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Posted Sunday, May 16, 2004

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The thought crosses one's mind that Berg might have been the one who bought the 9/11 hijacker's airline ticket from the OU library computer terminal. I have not been able to ascertain whether he was ever an OU library employee. Most likely, he would have been a temp.

Wright's Opinion
 Thursday, May 18, 2004

The "mainstream" media just won't dig up this kind of stuff ...

Report: Berg was Arrested Twice at Oklahoma University in Spring 2000


Michael Wrightby Michael P Wright

TODAY from the Norman city court clerk I obtained a document confirming that Nicholas E. Berg, who reportedly was decapitated by militants in Iraq, was arrested twice for trespassing on the University of Oklahoma campus during the spring of 2000. Earlier, OU police had reported that he had been sleeping on couches around the campus. He appeared to be living as a vagrant during that period. The OUPD actually contacted him six times.

Today I gave the arrest record to the editor of The Norman Transcript.

Friday, I ascertained that Berg had been an OU employee during academic year 2000-2001. The OU personnel directory for that year listed him as a facilities attendant at the Lloyd Noble arena.

Nick BergThe thought crosses one's mind that Berg (right) might have been the one who bought the 9/11 hijacker's airline ticket from the OU library computer terminal. I have not been able to ascertain whether he was ever an OU library employee. Most likely, he would have been a temp.

Still, there are things about Berg's story which don't add up. Are we to believe that someone would really voluntarily surrender his email password to a stranger he met on the bus? This is apparently the story which Berg told the FBI to account for the fact that the password and Berg's email address were on [Zacarias] Moussaoui's computer when they searched it, after 9/11.

If Berg was the one who bought the ticket, then appearing to be a vagrant would have been a way to gain the trust of Al Qaeda, for infiltration purposes. They would be likely to trust someone who appeared to be a misfit and alienated from mainstream American society. Also, it has been reported that Berg had been in possession of anti-Semitic literature. That would be another tactic for gaining the trust of Al Qaeda.

How does a one who was a vagrant in spring 2000 make the transition to independent businessman in Iraq, doing telecommunications work, in 2004? Maybe with the help of funds paid by the CIA to its operatives?

If he bought the plane ticket, then the CIA had a good reason to set him up to be snuffed: dead men tell no tales. The execution also served the propaganda purpose of taking the focus of off American mistreatment of Iraqi prisoner.

See my website for the details about the 9/11 hijacker's airline ticket purchase from the OU library.

© Michael P. Wright 2004


details about the 9/11 hijacker's airline ticket purchase from the OU library
Nick Berg's father: George Bush never looked into my son's eyes
At least: Fifteen Anomalies Surrounding Death Of Nick Berg
website of Michael P. Wright
US businessman Nick Berg executed on camera | Mr Irving's commentary
Expanding the Taguba report: Israel's role in training US army in torture techniques

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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