Posted Sunday, July 19, 1998 | ||
Doug Collins to Walk out of Rights Tribunal
[Click for biographical sketch of Collins] | Doug Collins is a veteran Canadian columnist (recently retired) who is under strong attack by Jewish community officials. The Canadian Jewish Congress laid a "human rights" complaint against him for a disrespectful column headed "Hollywood Propaganda" in which he called the movie Schindler's List, Swindler's List. The complaint was dismissed, but his newspaper North Shore News paid over $200,000 on his defence. Now he faces a second "rights tribunal" backed by the League of Human Rights of the B'nai Brith Canada. Both he and his newspaper are refusing to attend this second Inquisition. | |
Collins (right) interviewed by CBC television | ||
1. Victoria, July 20, 1998. I AM NOT attending this so-called human rights tribunal -- except to say that I am not attending. I am not defending the columns Harry Abrams and B'Nai Brith are complaining about because there is nothing to defend. The columns contain facts and opinions that Jewish organizations don't like. But they are not hate literature. If they were I would have been charged under the federal hate laws. Instead, the Human Rights Code -- B.C.'s Heresy Act -- has been thrown at me and North Shore News for the second time. It's harassment, pure and simple, especially when you consider that one of the columns that figure in this complaint was heard last year at the first tribunal. The complaint was dismissed, so the Inquisition wants a re-match. But if I can steal a title from a book, let me say that none dare call it conspiracy. I've said it before and I'll say it again. We are seeing the greatest threat to freedom of the press
since the
| 2. But many in the media don't understand that, or that this Heresy Act is an instrument for enforcing political correctness, so that anyone telling a Newfie joke [AR: a joke about traditionally low-witted Newfound-landers], could find himself up before a kangaroo court. What is a kangaroo court? It's a tribunal where truth is no defence, where opinion is on trial, where fines can be unlimited, where there is no trial by jury, where the judge -- called an adjudicator -- is judge, jury and prosecutor, where there is no right of appeal within the framework of the Act, where normal rules of evidence don't exist, and where impressions count for more than fact. If some powerful pressure group like the Canadian Jewish Congress or B'Nai Brith doesn't like what you are saying, you can become the subject of a vicious and costly complaint. That applies even if the case leads to a dismissal. It's a signal to publishers and writers not to have too much to say where the interests of such groups are concerned. Where heresy is concerned the NDP has no time for the real courts and has admitted it. | |
3. But the only hope lies with the regular legal system because this abominable law is almost certainly unconstitutional. Roger McConchie, the lawyer for the B.C. Press Council , had it right when he said that the Human Rights Code is is an attempt to stifle speech that is not criminal. It's a big story, very little of which has been explained in the mainstream media. Saturated in political correctness as so many of them are, they demonize dissidents and accept handouts from people who use trigger words like "racist," "white supremacist" "anti-Semitic", and "hatemonger". But there has been some opposition. The Globe & Mail has called the law "a criminal abuse of human rights"; the Calgary Herald said it was "a tool of repression"; B.C. Report magazine has compared what is happening here with press restrictions in Nazi Germany; to its credit, even the Jewish Western Bulletin has stated editorially that this is a dangerous law, and the Writers Union of Canada asked Premier Glen Clark to get rid of it. We can be sure that its letter went into the trash basket. The B.C. Press Council and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association have performed nobly. Last year they intervened on behalf of the North Shore News. They're not doing it this time because we are not defending ourselves unless we get to the real courts.
