Statement by the Claimant I DAVID JOHN CAWDELL IRVING, historian, of ...
Windsor ... say as follows: save where the contrary
is expressly stated or manifestly implied, the
facts and matters to which I depose herein are
within in my own knowledge -- 2. This statement is made in support of a claim
for costs and damages arising from a breach of
contract by the Defendant, who does business
running a Bed and Breakfast establishment
("B&B") in Kew. 3. I am aged 69, and a World War II historian
and biographer. I support a daughter Jessica, 13,
and her ... mother Bente. My books have been highly
praised (In view of the Defendant's statements to
police and others I append as Exhibit 1 a summary,
the Real Experts Say). 4. Until December 21, 2006 I was held as a
political prisoner in Vienna. I was locked for 23
or 24 hours a day into a two-meter square stone
cell. After 400 days in solitary confinement the
court of appeal ordered my release; my muscles and
right leg have suffered in consequence. 5. While we searched for a new home I continued
my occupation as an historian. During June 2007 I
resided in Belgium, while my young daughter (13)
and her mother Bente remained in London. The contract 6. In mid June I asked Bente to look for a
B&B at Kew, to enable me to work at the
archives for two weeks. After several days' search,
reporting to me daily that everything was full, she
booked accommodation for D J C Irving at the
Defendant's B&B, for two weeks commencing on
Sunday July 1, shortly corrected to Saturday
evening June 30. 7. On or about June 18 I confirmed this booking
by email to the Defendant's email address, receipt
of which she confirmed on June 19 and reiterated
her cancellation policy by email: "Thank you for
confirming your understanding of my 72 hour
cancellation policy and cash payment on arrival (at
least for the first week in advance on the Sunday
when we meet)." 8. There is no dispute between the parties that
our booking constituted a valid contract for a
two-week stay beginning on July 1, 2007, the
details of which I confirmed with the Defendant
both by email and verbally upon arrival, and again
on Monday July 2 after my arrival. The Consideration 9. The Defendant apologised on June 19 that she
would be away from the B&B when I arrived on
Saturday evening. The Defendant insisted on cash,
and would not accept payment by credit card or
cheque. On Sunday July 1 or Monday July 2 I paid
the Defendant the sum of £300 in cash, which
she accepted on account; there is no dispute
between the parties about this. The Guests 10. Since the breakfast provided was meagre --
two slices of toast with margarine, and a cup of
Nescafe -- I had no cause to linger; on each
morning there was never more than one other guest
present. On Monday it was a Canadian, Don, and I
chatted briefly with him, a purely professional
conversation conducted between experts, and it is
quite absurd to say that there was any abuse or
intimidation. 11. The next morning when I entered the
breakfast room the Defendant was standing, I
recall, next to another researcher, whom I now know
to be one Harvey Neptune. On this occasion
there was only a very brief discussion about our
different research fields. Again, it was a purely
professional conversation conducted between
experts, and it is quite untrue to say that there
was any abuse of intimidation. 12. To the best of my recall, I had no further
intercourse with any of the Defendant's other
guests, nor did I see any. The Defendant Landlady 13. On Sunday or Monday, when first chatting
with the Defendant, I was as pleasant as is my
nature. I complimented her on her large garden, and
said I had enjoyed sitting in the evening sunshine
outside. She told me of her divorce and other
troubles. On the following morning she inquired
after my Christian name, saying, "I always like to
know my guests' full names." She made no complaint
about behaviour, insults, or abuse or
intimidation. 14. On Monday morning, seated at the breakfast
table, she produced her register-ledger, and asked
me pleasantly to confirm again the full dates I
intended to stay. She would hardly have done so had
there been complaints about behaviour, insults, or
abuse or intimidation. I confirmed again that we
had booked for fourteen days, and she calculated
what the departure date would be, and stated how
much money I would accordingly need to pay; which
data we both agreed upon, and she entered in her
handwritten ledger, which I invite the Defendant to
exhibit to this Honourable Court. 15. On Monday evening (July 2) the Defendant
became noticeably crabby. Coming into my upstairs
room uninvited, she stated that it was undesirable
for me to use the pay-phone in the entrance hall --
my young daughter had phoned for me earlier, she
now said. 16. After 7 p.m. Bente phoned the pay-phone
downstairs about an appointment to view a house,
and when I immediately answered the call the
Defendant thrust a sheet of paper in front of me. I
had no glasses, so the Defendant read it out loud
to me: This is my private phone and you will please
make appointments if people wish to call you on it
(or words to that effect). I quietly replaced the
phone therefore, apologised to Bente, and remarked
to the Defendant as I limped upstairs, "I am sorry.
