WARSZAWY Friday, September 4, 1998 LUDOBOJSTWO Nieliczni przezyli
rzady Morela by JERZY SZOSTAK - Pomiedzy Izraelem a
Polska nie ma podpisanej umowy
ekstradycyjnej. Jednak podpisalismy
Europejska Umowe o Ekstradycji. Nasze
prawo nie przewiduje rowniez przedawnienia
zbrodni ludobojstwa - powiedzial ZW Michal
Sobolman, rzecznik prasowy ambasady
Izraela w Polsce. Sprawa Morela interesuja sie takze
Niemcy. Prowadzi ja prokuratura w
Dortmundzie, ktora w ramach pomocy prawnej
przeslala do Polski obszerny material
dowodowy. Kilka miesiecy temu nasi dziennikarze
dotarli do Salomona Morela. Poczatkowo zgodzil sie na udzielenie
wywiadu. Potem jednak wycofal sie z
tego. |
Sprawa Morela ciagnie sie od 1992
roku, kiedy to Okregowa Komisja Badania
Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu w
Katowicach wszczela sledztwo w sprawie
eksterminacji wiezniow obozu w
Swietochlowicach. W 1997 roku Prokuratura
Wojewodzka w Katowicach wydala nakaz
scigania miedzynarodowym listem gonczym
Salomona Morela, jako winnego zbrodni
ludobojstwa - zamordowal osobiscie co
najmniej 1538 osob.
Po wkroczeniu Armii Czerwonej na Slask
wladze komunistyczne postanowily
reaktywowac jeden ze znajdujacych sie na
tym terenie obozow smierci. Zrobiono to w
Swietochlowicach. Oboz podlegal NKWD,
potem UB. Jego komendantem zostal
Morel. W okresie istnienia obozu od lutego do
listopada 1945 roku przebywalo w nim okolo
4 tys. wiezniow - polowa zostal
zamordowana lub zmarla. W obozie umieszczono Niemcow,
folksdojczow oraz przeciwnikow nowej
wladzy. Decyzje o osadzeniu w nim NKWD i
UB podejmowalo przewaznie na podstawie
pomowien. W obozie nie wygasaly epidemie
tyfusu i dyzenterii. Liczba zgonow
wynosila od 20 d0 30 dziennie. Racja
zywnosciowa to 125 gramow chleba lub
zupy. |
[Translation] Only
a few managed to survive Morel's
rules. "There
is no extradition agreement between Israel
and Poland. In spite of the fact that we
have signed the European Agreement on
Extradition, our law does not foresee the
situation when after certain period of
time the crime of genocide cannot be
punished, " said ZW Michal
Sobolman, spokesman for the Israeli
Embassy in Poland. The
Germans are also interested in Morel's
case. It is the District Attorney's Office
in Dortmund which, by way of legal help,
has passed to the Poles voluminous
evidence material. Several
months ago our journalists located
Salomon Morel. At first he agreed
to be interviewed but then he
refused. Morel's
case has lingered on since 1992 when the
District Commitee for Researching Crimes
Commited Against the Polish Nation, with
headquarters in Katowice, began the
interrogations on extermination of
prisoners of Swietochlowice camp.
1997 the Attorney Bureau in Katowice
issued an international warrant against
Salomon Morel charging him with the crime
of genocide. He himself murdered at least
1,538 prisoners. | After
The Red Army entered Silesia, communist
authorities decided to reactivate one of
the death camps which had existed on that
territory (trranslator: i.e. were
established by the Germans) This was done
in Swietochlowice. The
camp was first under Soviet NKVD then it
was taken over by the Polish UB [Urzad
Bezpieczenstwa - Internal Security
Services]. It was Morel who became its
commander. From
February do November 1945, that is to say
until the camp was closed down, about 4
thousand prisoners were detained in the
camp - half of which were either murdered
or died. Germans,
Volksdeutsche [ethnic Germans] and
opponents of the new regime were thrown
into it. It was on orders of NKVD and UB
that people were thrown into the camp -
generally without any evidence whatever,
it was enough when someone libellously
claimed to have been guilty of some
imaginary crime or offence. Epidemies of
various contagious diseases (typhoid and
dysentery) spread amongst the prisoners
all the time until the end. About 20-30
prisoners died daily. The daily food
ration was 125 g of bread or
soup. Jerzy
Szostak |