Toronto, Canada, Friday, November 5, 2004 Zündel not
a threat, FBI ruled By Kirk Makin JUSTICE
REPORTER THE U.S. Federal Bureau of
Investigation closed its file on Holocaust denier
Ernst Zündel in 2001 after deciding he
was not a security threat, documents released under
U.S. Freedom of Information laws have
revealed. "In view of the fact that there is no indication
that the subject is, or ever has been, involved in
any acts of violence, acts of terrorism or any
other criminal activity within the United States,
recommend this case be closed administratively," an
FBI report concluded on April 9, 2001. The agency's conclusion is in stark contrast to
that of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service,
which believes Mr. Zündel's status as an
inspirational guru to the extreme right renders him
a danger to national security. Also unlike the FBI,
which saw Mr. Zündel as nothing more than a
Holocaust revisionist, CSIS believes him to be a
white supremacist. Mr. Zündel arrived in Canada in 1958, but
was never granted citizenship. He has been in a
Toronto jail for 18 months awaiting deportation to
Germany under a rarely used security
certificate. Defence lawyers Peter Lindsay and
Chi-Kun Shi received the FOI material from
Mr. Zündel's U.S. defence team two days ago --
the day after a Federal Court of Canada proceeding
involving Mr. Zündel's pending deportation
ended. Yesterday, they forwarded the documents to the
presiding judge, Mr. Justice Pierre Blais,
in the hope he will consider them as evidence. Judge Blais is expected to rule in the next few
weeks on whether the issuance of a special security
certificate against Mr. Zündel was
"reasonable." Should he rule that it is, the
notorious publisher of Holocaust revisionist
material has no right of appeal. Mr. Zündel's lawyers have repeatedly
accused the federal government of misusing special
legislation aimed at terrorists to expel a man who
has no criminal record, yet whose activities have
made him an embarrassing thorn in their side. Mr. Lindsay expressed frustration in an
interview yesterday that the FOI material arrived
too late to become part of the deportation
proceeding. "I would have put this in as evidence
and relied on it," Mr. Lindsay said. The FBI opened its file on Mr. Zündel when
he moved to Tennessee with his wife. He was picked
up and deported to Canada on Feb. 19, 2003, after
missing an appointment with a U.S. immigration
officer. As soon as Mr. Zündel was delivered
to Canada, he was jailed and the deportation
process began. The April 9, 2001, report noted the FBI's source
did not believe Mr. Zündel had direct
connections to white supremacists. Zündel's
Zündel, Toronto West Detention Centre, 111
Disco Road, Box 4950, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 1M3
dossier on the Ernst Zündel case-
intercepted Zündel's mail, ex-agent
says | Closing
arguments begin in Zündel deportation case:
Zündel defence based on age draws scorn
| Defence
closing: Zündel's followers bookish
seniors, not violent skinheads, lawyer says
| Closing
arguments begin in Zündel deportation case:
Judge accused of 'misguided approach' in
Zündel case | Defence
lawyer criticizes 'Draconian' security
certificate process 'that has no place in a
Zündel is entitled to a hearing to
challenge his deportation to Canada, a federal
appeals court says
is Ernst Zündel and Why Is He in
Good News in the Zündel Case