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Posted Thursday, September 10, 1998

An Unlikely Rumour: That the Six Million Figure is Under Review
We received the following Inquiry from Germany:

Das Ostpreußenblatt

Parkallee 84/86
Telefon 040/41 40 08-0
Telefax: 040 / 41 4008 So


9. September 1998


In diesen Wochen liefen wiederholt Gerüchte um, wonach eine israelische Kornmission von Fachgelehrten sich zusamrnengefunden hat, um die Zahl der Opfer des Holocaust zu ermitteln. Dabei seien sie auf die Zahl von etwa 700.000 gekommen.

Meine Bitte und Frage an Sie: Können Sie dies bestätigen oder mir Auskunft über das Wirken und die Zusammensetzung dieser Fachgruppe mitteilen?

Mit Dank und freundlichen Grüßen

Peter Fisch



Das Ostpreußenblatt

Parkallee 84/86
Telefon 040/41 40 08-0
Telefax: 040 / 41 4008 So

September 9, 1998


These last few weeks we have heard repeated rumours that there has been a meeting of an Israeli commission of academic experts to arrive at the real number of victims of the Holocaust, and that they agreed on a figure of about 700,000.

Our question and request of you: Can you confirm this or give me any information as to the results and composition of this gremium?

Many thanks

Peter Fisch

Our opinion
Our advice: don't hold your breath -- and don't believe it. I have seen recent evidence that unscrupulous elements on the right wing are trying to achieve results by Flüsterpropaganda, as Dr Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi proaganda minister who invented the technique, called it. It didn't do him any good in the long rung, and it won't serve the revisionist cause either.

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