Wannabe Nazi-hunters: A Question of Inference
CANADA IT'S BEEN just over 20 years since the
Polish-American named Frank Walus
stood in a Chicago court and heard a dozen
Jewish Holocaust survivors give
"eyewitness" testimony that described him
as a sadistic SS officer responsible for
brutal murders of Jews and Poles in
wartime Poland. On the basis of their testimony, the
presiding judge, Julius Hoffman,
ordered that Frank Walus be stripped of
his American citizenship and deported
forthwith. In fact, Frank Walus was not "the Beast
of Kielce," as the media had by then
dubbed him. Anything but! Being of the
wrong race (Polish, not German), too short
and too young (at 17 years old), it was
impossible he could ever have attained to
any rank, let alone a high one, within
Hitler's SS. In 1940, while he was alleged to be
committing atrocities in Kielce and
Czestowchowa, Walus was doing forced
labour on German farms, where the farmers
agreed that wimpiness was his most salient
characteristic. Only his documents from the German tax
department, the Red Cross and the German
health plan into which he paid during the
Second World War saved him from being
extradited. Eventually, the U.S. Justice Department
dropped its case, apologized, and paid
Walus $34,000 in compensation (of the
$120,000 he had spent defending
himself). It's been just over 10 years since the
Ukrainian-American named John
Demjanjuk stood in a Jerusalem court
and heard five Jewish Holocaust survivors
give "eyewitness" testimony that described
Demjanjuk as one of two motormen who
operated the gas chamber at the Treblinka
concentration camp in Poland. On the basis of their testimony, a
panel of three judges found John Demjanjuk
guilty and ordered that he be hanged for
his war crimes. | 2. In fact, John Demjanjuk was not "Ivan
the Terrible" as the media had by then
dubbed him. During his trial, it was
disclosed that his principal accuser, one
Eliyahu Rosenberg, had signed two
affidavits wherein he described Ivan's
murder at the hands of Jewish
inmates during the Aug. 2, 1943, camp
uprising. In a 1945 affidavit, Rosenberg
even related witnessing Ivan being
bludgeoned to death with shovels as he lay
sleeping. Only the collapse of the Soviet Union
in 1991 allowed the Demjanjuk defence team
to obtain exculpatory documents from KGB
files inside the moribund empire.
Exculpatory documents had also been
retrieved from a dumpster just behind OSI
offices in Washington after they had been
tossed out by OSI staffers. (The OSI, the
Office of Special Investigations, by the
way, is the American Justice Department's
Nazi-hunting arm.) Eventually, the Israeli Supreme Court
acquitted Demjanjuk of the war crimes
charges leveled against him, and allowed
him to return to his family home in
Cleveland. By late 1997, his American
citizenship was restored. What went around in the Walus case and
came around with the Demjanjuk affair is
in danger of entering yet another spin
cycle, given the Canadian government's
determination to denaturalize and deport
Vladimir Katriuk, Wasyl
Odynsky, and other elderly emigres
either suspected or alleged to have been
involved in Nazi-era atrocities. Understand that, in these cases, mere
suspicion or allegation might prove
sufficient to see that the accused's
citizenship is revoked and the former
citizen is deported. Addressing the file of Vladimir
Katriuk, a 76-year-old beekeeper from
Ormstown, Quebec, the federal government's
prosecutor, David Lucas, admitted
as much in a July 4th interview with
Canadian Press. Lucas: "We have no direct
evidence that he actually did that
[i.e., was involved in Nazi-era
atrocities]. Adding: "It's a question
of inference." | 3. However, inferences can sometimes be
plainly wrong or very much mistaken.
Consider, for example, the following
syllogism. Major premise: Israel was a good friend
to apartheid-era South Africa. Minor
premise: Canada was then (and still is) a
good friend to Israel. Conclusion:
Therefore, Canada was a good friend to
apartheid-era South Africa. While both the major and minor premise
are correct, the conclusion or inference
is dead wrong. Certainly, Israel was, it's true, a
very strong ally of apartheid-era South
Africa. When the South African prime minister,
John Vorster, paid an official
visit to Israel in April 1976, it began
with a tour of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust
memorial in Jerusalem, where the late
Yitzhak Rabin invited the onetime
Nazi collaborator, unabashed racist, and
implacable white supremacist to pay homage
to victims of the Holocaust. According to Israeli law, Vorster
should have been arrested for being a
former Nazi collaborator. Instead, the
reception he was afforded by the Jewish
state was a warm and cordial one.
Welcoming articles in the Israeli press
described him as a deeply religious man on
a personal pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
And, compared, say, to the hue and cry of
organized Jewry in Israel, Europe and
North America in the wake of the 8 minutes
President Reagan spent at the
Bitburg Military Cemetery in West Germany
in 1985, no less remarkable was the calm
equanimity it displayed toward the Vorster
visit. Vorster's stay in Israel lasted 4 days
(or 5,760 minutes). Its denouement was
described by Leslie and Andrew
Cockburn in their 1991 bestseller
Dangerous Liaison: "The old Nazi
sympathizer came away with bilateral
agreements for commercial, military, and
nuclear cooperation that would become
basis for future relations between the two
countries." Born in 1915, Vorster died in South
Africa in 1983. Today, he's chiefly
remembered by many of South Africa's black
citizens for having been among the more
viciously racist of its apartheid-era
leaders.  | 4. But, for the moment, let's suppose his
life had taken a different turn; that in
1950 he had emigrated to Canada (after
hiding his Nazi past) and used his skills
to build a prosperous and comfortable life
for himself and his family.
Let's also suppose that Vorster was
still alive; now a retired, reasonably
healthy octogenarian. Let's further
suppose that his name had been included in
the list alongside that of Katriuk,
Odynsky, and the other suspects so
named. However, seeing as Vorster's record of
collaboration with the Nazis was easy to
verify -- being analogous to that of an
Adrien Arcand -- let's say our federal
government had announced its intention to
fast-track the denaturalization and
deportation processing of his file. I
think it an altogether reasonable
inference to conclude that the ones to
applaud the fed's decision longest and
loudest in this instance would have been
Canada's various Jewish organizations,
ironically enough. It is they, after all,
including the Canadian Jewish Congress,
Brith Canada, and the Simon
Wiesenthal Centre, to name the most
prominent ones, who lobbied long and hard
for this D & D (read: denaturalization
and deportation) solution to the problem
of Nazi war criminals and collaborators on
Canadian soil. Still, this Vorster fantasy is only a
hunch, merely a matter of speculation, of
-- that word again! -- inference. But nowadays in Canada, government
lawyers playing hunches that a man
might have behaved criminally
nearly 60 years ago, during World War Two,
is, apparently, entirely permissible; even
though it may wantonly destroy a hitherto
productive life and ruin a spotless
reputation. Of course, one might well ask, What if
among the old men our federal government
has earmarked for denaturalization and
deportation there should happen to be
one or more Frank Waluses? To that "our" government has a one-word
answer. Sure, it's not stated explicitly,
let alone bannered from rooftops, but it
can be discerned by anyone who can read
the telltale signs mouthed by its silent,
conspiratorial, bureaucratic lips:
"Tough..." Was it Stalin -- or Hitler -- who liked
to say: "You can't make an omelette
without breaking
eggs..."?  | © copyright Orest
Slepokura 1998 |