and out-of-print English and Foreign Books by
David Irving
Irving writes: I have some rare (and spare)
first edition copies of my original
books, both English, German, and other
languages, which are currently out of print and
not generally available. I recently did an
inventory of my bookshelves and I have a very
few extra copies of these books; I price these
at between £30 and £50 (roughly
between 50 and 90 US dollars, plus shipping). If
my readers are interested in any I will agree a
price and of course autograph them before
shipping. Contact me:  
- David Irving: A Destruição de
Dresden (Nova Fronteira S.A., Lisbon, 19??:)
- David Irving: I diari segreti del medico di
Hitler (Nova Edizioni Clandestine) (5)
- David Irving: The Destruction of Convoy
PQ.17 (William Kimber Ltd, London, 19??:)
- David Irving: Apocalissa a Dresda (Arnoldo
Mondadori Editore, Milano, 1965:) 2
- David Irving: Die Geheimwaffen des Dritten
Reiches (Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, Reinbek, 1968:)
- David Irving: Die Geheimwaffen des Dritten
Reiches (Arndt Verlag, Kiel, 1986:) (6)
- David Irving: PQ.17 Il Convoglio Della Morte
(Club Degli Editori, Milano, 1969:) (3)
- David Irving: Apokalipsizis 1945 (Budapest,
2007) (5)
- David Irving: The Morgenthau Plan: David
Irving: Il piano Morgenthau, 1944-45, un
genocidio mancato (Settimo Sigillo, Milan)
- David Irving: David Irving: Apocalisse 1945:
La distruzione di Dresda (Settimo Sigillo,
- David Irving: Nürnberg: Die letzte
Schlacht: Aus den geheimen Aufzeichnungen Der
Ankläger und Richter (Grabert
 - David Irving: Apokalipszis 1945. Drezda
Elpusztítása (Gede Testverek,
Budapest) £20
- David Irving: Goering (in Spanish:
Altaya, Barcelona, 2008) (8) (£35 incl
postage) >>
 - David Irving: Felkeles (Gede Testverek,
Budapest, 2007) (5)
- David Irving: Tajno Orozje (Zalozba Borec,
Ljubljana) (3)
- David Irving: Luftwaffe (Bonus, Warsaw?)
- David Irving: Italian: la Guerra di Hitler
- David Irving: Goering (country?) (1)
- David Irving: Virushaus (2)
- David Irving: The War Path UK and US
- David Irving: The War between the Generals
(Congdon & Lattès, Inc., USA, 1981:)
- David Irving: Konvoi PQ17 Ondergang (5)
- David Irving: Churchill (Herbig Verlag)
- David Irving: The Secret Diaries of Hitler's
Doctor (2) 1983:
- David Irving: Rommel Liska Poustre (3)
- David Irving: En Konvojs endeligt (Forum,
København, 1984:) (2)
- David Irving: Hitler. Les Carnets Intimes du
Docteur Morell (Acropole, Paris, 1984:) (3)
- David Irving: Hitlers sjukjournal (Liber
Förlag, Stockholm, 1984:) (2)
- David Irving: Deutschlands Ostgrenze (Arndt
Verlag, Kiel, Germany, 1990:) (2)
- David Irving: The Trail of the Fox (trade
paperback, Avon Books, New York, 1990:) 4+2
- David Irving: The Secret Diaries of Hitler's
Doctor [abridged and revised] (Grafton
Books, London, 1990:) (2)
- David Irving: Rommel. Biografije (country,
1990:?) (5)
Irving's Books - free