Washington Museum Scandal David
Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) has run
into further problems. ACTION REPORT
already referred (AR
No. 13) to scandals discovered in its
finances by outside auditors, who
determined that over one million dollars
had been misappropriated and assigned on a
buddy-buddy basis to "researchers" for
research contracts. Then a new appointee as chief of the
museum was fired after it turned out that
he was moonlighting, holding down two jobs
at the same time, and had not told Cornell
University that he was working during his
sabbatical. Revisionists have kept up a constant
sniping attack on the museum's Disney-land
quality, the lack of hard evidence of mass
gassings, the gawdy gadgets, and the
psycho-terror methods inflicted on young
and impressionable visitors, who are
handed the IDs of Holocaust victims and
told as they leave whether (guess which)
they perished or survived. Now comes one more evidence that the
museum is being run as a refuge for
scoundrels. A new body was being created,
the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies,
and John K Roth, of Claremont
College, was appointed its director. He
seemed a natural choice: his credentials
were of the finest. But then it dawned on
people that, despite his name, Roth was a
practising Presbyterian. This was a misfortune of birth that had
already befallen noted US history
professor Christopher Browning, of Pacific
Lutheran University, hand-picked to take
over the chair of Holocaust studies at
Harvard University. He too failed the
final hurdle. Roth's enemies (principally the Zionist
Council of America) dug out and faxed to
Holocaust Council members a 1988 article
he had written in the Los Angeles
Times, in which he compared Israel to
the Nazis. This was unfortunate. People
said that he had "desecrated the memory"
of Holocaust victims. Anti-Defamation
League national director Abraham
Foxman, no slouch himself when it
comes to defamation, characterised Roth's
opponents as "Jewish thought police." Reading words like that, anti-Semites
everywhere were kvelling. The scandal over
Roth has generated a real holocaust of
indignation amongst his admirers
--including many Jews and some of the
world's leading historians. The press
items reproduced here, with grateful
thanks to the newspapers concerned,
reflect the depth of feelings aroused. | "It is painful to witness the specter
of an honest and fair human being and a
gifted teacher and scholar being
criticized with distortions and
half-truths," wrote one professor in the
Los Angeles Times.
BELOW]. The New
York Jewish Week found
whiffs of "McCarthyism" but also quoted
fears that the Museum was being
"de-Judaized." Journalists like
Jane Eisner of the Philadelphia
Inquirer angrily asked the
rhetorical question "Who owns the
Holocaust?"  As though that immense human tragedy
had become a valuable, bankable asset:
but, Perish the Thought. 
Wednesday, July 15, 1998 Holocaust
ScholarRe "Scholar
Resigns Holocaust Museum Post
Amid Dispute," July 6:
I have been
a colleague of John Roth's
for some 28 years. I am not an
expert on the Holocaust, nor do I
agree with everything John has
written during his career. But I
feel strongly that he is being
unfairly attacked. Indeed, I
believe I can speak for the vast
majority of the Claremont McKenna
College community when I say that
John is deeply admired and
respected here. He is a person of
the highest integrity.
He is one
of the top teachers at this
college--popular with students,
innovative in his teaching and
rigorous in his demands on
students. He is an energetic and
helpful colleague. He has been
enormously productive as a
scholar, and his many books and
articles (including those on the
Holocaust) are respected.
It is
painful to witness the specter of
an honest and fair human being
and a gifted teacher and scholar
being criticized with distortions
and half-truths. The Jews who
died in the Holocaust have no
more loyal friend than Roth.
Professor of Philosophy and
Religion, Claremont
McKenna ©
Copyright Los Angeles
Times |
Pennsylvania, June 21, 1998 COMMENTARY
smear campaign shames the lessons of the
| By Jane
R Eisner,
Editor of the Editorial Page This story is about a controversy
ignited by a local activist, fueled by a
local congressman, seized upon by the
national media, about a subject as big and
unfathomable as a dark, thunderous
Who owns the Holocaust? Was it a uniquely Jewish event? Or a
horrifying illustration of man's
inhumanity to man? Who's entitled to keep
the flame lit? Bear those questions in mind. It's
important not to lose sight of them as I
recount what is, essentially, a smear
campaign. At issue is the appointment of John
K. Roth of Science Claremont McKenna
College as director of the Center Arts
& for Advanced Holocaust Studies at
the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Roth has studied the Holocaust for 25
years. He has Sunday written numerous
books and articles; participated in dozens
of scholarly conferences; developed ways
to teach the Holocaust; and worked with
the Holocaust museum since its early days.
He has been a member of its governing
council since 1995. Ten years ago, the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching chose him
as the nation's outstanding
teacher-scholar for his work on the
Holocaust and the American experience. He also happens not to be Jewish. The son of a Presbyterian minister, he
became fascinated with the Holocaust a
generation ago. He was the first non-Jew
to teach about it at the University of
Haifa in Israel. So
who can own the Holocaust?
| 2.
