Tennessee, March 3, 2003 Good
Morning from the
Zündelsite: I
would still like more readers to sign
We are now at 835 signatures, and I
would like to have a round 1,000 before
we submit it to the Powers that
be. ERNST ZÜNDEL is in maximum
lockdown in the Niagara Detention Center.
I talked to him very briefly yesterday and
a little longer this morning. He says the
guards hang their heads because they are
ashamed at what is happening but will not
give him any explanation why he has to be
in lock-down 24 hours a day. He says that
he is being treated like Rudolf
Hess, having his food shoved in
without words, being permitted only a
plastic spoon/fork combination - called a
"spork", by the way - some kind of black
humor? He writes his notes to himself and
what letters he is allowed to send on the
seat of his toilet, the only surface
available to him. I believe this treatment is being meted
out to keep him from communicating with
anyone, including media. The reason is
that last Friday, he told the "war
crimes" attorney acting for the
government that the very agency, namely
CSIS, that is trying to brand him as a
"terrorist" is the outfit that had
knowledge of the parcel bomb en route to
the Zündel-Haus to kill him in 1995 -
yet did not see fit to warn him or anybody
else! This will be said at the next hearing -
if such a hearing is ever to take place.
Allegedly, this hearing, scheduled for
Friday, is open to media. When I talked to
Ernst this morning, nobody had yet
notified him of the date. I feel I have
reason to fear that Ernst's enemies will
move heaven and earth, and may even
attempt to harm him, to prevent this
hearing from happening.
HERE is the pertinent information that has
only recently come to light in a book
titled Covert Entry - Spies, Lies and
Crimes: Inside Canada's Secret
Service, by Andrew
Andrew Mitrovica is one of Canada's
leading investigative journalists. He has
won numerous national and international
awards for his reporting. He has worked at
the fifth estate, CTV national news, W5
and most recently at the Globe and Mail,
where he covered security and intelligence
issues. Born in Melbourne, Australia,
Mitrovica lives in Toronto. The inside book flap carries this
text: Canada's
espionage agency, CSIS, enjoys
operating deep in the shadows. Set up
as a civilian force in the 80s after
the RCMP spy service was abolished for
criminal excesses, the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service was to be
a squeaky-clean contrast to its
disgraced predecessors. But it's hard
for Canadians to get a fix on how well
CSIS is doing its job or how well it is
behaving. This country's spymasters
work diligently to prevent journalists,
politicians and watchdog agencies from
prying into their secret world.Few
journalists have come close to
rivalling Andrew Mitrovica at unveiling
the stories CSIS does not want told. In
COVERT ENTRY, the award-winning
investigative reporter uncovers a
disturbing pattern of venality,
law-breaking and incompetence deep
inside the service, and provides a
fascinating window on its daily
operations. At
its core, COVERT ENTRY traces the
eventful career of John Farrell, a
veteran undercover operative who worked
on some of the service's most sensitive
cases and was ordered to break the law
by senior CSIS officers in the name of
national security. Mitrovica delivers a
ground level, day-to-day look at who is
actually running the show in national
clandestine operations. The picture he
paints definitively shatters the myth
that CSIS respects the rights and
liberties it is charged with
From the back flap we learn this about
John Farrel, the CSIS undercover
agent who came out of the closet about
his, and other operatives', illegal
activities: As
a dedicated operative in CSIS's covert
war against terrorists and spies, John
Farrell was once a true believer in the
intelligence service's "Ways and Means
Act": if you have a way to get things
done, the means - legal or not - are
justified. He is the first CSIS
operative to openly discuss the details
of his highly classified work. Whether
he is condemned or applauded for
breaking his silence, Farrell is
offering up his story so that Canadians
can gain a clearer understanding of
what actually takes place in this
country in the name of national
security. And what this unofficial tour
deep inside the service's cloistered
world reveals is an alarming portrait
of incompetence - and worse.
This hardcover book, put out by Random
House Canada, is listed at $35.95 and is
available from Amazon.
MITROVICA addresses how CSIS dealt with
Ernst Zündel, a lifelong opponent of
those individuals, groups and
organizations who do not want the orthodox
version of the Holocaust challenged, much
less investigated. Zündel has many
times characterized the actions of this
powerful and ruthless entity, referred to
in the vernacular as the Holocaust Lobby,
as being an extortion racket based on
fictitious stories regarding the genocidal
gassings of Jews in World War II in German
concentration camps.
