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Posted Thursday, August 27, 1998



Israel's Secret Biochemical Weapons Institute

We reproduce as a matter of general concern the following information posted by Israel Newswire on August 25, 1998.

Israel's Secret Institute

While concern is voiced in the West about the possibility that Iraq and Iran are developing biological and chemical weapons, little is said about Israel's capability.

Foreign Report has been told by its Israeli sources that Israel continues to develop an arsenal of both types of weapons. The work is under way at the Nes-Tziona (Zionist miracle) institute and it is going to be enlarged, according to Jane's sources.


Foreign Report added that over the years of its operations, 4 employees have been killed and 25 have been injured in this secret institute. The report adds that in one of the instances, a general evacuation of the entire civilian population in the area was almost ordered, but it was avoided.

Senior members of the prime minister's staff refused to comment on the report or on information pertaining to such a "secret institute," which according to Foreign Report and Jane's is used for the production of non-conventional weaponry. (Jane's).   

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