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Posted Thursday, April 22, 2004

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Tel Aviv, Thursday, April 22, 2004



Former Israeli minister Gonen Segev arrested for drug smuggling

By Roni Singer, Haaretz Correspondent

Dr Gonan SegevFormer Minister Gonen Segev at his attorney's
offices on Tuesday. (Motti Kimche)

FORMER energy minister Gonen Segev was remanded in custody at the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court on Thursday for seven days on suspicion he attempted to smuggle 25,000 Ecstasy pills into the country from the Netherlands. Segev, a pediatrician by profession, served as a minister for the right-wing Tsomet party in Yitzhak Rabin's government in the mid-1990s. A sweeping gag order placed on the case two weeks ago was partially lifted on Thursday morning.

The former minister is also suspected of using a forged diplomatic passport. Israel Radio reported that Segev's diplomatic passport had expired, but the date had allegedly been altered. Two other men, identified as Ariel Friedman and Moshe Verner, have also been arrested as suspects in the case and were also remanded in custody on Thursday.

Judge David Rosen wrote in Thursday's ruling:

"This does not seem to be an isolated incident. Investigators believe that the suspects are part of, though not necessary the central figures in, a drug-smuggling ring. . . The suspect Segev apparently tried to smuggle the drugs caught by using a forged diplomatic passport. I have looked into the allegations and found that there are grounds to them. It is almost possible to say that these are not [merely] allegations, but apparently real evidence."

Segev, who was placed under arrest on Wednesday night, denies all allegations against him. The Tel Aviv Central Police District received information some two weeks ago of a shipment of Ecstasy pills meant to arrive in Israel from the Netherlands. Police also learned that Segev was allegedly meant to pick up the drugs in the Netherlands and bring them to Israel.

Segev, however, claims that he was in the Netherlands for business, where he met a friend, an Israeli lawyer, who gave him a package his cousin had asked him to bring into Israel. Segev says he was told the five-kilogram package contained M&M chocolates. The former minister claims further that he stored the package in a locker at Schiphol Airport before he boarded the Tel Aviv- bound flight because he feared the package did not really contain chocolates.

He reported the matter to Dutch police and to Israeli police when he landed at Ben-Gurion International Airport. Police called him in for questioning on Wednesday night, when he was arrested. Israeli media and Segev's attorney Lior Epstein have tried for the last week to have the gag order lifted. Epstein claims that his client is innocent and has no link to the crime and thus wants to see the truth come to light.

Thursday, April 22, 2004


Ex-Minister schmuggelt Ecstasy-Pillen mit Schokohülle

DER ehemalige Energie-Minister Israels ist beim Versuch, Drogen zu schmuggeln, erwischt worden. Die niederländische Polizei stellte den Mann am internationalen Flughafen von Amsterdam.

Tel Aviv - Gonen Segev habe versucht, etwa 25.000 mit Schokohülle überzogene Ecstasy-Pillen nach Israel zu bringen, berichtete der israelische Rundfunk heute. Als ihn die niederländische Flughafenpolizei in Schiphol durchsuchen wollte, habe er einen abgelaufenen Diplomatenpass mit gefälschtem Datum gezeigt. Nach einer Verwarnung habe er den Koffer mit den Drogen in einem Gepäckaufbewahrungsschrank eingeschlossen und sei nach Israel geflogen.

Die niederländische Polizei brach den Schrank später auf und fand die Pillen. Bei seiner Ankunft in Israel wurde der Ex-Minister festgenommen. Segevs Rechtsanwälte teilten mit, er habe die Packung von einem Freund erhalten und den Inhalt für Süßigkeiten gehalten.



Our dossier on The Mossad, Israel's Intelligence service

Israel's links to the global ecstasy trade ...

  International Ecstasy smuggling racket: three Israelis arrested
  Israelis at center of the international Ecstasy drug trade
  Ecstasy: A gift from "our best friend and ally"...
Help to fund  Ultra-Orthodox couriers ran drugs for major international ring, reports Reuters
  international money-laundering ring run by New York Hasidim washed millions of dollars in cocaine proceeds for the Colombian cartels
  Real History, Drug rings, and Israel: Reports from DEA field offices state young Israelis claiming to be art students and had been attempting to penetrate DEA offices
  Police raid Michel Friedmanns house for cocaine. Drogenrazzia beim Vizepräsidenten des Zentralrates der Juden in Deutschland, Michel Friedman.

use of forged passports ...

Ottawa investigating: Mossad has history of using counterfeit Canadian documents
2002: Fury at Mossad's continued use of Canadian Passports in Murder Operation
Sept 6, 1999: Probe of Mossad's use of Canadian ID halted
1998: Israeli secret service still using Canadian passports
Ottawa investigating: Mossad has history of using counterfeit Canadian documents
Two men believed by senior Government figures to be Israeli secret service agents have been arrested in Auckland trying to obtain a false New Zealand passport

  Links to Video clips on the passports story ...

NZ Passport System Under Threat 17/04/2004 08:10 PM The NZ passport system is under threat after two Israeli's were arrested for trying to obtain a false NZ passport.
NZ Passport System Under Threat The NZ passport system is under threat after two Israeli's were arrested for trying to obtain a false NZ passport.
NZ News

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