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Documents:  Auschwitz State Museum informs Mr Irving they will not Allow any Visit by him to the site

[Text of letter]

Panstwowe Muzeum w Oswiecimiu
32 603 Oswiecim

00 48 33 432 022 | 432 077
00 48 33 431 934 fax

ref: Ldz.854 - 81/98 III 9568 July 15, 1998


Dear Mr Irving


We acknowledge receipt of yor letter of the 22nd June.

Until receipt of the aforementioned letter we had no knowledge of your proposed visit to this Museum in connection with a BBC Documentary. We must advise you that permission will not be given for you to have any access to the Museum including the photographic and document archives. The BBC have been advised of the position.

Yours sincerely

deputy director

Krystyna Olesky

Krystyna Olesky



[Facsimile of above letter]
© Focal Point 1998 write to David Irving