As you read Mitrovica, please keep in
mind that this investigative journalist
describes a highly unpopular, politically
incorrect dissident activist who has been
systematically demonized by Canadian media
for decades - while under a judge's gag
order for years that prevented him from
defending his motives and honor. Page 136 - 140 of Covert
Entry: Ernst
Zündel was another prime target of
CSIS's allegedly covert campaign
against white supremacists. For years,
the balding, German-born immigrant ran
what amounted to an anti-Semitic
propaganda factory from his Victorian
home in downtown Toronto. Working out
of his ramshackle basement, Zündel
churned out pamphlets on his printing
press, held meetings and gave lectures,
all with a common theme: the Holocaust
was a hoax.
Zündelsite comment: Ernst
Zündel did not work out of a
"ramshacke basement". He worked out of a
four-story Victorian home on prime real
estate in downtown Toronto - a 14-room
building packed to the ceiling with
original documents, newspaper clippings,
books, pamphlets, affidavits, original
World War II memoirs, photographs, slides,
audios and videos, court transcripts,
government documents etc. The Zündel-Haus was probably the
world's largest private repository of
evidence documenting that the true events
of World War II were different from the
brutal Hollywood-created version depicting
Germans as genocidal monsters on a rampage
to kill every Jew in sight, primarily by
"gassing". The Zündel-Haus was burned down on
May 9th, 1995 - on the 50th anniversary of
Germany's surrender to the Allies in 1945.
Street talk quickly pointed to a culprit.
Ernst turned over to the police the name
and address of a punk who had been paid
$200 by "someone" to douse the building
with gasoline - a criminal act of the
first order that was actually caught on a
surveillance video. Canadian police chose
to do nothing with this tip and never even
questioned the street person who did
it. The
man who once described Hitler as his
idol distributed his message to fellow
travellers around the globe in an
infamous booklet entitled Did Six
Million Really Die? In it,
Zündel claimed the Holocaust was a
Jewish-inspired fraud. Canada Post
temporarily stopped delivering
Zündel's mail in 1981 because he
was using the postal service to spread
hatred. In 1985, Zündel was
sentenced to 15 months in jail after
being found guilty of wilfully causing
harm to Canada's racial and social
Zündelsite comment: This
paragraph is misleading through omission.
A postal commission, investigating the
charge that Zündel "spread hatred",
cleared him of the charge after a year's
worth of investigation, stating in its
verdict that - and here I quote from
memory - "the Holocaust is an issue
between two peoples, the Germans and the
Jews" - recommending that the Canadian
government should keep its nose out of
it. [...] But
CSIS was also training a close eye on
Zündel. The service was busy
intercepting mail for Zündel's
home from a postal station at 1 Yonge
Street. Farrel says Zündel was
also watched by the service. The APIs
were called when Hitler's admirer was
seen posting mail. A Canada Post driver
would then be summoned to open the
mailbox and allow an API to retrieve
the mail. Who was this API? Frank
Pilotte, [a postal inspector]
though Farrell was often enlisted to
help. Letters and packages for
Zündel arrived from all over the
world. On some days he received as many
as 20 pieces of registered mail. CSIS
was keen to establish a list of
Zündel's worldwide supporters by
noting the return addresses attached to
each piece of correspondence. To
Farrell's surprise, Zündel often
received letters of encouragement and
support from doctors, lawyers,
university professors, as well as
prison inmates.Farrell
noticed that Pilotte took a particular
interest in Zündel's mail. Just
how much interest became apparent early
one morning when the two APIs met
behind a large grocery store on
Danforth Avenue. Pilotte drove up in
his white Buick, while Farrell arrived
in his Geo Metro, a car he liked
because it saved him money on gas.
