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Posted Sunday, October 12, 2003

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I always felt a real kinship to the courage of European Jews who went to Israel. - Wesley Clark

October 12, 2003

[More inaccurate Intelligence]

Clark: I'm no rabbi's son

Wesley ClarkJTA logoGENERAL Wesley Clark is not descended from a long line of rabbis, as he had once claimed.

The Democratic candidate said he had been given bad information before giving a speech at a New York yeshiva in 1999 claiming that he was the "eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son" of a rabbi.

Clark, who repeated the rabbi claim as recently as January [2003] in an interview with The Forward, says he still is proud that he is descended from Jews on the side of his father, a cohen, or member of the priestly caste.

"I always felt a real kinship to the courage of European Jews who went to Israel," Clark told The Associated Press. Clark counts among his closest advisers Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, a Navy chaplain.


Who'd a thunk it Presidential hopeful, General Wesley Clark boasted that he comes from a long line of rabbis | and see Forward, Jan 2003
Gulf News: Patrick Seale: Patrick Seale: Americans know they have gone well past the point of no return
Robert Fisk on Wesley Clark & Iraq:What is Happening Is An Absolute Slaughter Every Night of Iraqi People

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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