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Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

N.J. Eatery Writes 'Jew Couple' on Check

ALLENHURST, N.J.-- The bill was a shocker, and not because of the amount. After eating at a Jersey shore restaurant, Elliott Stein and his girlfriend were handed a bill that said "Jew Couple" near the bottom, as a table identifier used by the waitstaff. The slur [sic] also turned up on Stein's credit card statement weeks later.

David Irving comments:

I am mildly baffled by this news item. It reminds me as an historian of the early days of the Nazi "struggle for power" when the Jews and Nazis tormented eachother through the law courts (and it is still not entirely clear who won).
   In one landmark case, the Berlin police chief Bernhard Weiss ("Isidore" to Dr Joseph Goebbels and his friends) sued Goebbels for calling him a Jew; the judge pointed out that (a) the Herr Polizeipräsident was in fact a Jew, and (b) the word Jew is not a slur.
   Mr Elliott Stein should remember that.
   The worthy police chief, whose daughter now lives in London (and refused some years ago to provide me with a less unflattering photo of her father than the one often used in the Nazi press), then sued Goebbels for publishing in Der Angriff a cartoon showing him as a Donkey skating on ice.
   The Court determined that the cartoon donkey clearly portrayed Dr Weiss. Goebbels's newspaper headlined the finding the next day: JUDGE SAYS ISIDORE LOOKS LIKE A DONKEY, and it was hard to fault the logic in that. In 1933 Weiss fled to London, where a sterner sense of humour prevailed.

WHICH BRINGS us back to the sad saga of New Jersey. I am baffled by the claim that the "Jew couple" reference also turned up on Mr Stein's credit card statement. I just cannot figure out any mechanism which would enable the restaurant to do that, but we must take Mr Stein's word for it.

"My grandfather went through all that in old-school Europe," Stein, a New Yorker and a regular at the restaurant, told the New York Post. "But that happened more than 50 years ago. You don't expect it to happen in 2005."

The New Jersey Attorney General's Office said Wednesday it is investigating the July incident at Parkhill's Waterfront Grill through its Division on Civil Rights.

Stein, 23, could not be reached for comment Wednesday. He did not return two telephone messages left at his office.

The server, identified on the check only as Karina, is no longer working at the restaurant, general manager Malia Wells said Wednesday. Wells wouldn't say if it was because of the incident.

"We don't run our establishment like that," Wells said. "It was definitely poor judgment on her part."

Stephen Reid, a spokesman for the restaurant, said it had been the waitstaff's practice to use descriptions of diners to identify them on checks, instead of using the number of their table, as many establishments do.

He said racial slurs were never used to describe diners.

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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