The International Campaign for Real History

Posted Wednesday, September 3, 2003

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September 3, 2003

David Irving comments:

FOR the benefit of our readers: the defendant in this action was Walter Fröhlich, a trained engineer. So much for democracies and their much-vaunted Free Speech.


Go directly to jail

JTA logoAN Austrian man will spend a year in jail for distributing leaflets denying the Holocaust. The remainder of his three-year sentence was suspended.

The man, identified as Wolfgang F., was convicted Wednesday of circulating leaflets denying that the Nazis used gas chambers to kill Jews during the Holocaust and arguing that the gas chambers at concentration camps had been built after the war.

During the case, the court was cleared after some in attendance expressed sympathy for the defendant. The defense is considering an appeal.

Auschwitz dossier

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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