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Posted Monday, August 30, 2004

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Washington DC, Monday, August 30, 2004

Israeli Lobbyist Denounces Spy Allegations

By Jonathan M Katz

NEW YORK -- Bernice Manocherian, president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, on Sunday denounced as "outrageous" allegations that members of her organization helped a Pentagon analyst spy on the United States for Israel.

Manocherian spoke at a Republican National Convention event aimed at promoting ties between American Jews and the GOP.

"These allegations are outrageous as well as baseless," she said. "They will not dissuade us from exercising our right as American citizens to be involved in the political process."

According to U.S. officials, the FBI has spent more than a year investigating whether a Pentagon analyst funneled highly classified material about Iran to AIPAC, the main Israeli lobbying organization in Washington, and whether that group passed the information onto Israel. Israeli officials also denied the allegations.

Saddam HusseinManocherian praised President Bush, saying he had made Israel safer by removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. She also warned against the "existential threat" that Iran would pose to Israel if it developed nuclear weapons.

Also at the event, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist introduced a section of the provisional Republican national platform promising to protect Israel's ability to "maintain a qualitative advantage in defensive technology over any potential adversary." He called Iran's nuclear program a threat to the securities of Israel and the United States.

"I know AIPAC; I know the AIPAC leadership. It's an outstanding organization," Frist told the Associated Press. He said he was waiting for the results of the FBI investigation.

Charges could be brought in the case as early as this week, said two federal law enforcement officials speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing. The case has taken so long in part because of diplomatic sensitivities between the United States and its close ally Israel, they said..


Alleged Israel Leak a Burden for Rumsfeld


Donald H RumsfeldWASHINGTON -- The FBI investigation into whether a Pentagon analyst passed classified information to Israel is yet another political weight on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, still fending off criticism over the Iraq war and prisoner abuse.

It is not clear whether the investigation will result in charges of espionage at the Pentagon. At the least, the probe complicates Rumsfeld's position as congressional committees that oversee the Defense Department prepare for more hearings on the abuse scandal.

Rumsfeld has not commented publicly on the FBI's investigation. While the FBI has spent more than a year on the case, it only became public Friday.

Officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, say the investigation is focused on Lawrence A. Franklin, an analyst of Iranian affairs who works in a policy office headed by Douglas J. Feith, the undersecretary for policy, right. Feith has been accused by Democrats of seeking to manipulate intelligence to help make the case for going to war in Iraq. Congressional investigations have found no evidence of that.

The New York Times reported on its Internet site in a story for Monday's editions [August 30, 2004] that government officials say Franklin had been cooperating with federal agents for several weeks and was preparing to lead them to contacts inside the Israeli government when work of the investigation, first reported by CBS News, was leaked late last week.

The Israeli government has denied spying on the United States.

Efforts to reach Franklin by telephone have been unsuccessful. Local law enforcement officers have kept reporters and photographers away from his secluded home in rural West Virginia, about a 90-minute commute from Washington.

The Washington Post reported Sunday that the FBI investigation has broadened to include interviews with individuals at the State and Defense departments as well as Mideast affairs specialists outside the government. Israeli officials predicted that the allegation it got secret information on White House policy toward Iran from the Pentagon analyst would prove false.

Vincent Cannistraro, a retired CIA officer and former director of White House intelligence programs during the Reagan administration, said Sunday, "It's another scandal for the Pentagon," with the potential in this case of going beyond the single individual under investigation.

Larry Di Rita, Rumsfeld's chief spokesman, said Sunday that the Pentagon is sticking by its initial statement Friday that it understands the investigation is limited in scope. He said it would be inappropriate for him or Rumsfeld to comment further because it is an active investigation.

As for the possible political implications for Rumsfeld at the height of a presidential election campaign, Di Rita said, "I would not try to predict how the political season will affect this."

Early in his tenure at the Pentagon, Rumsfeld spoke out publicly against the unauthorized release of classified information. He undertook a special investigation when some elements of Pentagon planning for war in Iraq leaked to the news media in 2002.

In his 3 1/2 years as secretary, Rumsfeld has had a sometimes rocky relationship with Congress. When the administration began a global fight against terrorism in response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, his stock rose quickly and he gained popularity for his tough approach.

But as the insurgency in Iraq took hold in the summer of 2003 and the casualty toll for American troops mounted -- more than 950 have been killed -- Rumsfeld became a target of criticism on Capitol Hill.

