Zürich, Swtzerland, March 27, 2005
in German] Dramatic Twist
in the Case of Greta Beer SHE was the principal witness
against the Swiss Banks in the conflict over
unclaimed funds. However, the Swiss Bank account of
Greta Beer's father was never found.
An account has now appeared: At the Bank Leumi in
Israel. It was her appearance that gave the Swiss
bankers headaches. As Senator Alfonse
D'Amato took to the podium on April 23, 1996
within the scope of the first hearings about the
unclaimed assets, and made clear to the public with
a few short sentences which was the right and which
was the wrong side of righteousness in the case.
The then 75 year old described in a voice choking
with tears, the demeaning treatment she had to put
up with on her search for her father's accounts at
the Swiss banks, and how this hard heartedness
destroyed her chances for a comfortable life. From then on the "Swiss Case" had a face; in
Greta Beer repeated her accusations against "the
cold, arrogant and powerful" Swiss banks. She was
never able to recover from this attack. Even
Paul Volcker, the chairman of the commission
which was named after him, later remarked that her
accusations were "decisive". Hans Bär, the representative of the
banking industry, who was also present at these
hearings, invited the crown witness on the same day
to come to Switzerland and to help her with her
search for the vanished accounts. She flew to
Switzerland a few weeks later, but in spite of an
intensive search, no results followed. And that is
how it remained: In spite of all research by the
Volcker Commission, there was no sign of the
accounts of Siegfried Deligdisch - Greta
Beer's Romanian father. Israeli
ResearchIn his memoirs, Hans Bär assumed that this
account no longer existed; after the father's death
of natural causes during the war, her brother took
over their company and thereby also the power of
attorney over the accounts - with which Bär
subtly implies the fate of the accounts. As a
result, Greta Beer was about to leave the Volcker
Process empty handed. For this reason, NY Judge
Edward Korman awarded her $100,000 "as
remuneration for her help in making the settlement
possible" from the settlement funds. But the story was not over with that. A few days
ago, Greta Beer received the news through the
NZZ am Sonntag (A Swiss newspaper) that she
had been waiting for for years: An account had
appeared, but instead of in the Swiss, in the
Israeli Bank Leumi. There, after a 4 year search
for "Holocaust Assets" in Israeli banks, a list of
3595 accounts was published at the end of January,
among which one is under the the name Siegfried
Deligdisch . Greta Beer, who lives in Boston, and her brother
Otto Deligdisch are convinced that there is
no doubt that this was her father's account. He had
built up one the largest textile companies in East
Europe between the two wars. His business relations
reached from Egypt to West Europe, including
Switzerland, where he had purchased machinery for
his factories, which had the name "Hercules". On
his business trips, remember the siblings, he often
traveled through Palestine, and even bought a house
in Jerusalem in 1934. This account is probably
related to that transaction. Threatening
PrecedentIn spite of the surprising find, Greta Beer and
her brother are still convinced, that a large
portion of her father's funds are in Switzerland.
Beer also contradicts Hans Bär's account by
which their father gave him the power of attorney.
Burt Neuborne, the representative of the
prosecuting attorneys in the Korman proceedings,
that the CRT (Claims Restitution Tribunal) is
making another attempt to find Deligdisch accounts
in Switzerland as well. The chances of success are
not good. The surprising turn of the Greta Beer case is
the result of a clarification in Israel that has
long been controversial. The Knesset member
Colette Avital had, against a great deal of
resistance, gotten through a bill saying that
Israeli banks should also look for unclaimed
Holocaust accounts. After the results were
published in January 2005, a number of banks
objected, saying that the accounts did not belong
to Holocaust victims. It is about "the principle"
said Ha'aretz. No Israeli bank wants to
admit openly, and be seen in history books, as
having hoarded funds belonging to Holocaust victims
for so many years. Greta Beer has meanwhile contacted Colette
Avital and the Board of Inquiry about the next
steps for receiving possession of the account.
According to information from Yona Fogel,
Vice President of the Bank Leumi, the restitution
process has not yet been clarified. Among other
things, the amount of interest on these accounts is
under discussion. At the moment, a percentage rate
of 3 or 4% is being considered. According to
Ha'aretz, it is possible that this rate will
be reduced, since it is
likely to be a precedent for the return of
Palestinian funds. History does not
necessarily favor Greta Beer. 
Foxman chuckles: We bludgeoned the Swiss
Finkelstein (The Holocaust Industry)
Shamir: "Bankers and Robbers"
The Times
(London): "Swiss Holocaust cash revealed to be
Jan 2002: World
Jewish bodies to "rake into their coffers" $1
billion from Swiss banks: Israeli politician
Great Shakedown latest, May 14, 2004 Agreement
in Swiss bank case could mean more for