images added by this website]
[source] There
is no excuse for bringing
religion into a discussion about
greed and the film industry.
Greed is a human frailty.
-- Abraham Foxman, National
Director, Anti-Defamation League.
on Foxman and Greed.]
Release October 17, 2003 ADL
Says New Republic Editor's
Apology for Anti-Semitic Column
To: National Desk Contact:
Myrna Shinbaum,
212-885-7747, Todd
Gutnick, 212-885-7755, both
of the Anti-Defamation
League NEW
YORK, Oct. 17 [U.S.
Newswire] --
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said
that today's mea culpa by New
Republic Senior Editor
Gregg Easterbrook for his
anti-Semitic writings
on the Hollywood film industry
was "insufficient," and called on
Easterbrook and the magazine to
make a clear statement of
The League responded after
Easterbrook published "An
Apology" on the New
Republic's Web site, where he
characterized his original
remarks as a "poor wording." Abraham H. Foxman, ADL
National Director, issued the
following statement: We expect more from The New
Republic. Gregg Easterbrook's
mea culpa is insufficient. It's a
rationalization. There is no
excuse for bringing religion into
a discussion about greed and the
film industry. Greed is a human
frailty. Money is not only
colorless, it is faithless. By injecting religion into his
criticism about the film industry
-- in his identifying Harvey
Weinstein of Miramax
(right) and Michael
Eisner of Disney
(left) as Jewish -- Mr.
Easterbrook summons
up classic stereotypes that Jews
are greedy, money-grubbing and
morally deficient. His
column feeds into the classic
canard of "Jewish control" of
Hollywood, a charge that has
led to blaming Jews for
contributing to the general
decline of society through
their "control" of popular
culture. Sadly, instead of making a
clear apology and a rejection of
anti-Semitic stereotypes, Mr.
Easterbrook says he "wrote
poorly" and was misunderstood.
Mr. Easterbrook's remarks reflect
either absolute ignorance or
total bigotry. We find it hard to fathom that
a senior editor at the New
Republic could have
absolutely no knowledge of the
hateful canards about greed and
Jewish moneylenders that have
contributed to two-thousand years
of persecution against the Jewish
people.  The
Anti-Defamation League, founded
in 1913, is the world's leading
organization fighting
anti-Semitism through programs
and services that counteract
hatred, prejudice and
bigotry. © 2003 U.S. Newswire
202-347-2770/  | Website
Foxman, wealthy and
controversial chief of
the Anti Defamation
League, likes to refer
to himself as a
"Holocaust survivor." As
a biography
on this website shows,
he was not even born
when Hitler invaded his
native Poland, and he
was looked after by
Polish Catholics
throughout the war; his
parents also
 . . . on
this website
dossier on the Anti-Defamation
Outrage in Hollywood New
Republic editor Easterbrook
accuses "Jewish executives"
Harvey Weinstein and Michael
Eisner of money grubbing with
violent movie "Kill
Easterbrook's subsequent
More from our website on ADL's
Abraham Foxman: The
boss of crusade against
anti-semitism confesses to
press that his organisation
took huge bribe to influence
US President to pardon
billionaire Jewish
fraudster | -- says
"The guy who gives you $100
doesn't get as much attention
as the guy who gives you
$10,000" | -- admits
ADL took Marc Rich's $100G
before pushing pardon: sees
"no connection" |
Foxman grovels, March,
2001 | New
York Daily News assails ADL,
"Jewish Leaders' Unpardonable
Role" in Jan. 2001 Marc Rich
corruption scandal |
Wiesel denies he Threw Weight
into Campaign to Secure Pardon
for Mega-Fraudster Rich
(but he did) | Marc
Rich Linked To $9 Billion
Russian Jewish mafia Money
Laundering Investigation |
Reich and Charles Krauthammer
on Bill Clinton's pardoning of
tax-fraudster Marc
22, 2003: Easterbrook
dismissed by ESPN