[All images have been
added by this website] Scoop Thursday, 13 May 2004 Israel
Agents Send NZ Message Via Asian-Based
with New Zealand connections are being sent a stern
message from the Israeli intelligence community
apparently in retaliation for New Zealand openly
trying two suspected Israel intelligence
connectives on passport charges. South East Asian based non-government
organisations are specifically being targeted. In April, in a sting titled Operation Cloak, New
Zealand Police arrested two suspected Israeli
agents on illegal passport charges. Israel asked
the New Zealand Government to keep details of the
arrest secret and for the matter to be handled
diplomatically. New Zealand refused the
request. Scoop understands Israel is now applying
pressure against NGOs based overseas who are
operated by New Zealanders with strong connections
to the current New Zealand Cabinet. Most recent is the Cambodian-based NGO called
Global PAC (Global Protect All Children, see
global-pac.org), set up to overtly expose human
trafficking and child prostitution in the
Indo-Chinese region. Global Pac says it is committed to child
protection "through a two pronged approach, one
which emphasizes surveillance and reporting of
suspected offenders and the other of which
emphasizes the development of vocational skills
programmers for those who are victims of sexual
abuse or at risk of abuse in the Third World egg
"street children". Global PAC is one NGO being investigated for
covert activities. It is interesting however, the
investigation is a media-manipulated push
originating from the sidelines of Hong Kong's
Foreign Correspondent Club (HKCC). The HKFCC has long been a hub used by
governments determined to plant covert intelligence
into the media. It is also an intelligence conduit
for respected media outlets such the United
Kingdom's Janes. Janes on-sells intelligence
to subscribers, businesses and government
clients. Global PAC's front-end is run by New Zealanders
and Canadians. One of the ex-pat New Zealanders has
strong connections to the New Zealand Government.
It is therefore, arguably, a ripe target for
aggrieved Mossad-connected individuals to parade
their message. Phnom Penn Post journalist Richard
Woodd, formerly the editor of Kapiti's local
newspaper, began asking questions, apparently
suggesting that Global PAC is a shady charity group
and probable front for more covert intelligence
activity. According to one Scoop contact,
Woodd suggested that Global PAC was a front for
raising funds in Cambodia funds for covert
activity. It is believed Woodd was "primed' by information
originating Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondent
Club. Recently, Woodd agreed to meet with Global PAC's
representatives, prior to publishing his "expose'.
Also attending that meeting however, to Woodd's
surprise, was Phnom Penn's Brigadier General
Thong Lim, who holds office with the NGO.
Woodds was assured the claims he was told were
false. To date, Woodd has backed off publishing the
article, replying to Scoop enquiries that his
investigation is ongoing so has no comment to
make. Meanwhile, information originating from Hong
Kong's Foreign Correspondent Club suggests that the
outer layers of Global PAC's humanitarian work
masks the heart of a covert intelligence group. Scoop understands that Australian-born Martin
Merz, a successful businessman who exports
shoes from China to New York, and who consequently
is deeply rooted within the Foreign Correspondent's
Club's networks, holds keys to where the claims
originated. Merz also was formerly employed by
Taiwanese vice-presidential candidate, James
Soong. The New Zealand intelligence community, based in
Asia, believes with certainty that NGOs operated by
Kiwis are coming under Israeli intelligence
pressure. One well positioned Scoop contact says:
"This is a matter of record as well as personal
experience and the experience of those close to
me." This contact says this pressure is linked
directly to Israel being angered that the New
Zealand Government insisted the illegal passport
case against two Israelis in Auckland be aired
publicly. Another Asia-based Scoop contact with both
government and non-government-organisation ties
says: "I have noticed a trend. New Zealand busts
(an alleged Mossad operation) and
IMMEDIATELY they (Mossad)
begin a multi-pronged harassment campaign on
anything related to kiwis, whether that be New
Zealand customs agents or New Zealand NGO workers
in the Asia pacific region. "According to our information" the HKFCC (Hong
Kong Foreign Correspondent's Club link) was a
set-up. "M' (Editor's note: name withheld)
has been communicating with (Israeli agent) based
in Guangzhou China." Has the HKFCC been dabbling in the world of
spooks and shady sub-government organizations?
Scoop investigations show an Israeli passport ring
operates in Asia, acquiring illegal passports for
operatives, allegedly like Zev Barkan, the
man wanted by New Zealand Police for skipping New
Zealand once Operation Cloak was sprung. Scoop understands Barkan is being investigated
by Macau and Chinese Immigration for his movements
in April/May. The investigation includes his
alleged use of the US passport in the name of Zev
Barkan and a second Canadian passport in the name
of Kevin Hunter - which was stolen in
Guangzhou China on April 11th. Contacts suggest too
that relative information has passed through the
HKFCC. Investigations show one thing certain: that the
lines between Asian-based western media and the
western alliance intelligence community are blurred
- and that increasingly, New Zealand's independence
from the smoke and mirrors game played out by the
world 's powers is being corrupted. 
May 19, 2004: BBC
reports that Lebanon smashes Mossad
assassination ring
May 13, 2004: The
1979 Mossad Assassination attempt on Ambassador
John Dean: Dean papers with full taste of
Mossad's evil opened at Jimmy Carter's
Presidential Library
May 9, 2004: Israelis
with fake docs arrested in Tennessee, 'how to
fly' leaflet found; were seen to toss something
else out of Ryder truck, FBI called in
May 1, 2004: Crown
Prince Abdullah says Zionists behind Terror
attacks in Saudi Arabia - A
history of Mossad's overseas
Apr 29 - May .. 2004: Secrecy
surrounds two Mossad agents when they reappear
in Auckland court on NZ passport forgery
charges | Police
fear al Qaeda terrorists using NZ passports
following arrest of 2 men in Thailand and
seizure of fake NZ passports | The
two Mossad agents charged with NZ passport
offences photographed in Auckland reporting to
police as part of bail conditions |
men believed by senior Government figures to be
Israeli secret service agents have been arrested
in Auckland trying to obtain a false New Zealand
passport | One
Mossad agent entered NZ on a fake Canadian