Morton Klein,
a Merion resident, child of survivors and
outspoken national president of the
Zionist Organization of America, believes
it can't be John Roth. He'll tell anyone
who'll listen how unsuitable Roth is for
this important post. Unfortunately,
Klein's congressman, Jon Fox, was
all ears. And so, Fox and his colleague,
Michael Forbes (R., N.Y.) --
without talking to Roth or anyone at the
museum -- wrote a scathing letter
protesting the appointment. Somehow, a
copy of it landed on the pages of the
Forward, a national Jewish
newspaper, before it landed on the desks
of museum officials. Fox says he weighed
in because, as an Appropriations Committee
member, he had an obligation to question
an institution that receives 60 percent of
its funding from Congress. In the June 10
letter, he urged the museum to "reconsider
its choice." By last Thursday
evening, Fox was more conciliatory.
"Questions raised, questions answered,
time to move on," he said over the phone.
"I have finished all I'm going to
do." Oh, but the damage
was done. With two congressmen
on its side, the smear campaign was
rolling. Just a few more press releases
regurgitating the same misleading
information and, quick as a wink,
syndicated columnist George F. Will
was on board, ranting about
Roth. Another tirade was
launched by New York Post columnist
John Podhoretz, who admitted he'd
never actually been inside the museum,
even though he lived and worked near it
for many years. | 7.
And what do they
claim is so noxious in the professor's
resume? Two oft-repeated
examples: A
commentary piece from 1988. Fox and the
ZOA contend that Roth compared Israel
and Nazi Germany. Not so. But the
column was clumsily written, and Roth
has publicly apologized for any
misimpressions it may have left.
A USA Today story from 1988. Fox
and the ZOA claim Roth equated poor
Americans and Jews in Nazi Germany. No
intelligent reading of the
eight-paragraph "Newsmakers" item could
lead to that conclusion.
They'll cite a
Claremont College journal article from
1983. And one from 1980. It's the same
pattern: A scholar's writings are picked
apart, lifted out of context and, without
any regard for a lifetime of work and
study, turned into the kind of smear that
once was the sole province of
politicians. The scholarly world
is supposed to be based on a different
paradigm. It's about discussion and
dissent, critical thinking and argument.
not about political litmus
tests. | 8.
That should be
especially true when the subject is the
Holocaust and the venue is that museum. It
is built on federal land. Most of its
workers -- including Roth -- are
civil-service appointees. If it was to be only
a Jewish memorial to a Jewish event, it
ought not be funded by American taxpayers.
But the museum's scope was always
universal: to examine this unique, complex
tragedy in the context of world history
and American values. It is not just a
monument to the past; it is a warning and
a beacon. That's why the museum speaks out
against ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and
church-burnings in the South. That's why
70 percent of its 10 million visitors have
been non-Jews. It stands against
intolerance. On Wednesday, the
museum council reaffirmed its support of
Roth. But that made no difference to those
busy disseminating half-truths and
innuendo. It is upon such
dangerous ground that fascism is
Jane R. Eisner's
e-mail address is [email protected] ©1998
Philadelphia Newspapers Inc. | New
York Jewish Week, June
12, 1998 / 18 Sivan
5758 | Leaders
Defend Holocaust
Scholar Cries
of McCarthyism erupt against Morton
Klein-led attack on John
Roth. By
James D. Besser, Washington
Correspondent WASHINGTON
- Holocaust scholars this week are
rallying around the appointment of John
K. Roth as the first director of the
Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, the
newly created scholarly arm of the U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum. And museum
officials seem to be lining up behind the
embattled scholar. Roth last
week found himself under attack for a 1988
Los Angeles Times op-ed article
that his attackers say "desecrates the
memory" of Holocaust victims and compares
Israel to the Nazis. But
defenders, including some top Jewish
leaders and prominent Holocaust scholars,
say Roth's article was deliberately
misrepresented by critics. Several have
labeled the anti-Roth effort a "witch
hunt." | 3. Anti-Defamation
national director Abraham Foxman,
who said he disagreed with Roth's use of a
Holocaust analogy, nevertheless
characterized some of his opponents as
"Jewish thought police." The anti-Roth
crusade is being led by Zionist
Organization of America president
Morton Klein, whose initial press
release demanded that the Claremont
(Calif.) McKenna College scholar apologize
and retract his controversial statements.
Last week, Roth - a philosopher who began
specializing in the Holocaust in the early
'70s - said that he regretted the 1988
article. "The essay is one
that lends itself to interpretations
different from what I intended, and I take
responsibility for that," he said in an
interview. "If there was one piece I could
blot out of my extensive publications list
forever, this is the one I would
pick." But that didn't
entirely mollify Klein, who said the ZOA
"accepts his somewhat equivocal apology -
but he is apologizing only for what he
terms is a misconstrued impression on this
particular article and not for his
troubling analogies." Roth indicated this
week that he is confused about exactly
what Klein wants. "I'm willing to take
responsibility for the piece, and I was
prepared to apologize for creating an
impression that was inconsistent with my
views, which I did. I don't know what more
he wants, except maybe my head on a
platter.' The controversy
began last week when copies of the
10-year-old opinion
piece were faxed to reporters and
Holocaust Council members. | 4. Roth wrote the piece
in the wake of elections in Israel that
saw the rise of the Moledet party, which
advocates the deportation of Palestinians
on the West Bank. Roth wrote that the rise
of Moledet echoed events in Germany in
1938, when official Nazi policy on Jews
focused on forced emigration. "Kristallnacht
happened because a political state decided
to be rid of people unwanted within its
borders," he wrote. "It seems increasingly
clear that Israel would prefer to rid
itself of Palestinians if it could do
so." Roth's supporters
generally concede that the comparison was
an unfortunate one - although
historically, some say, it was not beyond
the pale. "Holocaust scholars
take into account the fact that the Nazi
policy prior to 1939 was not mass
annihilation but forced immigration," said
Michael Berenbaum, a top Holocaust scholar
and former research director at the
Holocaust Museum who co-authored a book
with Roth and strongly supports his
appointment. "John never made the
comparison to post-1939 German policy.
