Thursday, July 22, 2004 [Write to the NZ Herald's Editor:
] Immigration
undecided on 'pro-Nazi' Irving By ANNE BESTON HISTORIAN David Irving is among
a group of people now banned from entering New
Zealand, but a final decision on his September
visit has not been made. Mr Irving, labelled
by a British judge as pro-Nazi, anti-semitic
and a Holocaust denier, plans to speak at
Wellington's National Press Club during a two-week
visit in September. Jewish organisations have demanded he be refused
entry into New Zealand. Immigration Service spokeswoman Kathryn
O'Sullivan said inquiries were being made
internationally about Mr Irving and a final
decision on whether he came here would be made "in
the next few weeks". [...] Rest
deleted | WE
regret to say that the online staff of the
New Zealand Herald have required us on
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 to remove the
remainder of this article from the
website. It may be that they themselves
had come under pressure. We consider their
attitude to be at variance with the spirit
of the Internet, but have little choice in
the matter. |

[Write to the NZ Herald's
attempts by New Zealand Jews to stop David
Irving's 2004 visit