criminal charges have been brought against
Zündel. His supporters are having a
field day with that, and I don't blame
Toronto, Canada, Sunday, January 25,
2004 Dictates
of freedom By Marianne Meed Ward Toronto Sun HOLOCAUST denier
Ernst Zündel will continue to
"enjoy" the hospitality of the Metro West
Detention Centre for the forseeable
future. A judge ruled last week that he
must remain behind bars until it's
determined whether he's a threat to
national security. If so, he could be
deported to Germany. Zündel has been in jail since last
under a special security certificate. No
criminal charges have been brought against
him. His supporters are having a field day
with that, and I don't blame them. When we
are willing to trade off personal freedoms
(as in the freedom to be released or
charged) for security, we're getting
pretty close to -- dare I say it -- Nazi
Germany, the regime that committed the
very wrongs that Zündel denies. How ironic. It's also ironic that
Zündel and his lawyers are appealing
to notions of justice that were patently
absent to citizens in Hitler's Germany.
National security From a national security point of view,
though, it may not matter where
Zündel ends up. The concerns about
him are based in part on the contents of a
Web site Zündel ran. He could run the
site from anywhere. Besides, there are many people like
Zündel in Canada with a lower profile
(so they're still on the streets) but with
views just as vile. I know, because every
time I write about the Holocaust, or
anything related to Jews, I hear from
them. All their twisted theories about
what did and didn't happen in those dark
years of Hitler's Germany, about how many
really perished, about whether there even
were gas chambers, and about an ongoing
global Jewish conspiracy. The best defense against people like
that is not banishment but education.
Unless we know our history, we're much
more susceptible to the distortions,
twisted logic and outright lies of those
who deny history for their own
purposes. If you really want to know about Nazi
Germany, the best place to start is The
Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich by
William Shirer, a journalist who
covered Hitler's Germany. The book is
based on millions of pages of documents
recovered after the war. Those, as well as
extensive video and eyewitness testimony,
prove the truth of the Holocaust. But supporters of Hitler also rely on a
number of lesser myths and distortions to
build their case that the Holocaust itself
is at best an exaggeration. These myths
are intended to persuade us that Hitler
wasn't all that bad. Here are just
two: - Myth No. 1: Hitler was
democratically elected. Here, context
is everything. Democracy then isn't
what it is now. Throughout it's short
life, the Reichstag was hopelessly
divided among a half-dozen or so
parties. In the 1930s, national
elections were called every few months
because Parliament was deadlocked. Each
time, Hitler's private police -- the
S.A. (brownshirts) and later the S.S.
(blackshirts) went to work, breaking up
meetings of opposing political parties,
and harassing opponents. When the
Enabling Act -- giving Hitler supreme
powers -- was passed March 23, 1933,
members of other parties had either
been arrested, refused admittance to
the Reichstag or terrorized into voting
with the Nazis. Some "democracy."
- Myth No. 2: Christianity
supports Nazism. Unfortunately, the
writings (more like rantings) of German
theologian Martin Luther, the
founder of Protestantism, were
virulently anti-Semitic. He wanted
Germany purged of Jews, and advised
that their possessions confiscated,
"their synagogues or schools be set on
fire, that their houses be broken up
and destroyed ... and they be put under
a roof or stable, like the
misery and captivity as they
incessantly lament and complain to God
about us." That advice was literally
followed four centuries later by the
But many Christians fought the Nazis.
About 3,000 pastors formed a Confessional
Church in opposition to Hitler's racial
theories, treatment of Jews, and attempts
to dictate doctrine. One minister, Dietrich
Bonhoeffer, participated in a failed
assassination attempt against Hitler, and
paid with his life. Hundreds of pastors in
the Confessional Church were arrested
before and during the war, including
[Martin] Neimoller who
spent seven years at Dachau
before being freed by the Allies. By 1941, one of Hitler's aides said,
"National Socialism and Christianity are
irreconcilable." That's one of the few
true statements to come out of Nazi
Germany. When we know the real history of Nazi
Germany, the words of people like
Zündel can't hurt us. 
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