills, 4,817 for gambling, 3,338 for
drugs and 1,240 for hate speech. While
the figures represent a fraction of the
total use, Porter acknowledges "it is
not as small as I'd like to see it."
Porter said about
90 percent of school computers are
hooked up to the filter. The
remaining 10 percent are in the process
of joining. The program makes a list of every
Internet attempt made. It logs the
school and the computer, the date and
time and the site a student tries to
access. It also indicates if the site
is accepted, denied or not rated. UEN
staff members go through the logs
daily, looking for patterns --
especially in cases where there are
several denied requests at one school
or computer. Those are referred to the
districts. "I
can't guarantee that I can block
every site. But I can guarantee if
you are consistently looking for
that information you leave a
fingerprint in my log files that
someone can notice," Porter
While the filter keeps most students
from most pornography or unwanted
material, the popularity of the
Internet means new sites are added
daily and it is tough to keep up. In
fact, in a written report given to the
school board before its meeting, UEN
showed a typical log. One of the sites that a student
reached was related to homosexuality.
"Sites like the last one are examples
of sites that perhaps should be
filtered, but have not yet been rated
and thus are not denied," the report
noted. Porter and other district
officials say their first line of
defense is making sure students are
always supervised. "If a student walks
in there with a lot of spare time, they
start playing and get curious," said
Ron Andrews, the Internet
specialist in the Nebo School District.
The state already requires students to
sign an acceptable use permit saying
they will not try to send or receive
any objectionable material. The
agreement also is signed by parents.
Copyright 1998, The Salt Lake
Tribune | The
above news item is reproduced without editing other
than typographical | Register
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