| 4. Anyone who says anything that "indicates" discrimination can fall within its orbit, especially if they are right of centre. Left of centre is safe enough, of course. The B.C. Government Employees Union, the Canadian Jewish Congress, B'Nai Brith and similar groups would never have to face the kind of action they favor for others. A double standard exists. Recently, they tried to prevent Doug Christie's Free Speech League from holding a meeting in a public library. If THAT doesn't indicate discrimination, what does? But he would be wasting his time if he entered a human rights complaint, even though freedom of speech and assembly are the most important rights of all. The Jewish Congress and B'Nai Brith are the biggest threats to freedom of expression in this country, backed as they are by governments that encourage them and even grovel to them. I am reminded of what went on in a different context in Maurice Duplessis' Quebec. As already stated, this tribunal is dealing with a column that was the subject of a five-week complaint last year by the Canadian Jewish Congress. That was the one on "Hollywood Propaganda". I have it here, in case you haven't seen it. For the North Shore News, the price of winning that one was over $200,000. | |
5. So this tribunal is a matter of double jeopardy. Obviously, Ujjal Dozanjh has never heard of that. Or doesn't want to hear of it. The Abrams complaint includes three other columns. Fire a whole quiver of arrows and one might hit the target, you see. And there's nothing to say that after this tribunal hands down its decision, he or one of his accomplices won't come up with yet another bunch of columns. There's a word for this sort of thing -- barratry -- meaning constant, vicious and vexatious litigation, in this instance encouraged by the worst B.C. government in living memory. So far, the Heresy Act has been used selectively. But don't kid yourselves that won't be used more widely.That's the way of it with leftists. It's called Fabian Socialism.The tree of freedom is being demolished slowly, branch by branch. It reminds me of an article I saw in the Atlantic Monthly, which asked whether democracy wasn't just a moment. One of the absurdities of the situation is that making human rights complaints can be a way of making money. Harry Abrams wants B'Nai Brith to be awarded $5,000 each from me and the News for every column that's found to be in fault, plus -- and get this -- $2,000 for himself on account of the time he spent getting his allegations together. Poor Harry. What's HIS rate of pay, I wonder? Two thousand bucks an hour? And he wants $2,000 for himself even though he's been granted legal aid. Legal aid, you see, is available to all complainants even if they are as rich as Bill Gates. But it's not automatically available to those who are being prosecuted.They have to qualify. How one-sided can you get? The forces arrayed against freedom are big time. Instead of standing up for free speech, which is what a province's chief law officer should do. Ujjal Dozanjh favors censorship. Yet he's the guy who's always talking about equality. He supports leftists who have pressured hotels into denying meeting rooms for the politically incorrect.
| 6.
Dozanjh the immigrant is B.C.'s Big Brother, here to instruct us on British democracy. I am not here to plead for myself. My day is done. I am here to plead for what used to be British Columbia, where opinion was once untrammelled. I am here to plead for a free press. Barbara Amiel once asked whether there is anyone in this country who will give us back our freedoms. Apparently not. Not in Victoria and not in Ottawa, irrespective of party. So one day we may wake up to find we can say nothing unless the Dosanjhes and the Clarks tell us it's OK to say it. And if you're criticizing a powerful pressure group, get your copy cleared by them in advance. The same forces are now trying to control the Internet. To them, free comment is intolerable. This is no longer a free country. Don't kid yourselves that it is. And it will not be until we get rid of these awful human rights commissions. Everyone associated with them should be ashamed of themselves. Should be, but aren't. Money and power are involved, and they wake up in the morning wondering who they can go after next. Well, it may be you. One more thing. I am retired from newspaper work and am speaking for myself, not for the North Shore News. Thank you.
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Orest Slepokura contributes this biographical sketch of Doug Collins Doug Collins was born 77 years ago in the United Kingdom. In 1939, with the outbreak of the Second World War, he volunteered for the British Army and, while serving as an infantry sergeant, was captured by the Germans at Dunkirk in 1940. As a POW in both German and Hungarian prisoner of war camps, Collins staged as many as 10 separate attempts to escape captivity. Upon his release from Rumania in 1944, he again fought with the British forces in Europe until the end of the war. Between 1946 and 1950, Collins served as a political intelligence officer with the British Control Commission's de-Nazification program in Germany. In 1952, he emigrated to Canada. Doug Collins' career in journalism has included work in print and electronic media, both as a reporter and commentator. He has worked at several of the big Canadian dailies, including the Calgary Herald, the Vancouver Province and the Vancouver Sun. For a time, he hosted an open-line
radio talk show at CJOR in Vancouver, and
was | Between 1983 and 1997, Collins wrote a popular and controversial column for the North Shore News (North Vancouver, BC). On November 12, 1997, a complaint brought before the British Columbia Human Rights Commission by the Canadian Jewish Congress for comments made in a column Doug Collins wrote entitled "Hollywood Propaganda" (March 9, 1994, North Shore News) was dismissed. He is the author of several books, including the wartime memoir, POW: A Soldier's Story of His Ten Escapes from Nazi Prison Camps (New York: W.W. Norton, 1968), Immigration: Parliament versus the People (1986) and The Best and Worst of Doug Collins (1988). Doug Collins' work in journalism has been honoured with Canada's National Newspaper Award (1953) and the MacMillan Bloedel Award (1975). On January 20, 1993, he was awarded the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canada's Confederation. The medal honours Canadians "who have made a significant contribution to their fellow citizens, their community or to Canada." Doug Collins: "I will conclude by
saying that I am 77 years of age, that I defended freedom in
the 1940s when Hitler was on the loose, in the 1970s when
the federal hate laws were passed, and in the 1990s when
those idiots in Victoria passed their misnamed Human Rights
Act, and that I shall go on defending freedom until the day
I die." |
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