protected Images and captions added by this
website]  Tuesday, February 10, 2009 
Why the Pope
should use his Google by Gerard Henderson
(above) February 10, 2009 TRADITIONAL Catholics accept
that the Pope cannot err on the few occasions when
the head of the Catholic Church makes consciously
infallible statements on matters pertaining to
faith and morals. But on those matters which
pertain to governance, the Vatican is just as
subject to error as any other political or
religious leadership. Cardinal George Pell, the Archbishop of
Sydney, was on the mark last week when he
criticised Benedict's decision to readmit members
of the Switzerland based Society of St Pius X to
the Catholic Church - including the English-born
bishop Richard Williamson. Williamson had been consecrated a bishop by
Archbishop Marcel-Francois Lefebvre
(1905-91) in defiance of the Vatican in 1988. Soon
after, Lefebvre and the bishops he had consecrated
were excommunicated by Pope John Paul
II. The excommunication of some members of the
Society of St Pius X by one pontiff, and their
readmission by another, is a matter for Catholics -
since it essentially involves issues concerning the
teaching authority of the church. 
Brought by a friend, Bishop Williamson was one of
the seventy guests who attended David Irving's
garden party in Windsor on October 19, 2008; they
discussed Catholic affairs only, and no history
(copyright Focal Point
Publications) However, this matter became controversial
because Williamson is a follower of the English
propagandist David Irving, perhaps the
best-known Holocaust
denier in the Western world. On Swedish television last November, Williamson
asserted that "between 200,000 and 300,000 Jews
perished in Nazi concentration camps but not one of
them by gassing in a gas chamber". He also claimed
that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime did
not deliberately murder European Jews in the late
1930s and early 1940s. Williamson's Holocaust
denial was not widely reported until his
readmission to the church. His comments caused
considerable controversy and the German Chancellor,
Angela Merkel, urged the Pope to condemn
Williamson's views. The Pope included a reference
to the Holocaust in his weekly papal address last
Wednesday, spoke about his visits to the Auschwitz
death camp in Poland and said that this was
"one of the concentration camps in which the
heinous slaughter of millions of Jews
occurred". Earlier Williamson had apologised to the Pope
for having caused him "so much unnecessary distress
and problems". Williamson also regretted what he
described as his "imprudent remarks". And that's
the continuing problem. His comments were not
imprudent. Just wrong and ahistorical. It's
much the same with Irving. As Richard
J. Evans [right] documented
in his book Lying About Hitler, Irving is
not a historian in search of the truth but, rather,
a propagandist running a line in support of an
ideological cause.
The Vatican has demanded that Williamson recant
his views. It has also acknowledged that it failed
to do due diligence on Williamson before Benedict
announced that the excommunicated members of the
Society of St Pius X would be readmitted to
Catholicism. Due to the current surge of secularism in the
West, and the high profile of many alienated
current and former Catholics who are critical of
the church, the Vatican should be extra careful to
avoid political errors. Critics of the church have had success over the
past four decades in linking Pope Pius XII,
who was pontiff from 1939 to 1958, to Hitler and
the Nazis. This theme even made the cut in Chris
Taylor's documentary Happy News Year which went
to air on ABC1 on New Year's Day. Presumably Taylor
got this gig because he is one of the
self-proclaimed Chaser "boys", rather than on the
basis of any record as a contemporary
historian. As Michael Burleigh documents in his book
Sacred Causes, the attempt to link the
anti-communist Pius XII with Nazism was an
initiative by Joe Stalin's heirs in Moscow
and was popularised by the left-wing German
playwright Rolf Hochhuth in his play The
Deputy, which opened in 1963.  David
Irving (right) meets Rolf Hochhuth, January
25, 1965. They have been firm friends to the
present day. It is always easy to say that, circa 1940, Pius
XII should have openly condemned Hitler. But the
attempt to brand Pius XII as "Hitler's Pope"
overlooks the fact he was the Vatican's secretary
of state when the encyclical condemning of Nazism
was issued in 1937. It also ignores the fact that, during Pius XII's
papacy, the Vatican did much to assist Jews to
escape the Holocaust. This has been documented by
Professor Ronald J. Rychlak and Rabbi
David G. Dalin, among others. The Vatican is well aware of the campaign to
discredit Pius XII. It also knows that there is a
tradition of anti-Semitism within sections of the
church in Europe, particularly in France where
Lefebvre was born. Anti-Semitism was rare among
Catholics in the English-speaking nations,
including Australia. This is evident in Pell's
condemnation of Williamson on Radio National's
Breakfast last Thursday. Daniel Mannix
(1864-1963), the influential Archbishop of
Melbourne, was one of the first Christian leaders
in Australia to enter into dialogue with Jews. Pell
is in the Mannix tradition. Some members of the Society of St Pius X are
essentially good people who disagree with the way
in which some of the reforms of the Second Vatican
Council were implemented. They can be found in many nations, including
Australia. However, a small number of the society's
members are supporters of
lunar right conspiracy
theories, including Holocaust
denial. Williamson, for example. Pope Benedict is a fine theologian. Yet, he
appears to lack basic political skills and seems
unwilling to seek advice on some key issues. Anyone
with a knowledge of the Society of Pius X would
have understood the need to do due diligence on its
members, including its bishops. A simple Google search would have revealed
Williamson's denial,
which gives succour to anti-Semites and is an
affront to history. Pell is correct. The whole
issue has been mishandled. The Pope would be well
advised to indicate that Williamson will not be
admitted to a position within the Catholic
hierarchy while he engages in historical
lying. Gerard Henderson is executive director of The
Sydney Institute.
[He appears to be
its only staff member and
Spiegel verbatim (but edited) interview with
Bishop Richard Williamson- (Protestant)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel demands that
Pope clarify Holocaust
- (otherwise Sozi Germany will
Williamson decision may cost Pope his Vatican
job, hints Daily
Demands Williamson Publicly
otherwise he'll be burnt at
clip of Bishop
now vanished into the YouTube Memory Hole.
AWPOW* But others have survived:
lehnt Widerruf vorerst ab - he refuses to recant
as yet: demands historical proof, "das wird Zeit
brauchen", that'll take
| English