A Time magazine poll released Saturday said 39 percent of those surveyed approve of the job Rumsfeld has done and 37 disapprove. They were split on whether President Bush should replace Rumsfeld: 49 percent said Rumsfeld should go and 48 percent preferred that he stay.

Rumsfeld, 72, took much political heat when the Abu Ghraib prisoner scandal came to light in April with photographs of U.S. soldiers abusing and sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners.

Two official investigations found that the highest levels of the Defense Department shared blame for management lapses that may have contributed to the problems at Abu Ghraib. But those reviews found no evidence to suggest that Rumsfeld ordered, encouraged or condoned any abuse of Iraqis.

To the suggestion that Rumsfeld resign over the abuse scandal, former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger said last week that such a development would be a "boon to all of America's enemies."

Schlesinger headed an independent panel that looked into the abuse. A second panelist, former Defense Secretary Harold Brown, agreed that Rumsfeld acted appropriately.

"If the head of a department had to resign every time anyone down below did something wrong, it would be a very empty Cabinet table" Brown said.

That was just days before news broke of the FBI investigation at the Pentagon.

Israeli Held Meetings With U.S. Analyst

By Karin Laub

JERUSALEM -- A senior Israeli diplomat in Washington has met with a Pentagon analyst being investigated by the FBI on suspicion he passed classified information to Israel, Israeli officials confirmed Monday.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the meetings were well within the norm of diplomacy and that no laws were broken. Israel has flatly denied it has a spy at the Pentagon.

The Israeli diplomat was identified as Naor Gilon, head of the political department at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, and a specialist on Iran's nuclear weapons program.

U.S. officials say the FBI investigation focuses on Lawrence A. Franklin, an analyst of Iranian affairs who works in a Pentagon policy office headed by Douglas J. Feith, the undersecretary for policy. Feith has been accused by Democrats of seeking to manipulate intelligence to help make the case for going to war in Iraq. Congressional investigations have found no evidence of that.

The Israeli daily Maariv on Monday quoted Gilon as saying that he did nothing wrong. "My hands are clean. I have nothing to hide. I acted according to the regulations," Gilon said.

The diplomat told Maariv he was concerned that as a result of the reports, he won't be able to continue working in Washington. "Now, people will be scared to talk to me," the newspaper quoted him as saying.

Newsweek magazine reported in this week's edition that more than a year ago, the FBI was monitoring a meeting between an Israeli Embassy official and a representative of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the main Israeli lobbying group in Washington. At one point, Franklin joined the two, according to Newsweek.

Newsweek did not identify the Israel diplomat, but Israeli media said it apparently was Gilon. Israeli officials said Gilon has met repeatedly with Franklin.

Newsweek, citing U.S. intelligence officials, said that Franklin on one occasion allegedly tried to hand over a classified U.S. policy document on Iran, but that the Israeli diplomat refused to take it.

Maariv quoted Israeli sources as saying that Gilon did not take documents from Franklin, but had frequent meetings with him.

Israel's Foreign Ministry declined comment. The Israeli ambassador to the United States, Danny Ayalon, told Maariv that Gilon went by the book, and that "nothing was done under the table."

The New York Times reported on its Monday edition that government officials say Franklin had been cooperating with federal agents for several weeks and was preparing to lead them to contacts inside the Israeli government when work of the investigation, first reported by CBS News, was leaked late last week. Efforts to reach Franklin by telephone have been unsuccessful.

On Sunday, Israeli Cabinet minister Natan Sharansky said he believed the allegations might stem from an internal conflict between the Pentagon and the CIA.

"I hope it's all a mistake or misunderstanding of some kind, maybe a rivalry between different bodies," Sharansky told Canadian Broadcasting Corp., singling out "the Pentagon and the CIA."

American officials said the FBI has spent more than a year investigating whether a Pentagon analyst funneled classified material to Israel.

The material described White House policy toward Iran. Israel says Iran -- and its nuclear ambitions -- pose the greatest single threat to the Jewish state.

SharonSharansky said the ban on espionage in the United States dates to the scandal over Jonathan Pollard, an American Jew caught spying for Israel in 1985. "There are absolutely no attempts to involve any member of the Jewish community and any general American citizens to spy for Israel against the United States," he said.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office issued a denial late Saturday, saying "Israel does not engage in intelligence activities in the U.S."


© 2004 The Washington Post Company

. . . on this website
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