The International Campaign for Real History

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London, Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Dear Sarah,

Frederick Taylor: Dresden

I have often helped publishers with requested materials, including Ronald Hayman's work on Geli Raubal (also Bloomsbury), for which I supplied an original photo from my Goebbels biography on request.
click for enlargement

Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden, new edition coming March 2005; for free download click image above (1.4MB)

[enlarge above jacket]

On August 18, 2003, you wrote me asking for permission to include in an unspecified book short extracts from my well-known work Apocalypse 1945: the Destruction of Dresden. The book later turned out to be Frederick Taylor's book on the same subject. I replied on the same day, as is my wont, granting permission.

This permission, for which no payment or other consideration was made, is now withdrawn. We strictly enjoin you from making any further use, in reprints or future editions of the work, whether in the UK or licensed abroad, of any extracts, quotations (beyond accepted fair usage), maps, charts, or illustrations from the above work. Please notify your overseas agents, agencies, and licensees immediately, as we shall monitor all such editions and take rigorous action to enforce this decision.

Despite my reputation for being litigious I have taken High Court action only three times in a forty year writing career, and I take this step very reluctantly. Parforce UK Ltd, who hold all rights to my work, agree with the content of this letter.

It turns out

  • that your author Mr Taylor used substantially more materials than you indicated, including the charts and the exclusive wire transcript and other exclusive products of my own research forty-five years ago, and also relied otherwise extensively without accreditation on my work and research, and
  • that for reasons which are moreover now obvious he did not wish to accredit to me.

More seriously,

  • I have been informed of repeated occasions on which your author has made insulting, defamatory, and otherwise untrue remarks about me and my work, knowing that there was no possibility of reply or defence, in the print and broadcast media in the UK, Germany, and elsewhere; he no doubt did so in the belief that these would not be brought to my attention.

I cannot be expected to extend my usual generosity to such an author.

I look to Bloomsbury Publishing Plc or its Legal Department to respond immediately acknowledging receipt of this letter and confirming that no further use will be made in any reprints or editions of the Taylor book, whether in this jurisdiction or abroad, of materials as described above lifted from my book or books.

Yours sincerely,

David Irving, pp ...
e-mail: [email protected]


Sarah Marcus [[email protected]]
• Assistant to Bill Swainson •
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
38 Soho Square
London W1V 5DF

© Focal Point 2005 F Irving write to David Irving