Morton Klein said he labeled Israel as
like the Nazis; that's simply not true. He
labeled those who advocated the forced
evacuation of the Arabs." But the Roth flap
has also played into broader debates under
way at the museum involving charges from
conservatives that the institution is
being "de-Judaized," and that it is
starting to emphasize a universal approach
to Holocaust studies that diminishes the
event's Jewish character. Roth is not
Jewish, which some observers see as a
factor in the current
controversy. | 4. "There are tremendous pulls at the
museum in favor of universalization of the
Holocaust," said Rabbi Avi Weiss,
the Riverdale activist who has been a
critic of the current museum
leadership. "I see his appointment as representing
one more step in that direction. I see a
universalistic leaning in his
writings." But Berenbaum - who fought to
retain the emphasis on the Jewish
experience during his tenure at the museum
- rejected that argument. "I yield to no one in my belief that
the Jewish core of the Holocaust must be
protected, understood and dealt with," he
said. "John Roth is one of the men in the
world who writes with the greatest
sensitivity of this experience." Berenbaum criticized Klein for
launching his first press-release salvo
based only on the short op-ed article, not
on Roth's vast scholarly work. "Mort Klein is wrong on substance, and
he is introducing a tone of vulgarity to
Jewish life, he said. "How can he attack a
man who has written 25 books without
reading a single one of them? Or a chapter
of one of them?" | 5. Klein admitted that
he had not read Roth's scholarly work
before issuing his first criticism, but
said that he has done so since then - and
that he has found "troubling" aspects in
Roth's scholarly writing. But he declined
this week to elaborate. Klein said that his
status as a child of survivors gives him a
basis for judging Roth's
scholarship. Some Jewish leaders
and a number of Holocaust scholars
countered that the anti Roth effort seemed
more like a personal vendetta than a
debate over the museum's
future. The ADL's Foxman
pointed to a growing list of targets for
Klein's highly personal attacks, including
folk singer Pete Seeger and
reporters Thomas Friedman and
Mike Wallace. Foxman emphasized
that "there's nothing wrong with Mort
Klein raising questions about this person
because of what he's written. But that's
not what he did - he raised the question
having already come to his conclusion, and
then started calling [Jewish
leaders] around the country looking
for support for his position, without any
debate, without discussion. That's where
it begins to look like McCarthyism. You
don't ask, "Are you a communist?" You
start with, "You are a communist, aren't
you?" | 6. Klein was also
accused of misrepresenting the position of
a key Holocaust Council member. In his
second press release on the subject, Klein
cited a statement by Holocaust scholar
in the Forward. Lipstadt, he wrote,
"said that Roth's Los Angeles Times
op-ed was "odious." But this week, the
Emory University professor blasted Klein
for leaving out the rest of her quote. In
fact, she said, she had strongly praised
Roth's appointment and objected to the way
he was being "tarred and
feathered." "I am appalled,
absolutely appalled," she said. "This is
the height of intellectual dishonesty, to
take a quote that clearly indicated I
thought something unfair was being done to
John Roth, and to use it to give the
impression that I had criticized
him." Lipstadt said that
she was uncomfortable with Roth's use of
the Nazi analogy, but that "in no way does
this offset his scholarship, or the fact
that this man is a clear supporter of
Israel." Klein
defended his use of Lipstadt's
| 7. "I very carefully
stated that this is what people are saying
in response to the Nazi-Israel analogy in
his article," he said. "I wanted to make
it clear that it was not only ZOA that was
making the case that this was odious, that
there were Holocaust scholars who found
this odious." This week, Holocaust
Museum officials seemed to be standing by
their man. "Key members of the
council are fully supportive of John
Roth," said Holocaust Council chairman
Miles Lerman. "We have no intention
of caving in to anybody. If we're
convinced we're on the right side of the
issue, we'll stick to it." Lerman refused to
criticize Roth's attackers by name, but he
made his anger and frustration plain. "If
people want to attack the museum, that's
inevitable,' he said. "But when they start
using lies, that's completely
unacceptable." He also criticized
some of the press coverage of the
controversy. "I'm a little
surprised that the press hasn't gone
deeper into it, and tried to understand
that this is part of an assault
implemented by a very small group who is
trying to be vindictive in settling
scores," he said. | © 1998
York Jewish Week