of Elinor Caplan, Canadian Immigration Minister,
added by this website]
treatment: Combined Jewish Appeal will play
unprecedented role in recruiting Jewish immigrants
to Québec
ineligible, the Combined Jewish Appeal also
receives money from the United Way but is not
eligible by Marc-A special to Action Report THE French speaking
Montréal-based paper Le Devoir has
once again demonstrated its ability to do good
investigative work, and the courage to publish
important and shocking stories which are ignored in
the mainstream monopoly press. The first story is a mind-blower. It is entitled
"Un partenariat douteux" (A dubious
partnership) and was printed on October 30, 2003.
In essence, Québec's provincial government
is about to sign an obscure agreement with the
Jewish Appeal which would allow this
organization to
recruit immigrants
from Latin America. Anyone who knows anything about Québec's
immigration policies should immediately sense
something is very wrong, because the Provincial
Ministry Public Relations and Immigration has
prided itself on not using religion as a
criterion for choosing immigrants to
Québec. BUT
there is more: Bewildered authors are raising
polite but awkward questions in Le Devoir.
They not only ask why the government has rather
rapidly and quietly decided to delegate this
delicate task, but also argue that this
organization, the Combined Jewish Appeal, has the
means to pursue its own objectives without
state-sponsored aid. It is reported that last year
the CJA amassed $43 million (Canadian) for its
activities from various donations and
In particular, they ask: - Why should a private organization (which is
not accountable to the public) have the right to
recruit immigrants for the Québec
- Has this odd agreement come about due to
political pressure or does this organization
truly possess the expertise required to carry
out such a task.
The authors also argue that this type of
subcontracting can only be justified by previous
failures on the part of the ministry in charge of
immigration. Hence, they ask: What "problems" with
the ministry justify such a drastic change in
policy especially after the expertise this ministry
has gained over many years? They further point out that this subcontracting
will not save the public money; that it may even
cost more than present policies and procedures; and
that it is likely to reduce the Immigration
Minister's influence over decisions which are of
public matter and of interest to the public in
general. Indeed, it is odd for a government agency
to give its power away to a private organization
which will use religion as its main criterion for
recruiting Latin Americans as immigrants to
Québec. Although many things remain unclear because the
ministry in question has not been forthcoming, the
obvious and not so obvious ramifications of such an
odd policy and partnership are many. In particular,
the Combined Jewish Appeal's Web site states the
following on its first page: FOR
It is further stated on this Web site that the
Combined Jewish Appeal's goal is not only to
increase the size of the local Jewish community but
also to encourage and facilitate Aliyah to Israel
as well as the absorption of thousands of new
Olim(s) by the Jewish state. The authors ask how
will this organization proceed to differentiate
between the task it will be contracted to perform
for the provincial government and its mission
statement in re to Israel? Our initial reaction is: What the hell is going
on? The questions which immediately came to mind
are: - Will my taxes be used to pay for this new
- Will my tax contributions somehow serve to
finance the immigration of Latin American Jews
to Israel?
- What criteria will be used to judge whether
a person is eligible to be "recommended" for
immigration to Canada by this organization?
- How do we, as citizens, exercise some form
of control over immigration once public matters
become privatized?
- Has the Combined Jewish Appeal found a
clever way for the public to pay for its
activities designed to facilitate immigration to
Canada and will this augment its budget for
activities related to immigration to
- Hence, could my tax dollar be indirectly
financing the Likud or the IDF?
THE other story is related and is very revealing
with respect to how Joe Six-Pack unknowingly
finances Zionist organizations while many Muslim
organizations have been declared as illegal because
they somehow "contribute to terrorism."
Again, in an article in Le Devoir
(November 2, 2003), Kathleen Levesque writes
that the Combined Jewish Appeal is the second
largest beneficiary of aid received from the
charity Centraide (United Way of Canada)
even though it does not meet the financing criteria
which are applied to the 324 other groups who
receive moneys from this charity. Since 1974, the Combined Jewish Appeal has
apparently been receiving 3.4% of the
Centraide's net charity revenues (over one
million dollars in 2003). This percentage is said
to reflect Jewish representation in
Montréal. Despite the fact that this aid is
given to the Combined Jewish Appeal on the
condition that it is not to solicit aid from
citizens outside the Jewish community, the Combined
Jewish Appeal managed to amass 43 million dollars
last year. The author says it is
odd that a mainstream charity gives money to an
organization which amasses more money each year
than the charity itself and which sends a
substantial part (36%) of its receipts to
Israel. On the other hand, the other organizations which
receive money from Centraide are not
permitted to mount their own funding campaigns and
to thus collect additional moneys independent of
the United Way. Furthermore, seven of the 22 Jewish
organizations which are part of the Combined Jewish
Appeal group are subsidized by the government. When the United Way was asked to justify why the
Combined Jewish Appeal is afforded this very
special treatment, its Montréal director,
Mrs. Thibodeau-Deguire, apparently blushed
and could not provide a justification. All she said was although this is nonsensical
and unjustifiable, it is traditional to look the
other way when it comes to the Combined Jewish
Appeal. The article finishes with the flimsy
explanations and justifications provided by Jewish
leaders asked to comment on the situation. One
Goldbloom said that this situation was not a
symbol of disloyalty toward society in general but
was really based on biblical principles.
What Bible, I wonder? Anyway, I find this special treatment outrageous
although I suspect this is only the tip of the
iceberg. In essence, people (including myself) have
been unknowingly financing an organization which
finances Israel and all this, while thinking we are
giving money to the poor of Montréal. Furthermore, this same organization will be
"recommending" people in Latin America for
immigration to Québec by using religion as
its primary criterion. Perhaps, they have been also recommending to the
RCMP and CSIS who should be arrested under
suspicion of terrorism and interrogated. Maybe,
they will soon be running the province on similar
"biblical" principles. As to Le Devoir, I would expect a charge
of anti-Semitism to be soon leveled at its editor.
Elinor Caplan, Canada's Minister of Immigration |