here Saturday, August 8, 2009
[Original date: July 9, 2009] URGENT, PORTLAND
TODAY: Oppose Holocaust Denier David Irving!
Author: Rose City
[i.e., Portland,
Oregon] Antifa e-mail: [email protected] Rose City Antifa has uncovered the location of
David Irving's lecture. He is speaking at
Embassy Suites - Airport located at 7900 NE 82nd
Street Portland, OR 97220. The phone number of this
venue is (503) 460-3000. Irving's personal
cellphone number is (305
). He is slated to begin
his lecture today, Sunday July 19th, at 3pm. We encourage folks to call immediately to
express their disgust that this establishment is
providing a platform for a notorious anti-Semite,
fascist and fraudulent historian. It may be wise to
take appropriate security precautions, such as
blocking your phone number (*67). For more information on Irving's shameful legacy
please see RCA's previous Indymedia posting link to, or run a Google search.
Information is widely available on Irving's
crackpot scholarship painting Adolf Hitler as a
saintly hero, and insisting that the Holocaust is a
Jewish hoax. RCA and allies are also on the ground directly
opposing this gathering of white supremacists. If
you are able to come, we welcome the additional
community support. If you have any information on white supremacist
activity related to this event or otherwise, please
contact us at [email protected]
or 971-533-7832 (voicemail). NO PLATFORM FOR FASCISTS! NO
PASARAN!phone: 971-533-7832 contribute to this
I just called 19.Jul.2009 13:39 and spoke with
ES Manager Theresa. She has already had a
flood of anti-Irving calls. Good going peeps! See
you in a minute at ES [Embassy Suites
Hotel]! 3:30 Update 19.Jul.2009 15:39
indy reporter link
50 protesters out front some have masks signs
and message "David Irving should not be speaking
there" "We dont support racist bullshit" 12 police cars police walking around, talking,
one on walkie-talkie, watching more police cars
were driving up at 3:30 Way too many police was a comment "relayed to me
by cell phone" 4:05 19.Jul.2009 16:18
update link
40 protester protest going till 5 or 6 Irving
may have assaulted someone ES falsly claims event can not be cancelled 4:20 19.Jul.2009 16:26
update link
<reports are by text message relay> Front door was blocked for a while But was moved
because --> falsely told "event was cancelled"
then told otherwise Some threatend with
arrest...but negotiated out of it Event antendee says 911 truth group promoted
event by phone Lawyer Stu Sugaman onsite legally
disputing the ES claims ES management wont show
"contract" KBOO reporter is "inside the event" 4:55 19.Jul.2009 16:57
update link
protesters are leaving A reporter from KBOO is
fine and is still inside the event 5:02 Update 19.Jul.2009 17:06
RCA link
As of shortly before 5:00PM all anti-fascists
have left from Embassy Suites. Feel free to continue calling the hotel (503 460
3000) or--even better--David Irving on his cell
phone (305
). Don't forget to hide
caller ID (*67) if calling the fascist scumbag!
is David Irving speaking next?
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