But this is getting rather inconvenient." "Most
people have cell phones nowadays" was the
Defendant's retort. This was the only occasion on
which we "had words", and this was the full extent
and flavour of the exchange. The denouement 17 On Tuesday morning I recorded: "After a
breakfast -- she forced her way in [to my
room] at 8:35 a.m. to ask if I was coming down
or not -- I came upstairs to lie down for an hour
[having been writing since 5 a.m.]. Then
she forced her way in again, and said she wanted me
to leave, today if possible. I said I would leave
at the end of the week." I now added to my notes:
"Yesterday morning she asked if I was 'that man'
who[m] all the fuss was about last year. I
said I was not. I cannot be bothered to have an
argument with landladies about history". 18 On Monday and Tuesday, the WiFi Internet
connection, on which I depend, inexplicably went
dead during the day; this may have been a fault
beyond the Defendant's control. 19 On Wednesday morning July 4 I had just begun
chatting with the Canadian Don at the breakfast
table, when the Defendant sat down uninvited next
to him and interrupted. I withdrew upstairs so as
to defuse the situation, since there was no other
accommodation in Kew. I entered in my notes
immediately this description: "8:26 a.m breakfast ended abruptly. I
was chatting in a friendly way with Don, the
Canadian researcher on Cuban/US relations, about
the PRO [Public Record Office], the
Russian archives, experiences in the Hoover
Library and elsewhere, when ... Landlady
Jeannie Allen, who had sat herself at our
table, interrupted and said "I am bringing this
up in front of a witness
" and launched
into a tirade about Who I Really Am. "My
solicitor has sent me the Wikipedia entry about
you." And so on. So that explains the reasons
for her bitchiness. "Why did you lie to me. Are
you ashamed of yourself!" and more of the same.
The Landlady from Hell... I made no response,
winked at Don, excused myself and carried the
two slices of toast upstairs, leaving her no
doubt snarling about me to Don." The rental car 20 I had a valid contract with the B&B and I
had breached none of its provisions, explicit or
implied. Anticipating that, contract or no, the
Defendant might take the action that she
subsequently did, at 3 p.m. that Wednesday
afternoon July 4 I picked up a rental car as a
precaution ("another wasted research day") and
returned to the B&B. It was raining, so it was
a wise precaution. Recorded: "At 4:11 p.m at the
B&B. Surly landlady let me in (her key was
blocking the door-lock, on the inside)." The breach of contract: the eviction. 21 At 4:58 pm the Defendant entered my room
accompanied by two police officers in flak jackets,
and told me to leave the B&B. 22 I recorded: "I obtain the PCs' identities,
just in case: PC 602 TW Lawrence and PC 640 TW
Amor. They say the landlady is evicting me; she
insists on immediate eviction, 'at once.' I suggest
I will be packed and gone within two hours, and the
officers think this is fair. I type this note in
front of them: Two police officers as above appeared
without appointment accompanied by landlady Mrs
Jeannie Allen and informed me that she no longer
wished to have me on the premises and I was to
leave. I agreed to leave within two hours.
