in Vienna prison, 2006. Posted here Friday, March
14, 2008 The
(extract) IN
that unlocked Oxford basement [in 1963] I
had inevitably stumbled upon clues to Enigma
and the Ultra secret, and within weeks I had
unravelled it. In the inner machinery of the
British Intelligence establishment, wheels began to
whir, as its files transferred to the PRO now show.
The next time Professor R. V. Jones, the scientific
Intelligence chief (right), came to us for
dinner, I put my problem to him more squarely, with
some judicious questioning. He again sternly
refused to talk about codebreaking. I picked away
at him, as I had picked at that crumbling
lathe-and-plaster wall as an infant. He had claimed
in an August 1944 report to have calculated V-2
rocket production from freight dockets captured by
British agents; the serial numbers had started from
a base of 17,000.
"Those freight dockets,
they never existed, did they," I challenged
him. By chance I already knew
that, from the German Abwehr files -- the
Abwehr had directed that all secret rocket
shipments were to proceed unaccompanied by any
paperwork, and the discrepancy in Jones's report
had puzzled me. The little pile of plaster on the
floor was growing. "You were reading the coded
radio signals passed between Blizna proving ground
and Peenemünde." Jones went visibly pink,
and mopped his forehead. "I cannot comment," he
said in a strangled voice. "And whatever you have
or have not learned, you did not get it from me."
That clinched it. I now
had enough to rewrite the opening of this V-weapons
book. I called that chapter simply, "Enigma." The
whole typescript went off to Kimber's. Right:
An Enigma code machine Under my arrangements with
the government, a copy had to go to the Cabinet
Office for vetting. A loud alarm bell evidently
rang somewhere very soon after that. Within a very
few days the authorities carried out simultaneous
raids on my flat and William Kimber's offices
[my publisher]. Two or three
gentlemen in belted raincoats called without
warning at our flat in Paddington. They relieved my
file cabinet of the offending first chapter [of
book The Mare's Nest],
titled "Enigma," and all the supporting working
papers they could find, and all its carbon copies
(I retained one, I forget how). A few days later I was
hauled before a board meeting in the Cabinet
Office, presided over by Sir Burke Trend,
the Cabinet Secretary, and attended by several
unidentified men with somber countenances. I
guessed that one was a Mr Geoffrey Evans --
I noted down his name as he had signed in before
me; his entry described him as security chief of
"GCHQ" at Cheltenham.* Those initials meant nothing
to me. Evans commanded me never,
ever, to reveal the Ultra secret. "We take
particular exception to any use of that word, or
the word Enigma," he said. I asked curiously why the
secret had to be kept even now, twenty years after
the war. The men looked at each other, then one
replied that at the war's end the British troops
had gathered in the German Enigma code machines,
and they had sold them extensively to Third World
countries, assuring them that the resulting codes
were unbreakable. The words perfidious
and Albion trotted jointly into my mind. I
suppressed a grin at the thought of all those
worthy natives plotting secretly against the
Empire. Evans now appealed to me as an English
gentleman, with some effect; more compelling was
the weight of a throwaway line he added to the
effect that I had got the incredible story all
wrong (I had not, it turned out) and I would
therefore just be making myself a laughing stock.
The Ultra Secret remained
unrevealed until 1974 when Wing Commander F. W.
Winterbotham was allowed to publish a book of that
name (I had introduced him to Kimber's, who
published his first book but inexplicably passed on
The Ultra Secret, a huge best seller). They
learned Harcourt's identity, but they did not
discover my file on him. After the secret was
finally released in 1974, I turned it over to
Ronald Lewin and to others who wrote on
it. * Government Communications
Headquarters, the British counterpart of the US
National Security Agency. Newspapers were
forbidden by D-notice to mention the existence
of GCHQ. ©
2008 Copyright David Irving / Focal Point
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V Jones refers in his memoirs to how Mr Irving
held the secret-
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Irving: The Mare's Nest
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Irving: The Scoop-
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