documents reveal that Stalin
was planning to wage offensive
war against Germany and, in
fact, the West as a whole as a
"windfall" from a second world
| Wednesday, April 30, 2003[source] Stalin's
Aggressive War Plans Disclosed Thomas
Titura Albert
Weeks: "Stalin's Other War: Soviet
Grand Strategy 1939-1941" Rowman &
Littlefield, 2003, paperback HERE is an important
new book by an expert on Soviet history,
who finally sets the record straight on
one of the most distorted subjects in the
writing of modern world history, and World
War II in particular. In his latest book, Professor Albert
Weeks presents the reader with an
analysis of a large amount of newly
discovered secret information contained in
documents from formerly closed Soviet
archives. The documents reveal that Stalin
was planning to wage offensive war against
Germany and, in fact, the West as a whole
as a "windfall" from a second world
Irving comments: WELL, well. So Stalin's
notorious speech of May 5, 1941,
delivered to his generals at the
Frunse Acdemy in Moscow, the
existence of which I first
revealed in my book Hitler's
War in 1975, is finally
accepted to have happened. In it, Stalin
described his coming war against
western Europe as a foregone
conclusion. Three Soviet generals
who were present described
independently what he had said to
German interrogators a few months
later, and these interrogation
reports are in German foreign
ministry archives. Without asking
me, Wolf Jobst Siedler,
publisher of the Ullstein edition
of my Hitler biography Hitler
und seine Feldherren, cut the
whole passage out of the German
edition, fearing to anagonize the
Soviets (he even feared a libel
writ from Moscow!). Justifying
his action, Siedler wrote to me
that the speech was completely
unknown to German historians he
had consulted. Well, what would
he expect? Interestingly,
the May 1941 speech is correctly
summarised in the Soviet (Russian
language) edition of Marshal
Zhukov's memoirs, but is omitted
from the German and other foreign
editions. I banned
further sale of the book in
Germany forthwith. In the long
run, Real History is what
matters, not an author's
royalties.  Related
download of David Irving:
"Hitler's War"
| Among the telltale documents are
transcripts of Stalin's famous toast to
graduates of the Soviet military
academies, May 5, 1941. The author also
reproduces the text of Stalin's previously
hotly disputed secret speech to the Soviet
Politburo of Aug. 19, 1939.This was just days before the signing
of the Hitler-Stalin pact, known as the
Molotov-Ribbentrop, or Nazi-Soviet pact,
which included secret protocols about the
territorial division of Poland, the
Baltics and Bessarabia. The Stalin
text was discovered in Russian archives
and has been confirmed by diary entries
of Comintern head Georgi
Dimitrov. In his speech Stalin
predicts that Germany will have to
fight a long war against France and
England that will allow the Soviet
Union to sovietize not only defeated
Germany but also France. An even more important document is from
the Soviet General Staff. It is a war plan
drawn up against Germany. It calls
outright for a pre-emptive strike against
German forces. The document, titled
"Considerations of the Plan for the
Strategic Deployment of the Armed forces
of the Soviet Union in Case of War with
Germany and its Allies," is dated
May 15,
1941. The
document was prepared by General, later
Marshal, A. Vasilievsky, Deputy
Head of the Operations Department of the
Soviet General Staff (Stavka), and
presented to Stalin by Commissar of
Defense S. Timoshenko and Chief of
the General Staff G. Zhukov. The
15-page document calls explicitly for a
pre-emptive strike against German
This fully conforms to the offensive
military doctrine of the Soviets that
called for "deep operations" into enemy
territory (a fact confirmed by many Soviet
officers and historians, but neglected and
disputed by various foreign authors (e.g.,
David Glantz and historian
Gabriel Gorodetsky, who tend to use
pro-Soviet arguments throughout their
books). Weeks, in fact, convincingly
critiques Glantz's and Gorodetsky's
arguments. It seems clear to this reviewer that
both of these authors were granted access
to Soviet archives precisely because they
stuck to the line of official Soviet
historiography. Their books, moreover, are
customarily given favorable reviews in
Russian publications that hew to
traditional views while ignoring the new
findings of the younger, post-Soviet
historians who were canvassed by
Weeks. Weeks uses a number of books and
documents that have only recently been
published in Russia. He thereby allows the
reader to form his own opinion based on
these materials. This is a great advantage
over many other books that try to ignore
every little detail that might contradict
the author's arguments. Some of the documents in this book have
never been published before in English in
their entirety. The wealth of information
Weeks presents documenting Stalin's
"offensist" intentions is convincing to
anyone with an open mind. There can be no doubt that Stalin was
developing detailed plans for attacking
Hitler -- either in 1941 or certainly by
1942. As it happened, Hitler managed to
strike first against Soviet forces that
were not quite ready to realize their own
aggressive plans. Anyone with an interest in the latest
revelations from Stalin's archives and who
is curious about Stalin's own plans with
respect to World War II should read this
fascinating book. Highly recommended!
grandson of Stalin charges that
Zionists are ravaging Russia and that
there are practically no Russians in
the current Russian Cabinet
"Fackelmänner-Befehl" Nov 17,
1941: Document, captured by the Germans
in Russia
Many Russians Died in WWII? Stalin
Tells Churchill, July 18, 1945