NZ Green Party press release] Monday, 2 August 2004, 1:21 pm Irving decision
is a blow for free speech - Locke Press Release: Green Party 30 July, 2004 IRVING decision is a blow for free speech,
says Locke Green MP Keith Locke has accused the
Immigration Service of not upholding the right of
free speech in its refusal to allow David Irving
into the country. The Immigration Service has today confirmed
that the controversial historian will be denied
entry to New Zealand, on the grounds that he has
been deported from another country. Mr Irving was
deported from Canada in 1992. "David Irving's holocaust denial views are
repugnant to most New Zealanders but that is not
sufficient reason to bar him from New Zealand,"
said Mr Locke, the Green Party Human Rights
spokesperson.. "His fatally flawed analysis has been
rubbished in open debate. Banning him only gives
more publicity to his obnoxious views. "His deportation from Canada is irrelevant,
unless we have just become a Canadian colony. What
next: are we going to ban Salman Rushdie because
Iran doesn't like him? "We have plenty of people with extreme views
in New Zealand. Are we now going to stop them
expressing themselves? The banning of David Irving
sets a bad precedent for free speech in this
country," said Mr Locke.
attempts by New Zealand Jews to stop David
Irving's 2004 visit-
Answers to frequently asked questions about Mr
Irving's visit to New Zealand
Sedley writes a letter on Mr Irving and free
speech | The
name rings a bell-