here Friday, August 7, 2009 [source] David Gorski
writes: Holocaust denier and neo-Nazi
sympathizer David Irving slithers his way through
the western U.S. Posted on: July 15, 2009 4:00 PM, by Orac HE's baaaack. Lovely. I'm referring to everybody's favorite
anti-Semite, Hitler apologist, and
Holocaust-denying "historian," David Irving,
who has reinfected our fair nation. Indeed, and
unfortunately, he is busily slithering his way
across the western U.S., hitting the mighty white
power ranger circuit in the back of cheap hotels
and greasy spoon restaurants in order to meet with
his fellow Holocaust deniers and, of course,
pathetically try to hawk some of his books. Worse,
he promises that in the fall he will hit the
eastern U.S. In the meantime, he's been to Kansas
City, Oklahoma City, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and
Albuquerque. Tonight he'll be in Boise, and this
weekend he'll be in Spokane, Portland, and Seattle.
He'll even be in San Francisco next week! Oddly enough, he was in Las Vegas on Sunday
night, just as TAM7 was finishing up.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find out where the event
was going to be. David Irving traditionally has
been very secretive -- with very good reason, given
how many protesters would love to show up at his
talks and shine the cold, hard light of day on his
activities, not to mention on those who actually
show up at his talks. As a consequence, it's always
been a bit dicey trying to figure out at exactly
what venue in each city he will be speaking during
each stop on his tour without giving away the
store, so to speak. What I mean is that getting
information from David Irving almost always
involves giving him your name, address, and phone
number on a form on his website and sometimes
paying the entrance fee by PayPal. I couldn't bring
myself to give him my real information; so I gave
him the address and phone number of the South Point
Hotel & Casino, where TAM7 was being held and
where I was staying. In the end, Irving was a bit
too squirrelly in a couple of brief e-mail
exchanges, and I never got the information (which,
of course, I would have happily spread around at
TAM7, given that, alas, my flight left two hours
before his talk was to begin). Perhaps I should
have bit the bullet and dialed the telephone number
he left as a contact to find out where he was going
to be, but I wasn't sure I actually wanted to speak
to the arch Holocaust denier himself. Oh, well, I
promise not to be such a chicken next time. In any case, I found a post by Stephen
Lemons in Phoenix, who showed me exactly what I
missed through his coverage of Irving's appearance
in Phoenix last Friday. He even has a bit of video
(direct YouTube link): I particularly like the neo-Nazis giving the ol'
"Seig Heil!" salute: After all, Holocaust deniers so often piously
inform us that their Holocaust denial absolutely,
positively doesn't come from anti-Semitism or
neo-Nazi beliefs. Just like these guys (note that
some of the attendees were just curious and at
least one was a spy for Lemons--just not these Seig
Heil-ing morons). And just like David Irving: Alas, I never got that follow-up call, despite
the polite tone of the e-mail. When I approached
Irving in Jerry's back room, a small space crammed
with about 30 bodies and two tables of books, DVDs
and posters of Hitler that Irving was offering for
sale, the septuagenarian anti-Semite was greatly
annoyed by the anarchists outside, as well as by my
presence. "How did you find out where it was?" Irving
wondered, his bushy eyebrows leaping about like
huge, hairy caterpillars. "The anarchists told me," I admitted. "Well, you're on the wrong side then," he
harrumphed. These days, it turns out that Irving's schtick
is to use decoded German documents to claim that
"only" 1.74 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis
during World War II, rather than the usual
estimates of 6 million, give or take a few hundred
thousand, that most Holocaust historians agree
upon. Or, as Lemons put it: Seems Irving was up to his regular shtick of
focusing on one tiny piece of evidence, while
ignoring mountains of proof to the contrary. It's
the sort of historical sleight of hand that
convinces only true believers. No wonder he doesn't
want anyone with a lick of sense eavesdropping on
his pathetic farce. Sadly, this doesn't just work with true
believers. Like the case with evolution deniers,
boosters of alternative medicine, and other cranks,
such cherry picking of evidence can all too often
persuade people with little knowledge of a subject
or whose knowledge is superficial. Irving's been
playing this same game since at least the late
1970s; the only difference is that now he doesn't
even try very hard any more to hide his admiration
for Hitler and his dislike of the Jews. In any case, if anyone has the intestinal
fortitude to actually give David Irving his
personal information in order to find out where he
will be speaking when he comes to his city, I
salute you. Anarchists shouldn't be the only ones
protesting his appearances. especially anarchists
like one who goes by the name of "Ghost": "I think that's fucking great, personally," said
Ghost about the deflated tire. "Honestly, I'm all
about any kind of destruction of anything neo-Nazis
own. I'm not gonna lie, I fucking hate 'em. I would
not shed a tear if they were all to die right
now." "We don't all agree with that," said a protester
named Haley. "I'm speaking for myself," responded Ghost. I asked Ghost about freedom of speech, and
whether he believed in denying it to neo-Nazis. "No one should give Nazis or any racists any
sort of platform," he told me. "I believe in free
speech. I know a lot of anarchists don't take that
stance, but when it comes to an organized group
that is built around genocide and oppression on the
kind of large scale that they're trying to deny
here tonight, when it's something that's built
around those kinds of practices, not just words,
that's when I think they should be shut down at the
root." In other words, Ghost is all for free speech,
just not for people whom he hates or considers to
be hateful or racist. This is about as hypocritical
a stance as there can be, especially for someone
like Ghost, who openly advocates violence and
destruction against neo-Nazis. This is not the sort
of message that we should be using to counter
people like David Irving. Peaceful protest and
education, for instance with this pamphlet from The
Holocaust History Project, are. The answer to lies
like Holocaust denial is not violence, but
is David Irving speaking next?
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