Police officers said that was reasonable, as I
had effects to carry out. I asked them to
ascertain her proper identity, in case of doubt,
for service, and she declined to identify her
solicitor in front of them. I was reasonable
throughout, so were the officers, who said they
would file an incident report. 5:08 p.m: the officers returned with landlady
with a sealed envelope from which I extracted the
"receipt" for "five nights" and left the money
uncounted and untouched 23 I informed the police officers that since it
was a civil matter there was nothing they could do
other than prevent a breach of the peace, and that
it was for me to pursue the matter in the civil
courts, which I would do. 24
I had equipment and papers to pack and carry down
three flights of stairs. I left within one hour. I
was in discomfort because of my damaged leg. The
Defendant was waiting, grinning and arms akimbo, at
the foot of the stairs, and made no attempt to open
doors or assist. I remarked in a conversational
tone that no doubt we would next meet in court (the
only time I made this observation).
25 It took six hours, until 11:20 pm, to find
vacant accommodation, as all B&Bs within a wide
radius were booked solid. I drove to every B&B
in Kew, Richmond, Slough, and Maidenhead, but all
were overbooked; finally an innkeeper's wife at
Eton Wick, by telephoning around, found me a room
near Windsor. 26 Since the Defendant avers in her purported
Defence that her guests had complained about my
abusive and intimidating behaviour, I have asked
for their addresses so I can invite them to
comment. The Defendant has refused, citing the Data
Protection Act. I asked her to forward a neutrally
worded letter to them; no replies have been
received as of the date of this Witness
Statement. 27 At my request the police authorities have
provided to me two police reports made by their
attending officers, which I exhibit to this Witness
Statement as Exhibit 2
[not posted
here] 28 I have read these police reports. The police
reports confirm that apart from making her
allegations about my allegedly abusive behaviour to
her other customers (in order, I submit, falsely to
justify their attendance), which allegations are
strenuously denied, your client stated to the
police who attended at about 1700, as her opening
remark, "Officers, I am sure you are aware of
David Irving, he is very known views
[sic. well known?] for his outspoken views
and controversial writing." The attending officers
reported no untoward behaviour on my part. 29 At the Defendant's request I have supplied
copies of both police reports to her. The Defendant's Credibility 30 Since the only source of evidence about my
allegedly abusive behaviour is the verbal evidence
of the Defendant herself, which I repeat is
strenuously denied in this respect, I am entitled
to adduce evidence about her credibility, which
evidence suggests a general propensity for
exaggeration in her favour. 31
She advertises her B&B as being only ten
minutes' walk from Kew station, and ten minutes
from the archives. The true figures are in each
case over three times as much. Her website map
places her B&B one whole street-block closer to
the station than is true. In the police officers'
presence she wrote a receipt for five days' and
nights' accommodation, against the £300
deposit I had paid; the true figure was four, as
she conceded. Her statement that the rooms supplied
to me contained tables was also an exaggeration:
the first room had neither chair nor table, just a
bed; the second, third-floor room, had a barstool
outside, a painted plank as a table and a child's
folding chair leaning against the wall, as the
photographs appended as Exhibit 3 show. I am 6 foot
2 and weigh 238 pounds.
My submissions 32 The Defendant, disapproving of what she
wrongly apprehended to be my views on history,
intended to inflict the utmost possible misery on
me, late in the evening, with heavy baggage, in the
rain, and knowing that there was no accommodation
available for miles around. 33 I believe and so submit that her solicitor
late on Monday or early on Tuesday advised her to
allege behaviour violating the provisions of the
contract (before Tuesday she had made no such
allegations but had on the contrary been keen to
codify the precise dates of my stay and payments
due in her register). 34 I ask this Honourable Court - to find that there has been a significant
breach of contract by the Defendant; and
- to order the Defendant to pay the sums
claimed by way of costs; and
- to make an appropriate award of damages
reflecting the seriousness of this breach of
Statement Of Truth 35 I believe that the facts stated in this
Witness Statement are true. Signed: David John Cawdell Irving Dated: Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Served this seventh day of November 2007 by
David Irving of ... Windsor ... acting in
The Independent: David
Irving lost a breach of contract action against
a landlady. . .
. . . but
she has to pay £5,000