
    Posted Monday, July 7, 2003

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BushSan Francisco Chronicle

Monday, July 7 2003


[Bush's sneer "revisionist historians"]


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To the Times, S F Chronicle:

To the editor:

LAST week, when his administration was criticized for justifying the Iraq invasion with forged evidence, President Bush accused his critics of attempting to "rewrite history." Then Ari Fleisher sneered at "revisionist historians." As historians, we are troubled by these remarks.

It is central to the work of historians to search for accuracy, and to revise conclusions that prove to be unsupported by evidence. Revision, based on fresh evidence, is a good thing. The argument about the use of misleading claims in the State of the Union address is not about revising history; it is about whether public statements were founded on honestly presented evidence.

Joyce Appleby, University of California/Los Angeles
Alan Brinkley, Columbia University
Linda Gordon, New York University
Hendrik Hartog, Princeton University
Michael Kazin, Georgetown University
Linda Kerber, University of Iowa
Alice Kessler-Harris, Columbia University
Vicki Ruiz, University of California/Irvine
Richard White, Stanford University

Related file:

Patrick J. Buchanan: Naked Forgery
Arab sources tie US General Jay Garner, candidate for Governor of Iraq, to ruling Likud party in Israel
Patrick Buchanan: Whose War?, in The American Conservative. March 24, 2003
The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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