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Washington Post

Washington DC, Wednesday, September 10, 2003, Page A17


"In the Loop" [column]

Feith-Based Initiative

By Al Kamen

President BushWITH a great chunk of President Bush's proposed $87 billion scheduled to flow to Iraqi reconstruction "big time," as they say, we've come across a most timely announcement from the highly regarded international corporate and commercial law firm of Zell, Goldberg & Co.

The firm "has recently established a task force dealing with issues and opportunities relating to the recently ended war with Iraq," its Web site announced.

With offices in Israel and Washington, the firm says it

"is assisting regional construction and logistics firms to collaborate with contractors from the United States and other coalition countries in implementing infrastructure and other reconstruction projects in Iraq. Through its Washington, D.C., office, ZGC is also assisting American companies in their relations with the United States government in connection with Iraqi reconstruction projects as prime contractors and consultants."

Interested parties can reach the law firm through its Web site, at Hmmm. Rings a bell.

Douglas FeithOh, yes, that was the Web site of the Washington law firm of Feith & Zell, P.C., as in Douglas J. Feith, (left), former Pentagon official in the Reagan administration and now undersecretary of defense for policy and head of -- what else? -- reconstruction matters in Iraq.

It would be impossible indeed to overestimate how perfect ZGC would be in "assisting American companies in their relations with the United States government in connection with Iraqi reconstruction projects."

Image: Douglas J Feith, the American-Jewish under-secretary of defense. A search of this website will generate 13 items on "Feith"


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