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The Irving -
C-Span correspondence Photo:
Prof Deborah Lipstadt received an ecstatic welcome when she spoke in Feb 2005 at Brandeis University and signed copies of her latest book
Wednesday February 9, 2005:
From: Amy
Roach [C
Span] To: [...] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 10:53 AM Subject: David Irving Greetings! My C-SPAN colleague [...]
tells me that you may have contact info for David
Irving. C-SPAN is considering covering Deborah
Lipstadt's book, "History on Trial," and we'd
prefer to balance our coverage by giving Mr. Irving
some airtime as well. I'm interested in finding out
if he has any speaking engagements on the horizon
-- something we could potentially tape for
broadcast on C-SPAN. Many thanks, Amy Roach, Book TV Producer C-SPAN 400 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 650 Washington, DC 20001
David Irving to C-SPAN's Amy Roach:
9:26 pm: Dear Amy, that is very civil of you to want to balance
your coverage. More on that in a minute. But: How
you never covered such items as Lipstadt's
pressurising St Martin's Press in April 1996 to
violate their contract to publish my Goebbels
biography, the result of eight years' work by
me in the Moscow KGB and other archives (Prof
Craig subsequently described that book in
the most glowing terms in a six page review in the
NY Review of Books -- a book you could not,
and still cannot, buy anywhere in the USA!) It had already been selected by Doubleday
History Book Club as their Book of the Month for
May 1996. That is just one reason why I loath
Deborah. Her calling me a "Holocaust denier" is another
(if you read the Goebbels book, "Goebbels.
Mastermind of the Third Reich", you will find I go
into previously unknown detail about the
mass shootings of Jews on the eastern front,
but I am still "a Holocaust denier".) Interesting for you perhaps, I have put all my
books on the Internet as free
downloads, and will eventually put all the
foreign translations up there free too: I am not
sure it makes sense, but my gut instinct is that it
does! By the way Deborah
L will do all she can to dissuade you from giving
me a fair hearing, even if it means losing
publicity for her book. Just to warn you of
what you will let yourself in for. 2. You already covered from start to finish a
talk I gave in Washington DC about three years
back. You (C-SPAN) also filmed a lengthy interview
with me at the BookExpo in New York's Jacob Javits
Center in about 2002. You were kind enough to
broadcast that interview several times. 3. Now to timetable: Yes. I shall be visiting
the USA from Feb 25 and doing a lengthy road tour
lasting two months, speaking in many cities. Topic:
The Real Adolf Hitler of History. This may be too
late for your time frame however? I will be happy
to make myself available anywhere, within reason,
that you choose for a one-on-one interview if you
prefer, I could even drive over from Chicago to NY
or DC if you wish
A postscript: "Early in March I shall be
speaking at a location in Atlanta, which is of
course on Lipstadt's doorstep so to speak. I speak
there once a year. Again, this may be too late for
you however. Note my US contact details below,
valid after February 25."
Amy Roach to Mr. Irving
Thanks so much for your quick response. Great to
hear that you are planning a US tour. The timetable
sounds perfect, actually. Are you promoting a new
book, or is your lecture topic-driven? I'd love to
see a copy of your tour schedule, so that we can
consider taping one of your events or arranging an
interview during your visit to the states. I'll be out of the office tomorrow and Friday
(in the UK, actually), but please send me a copy of
your schedule and we can go from there next
David Irving to
"In confidence: ever since Lipstadt et al
destroyed my publishing career in the USA (my books
had been published since 1963 by Holt Rinehart
Winston; Simon & Schuster; Wm Morrow; Avon;
Viking; E P Dutton,; St Martin's Press; Bantam,
etc) I have had to live a gypsy-like existence,
selling books direct. It is amusing, rewarding,
tiring and has given me the chance and excuse to
see the whole of this vast, beautiful country of
yours. I also stop off at locations to research
(College Park, Md; Hoover Library, California,
etc). [...] Incidentally, we are preparing
some ugly legal surprises for when Lipstadt arrives
in London to promote her book."
Thursday, February 10, 2005:
10:15 am David Irving to
C-SPAN: "Further to our emails about
Deborah Lipstadt etc., I just noticed that you are
coming to London. If you have time, do consider
having a lunch or supper here to talk briefly. I
live in Mayfair just behind the London Hilton (so
close in fact that if that building ever comes
down, we're toast), and we are surrounded by nice
eateries. I'm in all day expect for twice a day
doing the school run, roughly nine and four pm. But
I suspect that your schedule is probably already
even more crowded than Condoleeza's."
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:37 am:
David Irving to C-SPAN:
Very sorry to hear of the Washington
Post attack on you. I tried hard to be balanced
in my talk, and refrained of course from ad
hominem attacks on Prof Lipstadt. I
don't know if you're going to show it, but I forgot
to ask whether I might have a copy of the talk and
Q&A on DVD or tape. Your team at Atlanta was
the soul of efficiency and courtesy, and it was a
pleasure to be in the same room as such fine
March 18, 2005
David Irving
to C-SPAN: "I am so sorry this has
happened; we all worked so hard to give you a good
program(me). I hope you will judge my Atlanta talk
on its merits, and not allow mindless bigots to
Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:51 am
David Irving
to C-SPAN: I do hope you will eventually
let me have a tape or DVD of the Atlanta meeting
for my own records [...]; you may well
agree its content does not earn any of the blind
references to it by its critics. 2. If C-Span
buckles to the growing pressure, it will send a
signal to book authors and publishers around the
nation that they, not you, can dictate who is
permitted to answer them. Fairness will be at least
halfway out of the window. But I am sure I did not
need to say this to you. I have been under this
pressure (and from the same quarters) now for forty
years -- and I have only recently begun to
wilt. 3. I shall
speak in DC in early April and sign books at Havre
de Grace, then drive over to the West Coast for
more of the same.

Sunday, April 3, 2005, 10:10
a.m. [read at 7 pm] C-SPAN,
Connie Doebele, to David Irving: Dear
Mr. Irving, I am writing to let you know that we
have produced a program about your 2000 libel
trial. It is scheduled to air on C-SPAN2 Book TV
today, Sunday, April 3rd, at 4:30 pm eastern time
(overnight re-air Monday morning at 3:00 am eastern
time.) For more information you can go to our
website at www.booktv.org. -- Connie Doebele,
Executive Producer, Book TV 6:14 pm David Irving
to C-SPAN, Amy Roach: Thank you for
showing the program that you did, though I
understand you showed only excerpts. I missed it
myself, but newspapers have told me that you had
received 3,000 well-orchestrated protests. No doubt
you will also have received messages of support. It
must have been a harrowing time for you. -- David
Irving (now on the road in the USA) 7:02 pm David Irving
to C-SPAN, Connie Doebele: [after
opening above message] Thanks Connie, sorry to
say I received your note too late. Thoughtful of
you to inform me however. -- David Irving (now on
the road in the USA)  
Index to the
media scandal surrounding Prof Lipstadt's
attempt to silence C-Span and the history