Pilotte had just returned from the
postal station carrying a batch of
Zündel's letters. As he flipped
through the mail, Pilotte noticed that
one letter was partially open. Curious,
he decided to unseal it. Farrell urged
him not to, warning him that the
letters might be booby-trapped and that
he was only inviting more trouble from
Lunau. [Don Lunau was Farrell's
superior] Pilotte opened the
letter. Inside, he found a short note
addressed to "Dear Ernst" urging the
Holocaust denier to continue his
campaign "to tell the truth." To help
in that effort, the letter also
contained a ten-dollar American bill,
which the API slipped back into the
envelope. "It
was amateurish," Farrell says. "It was
none of the API's business what was in
the mail." Farrell
didn't want to get embroiled in
Pilotte's escapades, but as the
program's troubleshooter, he had little
choice. He told Lunau, who once again
went easy on Pilotte. Then
Farrell caught a break on the
Zündel beat during one of his
routine visits to Canada Post's station
at 1 Yonge Street. Dishevelled and
unshaven, he arrived at 6:30 a.m. and
walked up to the station's second floor
offices. He lumbered through a door
leading to a restricted area that
housed bag after bag of registered
mail. On his way, he waved at Patrick
Hilberg, the registration clerk who
often handled Zündel's registered
mail, and George Fyfe, the station's
supervisor. Farrell had befriended them
because he knew the pair could make his
job a whole lot easier. They didn't
know he was working for CSIS; they
assumed he was still a postal
inspector. Farrell
began rifling through the mail bags,
searching for Zündel's registered
mail. He often had to flick through a
thousand pieces before plucking out
Zündel's letters and packages. The
mail, marked priority post, arrived
from Australia, Germany, Austria,
France and Switzerland. It was
imperative that Farrell get his hands
on the mail before Hilberg, because
once the clerk documented its arrival,
the clock began ticking on how long the
service could hold on to the letters
and packages. The sooner Farrell dumped
Zündel's letters back into the
mail stream, the less likely
Zündel would complain about how
tardy the postal service
was. Farrell
reached into the mail bag and pulled
out a small box. Later he learned that
he had just laid his hands on the
Heritage Front's complete membership
list and the names and addresses of
every individual in Canada and overseas
who received Zündel's anti-Semitic
literature. It
was an extraordinary stroke of luck.
Rarely did that kind of information
fall so conveniently into the laps of
spy services. Finally, Farrell thought,
Operation Vulva had paid
dividends. Handling
Zündel's mail was a risky
business. Violence gravitated to the
Holocaust denier. A pipe bomb once
exploded behind his Carlton Street
home, causing extensive
damage. Farrell
was always concerned when he
intercepted Zündel's mail. He knew
the self-promoting propagandist had
enemies and that one day one of them
might use the mail to deliver an
unmistakable and violent message to his
front door. Farrell liked his hands and
wanted to keep them. Lunau
warned the APIs to be especially
careful when handling any mail
addressed to Zündel from a post
office box from Vancouver. He refused
to explain why the Vancouver address
was on a watch list, but it was clear
that he was worried that mail from that
address might be used to conceal a
bomb. Farrell's
own nervousness peaked when Lunau
ordered him to temporarily stop
intercepting parcels destined for
Zündel's home. "I got a call from
Lunau and he said, 'Stop checking the
parcels. Just check the registered
letters,' Farrell recalls. Lunau wasn't
kidding. Farrell could hear the urgency
in his voice. In
May 1995, a package arrived at
Zündel's door apparently from a
Vancouver post office box. Zündel
let the package sit unopened in his
home for nearly a week before claiming
to notice that "it made a funny noise"
when he shook it. He drove the
suspicious package, cushioned by a bag
of bird seed in the trunk of his car,
to a local police station, where bomb
experts discovered that it contained a
powerful pipe bomb filled with large
nails. Police cordoned off a block
around the 51 Division police station
in downtown Toronto. A
remote-controlled robot gingerly placed
the package in a blast-proof hopper.
Later, the pipe bomb was detonated at a
nearby spit, leaving behind a large
crater. Zündel said the parcel,
camouflaged to look like a book, bore
an outdated return address for the post
office box of his friend Tony McAleer,
a B.C.-based white supremacist. Police
said the bomb was packed with enough
explosives to seriously maim or kill
anyone within ninety meters of the
blast. Zündel
was certain that Jewish groups were
behind a plot to kill him. Initially,
police investigated a phone call to the
Toronto Sun by someone claiming
responsibility in the name of an
unknown organization called Jewish
Armed Resistance. But the police
weren't convinced that the Holocaust
denier was telling the truth about the
circumstances leading up to the
discovery of the mail bomb. Why had
Zündel waited five days before
alerting them to the suspicious
package? During
the weekend, when things had quieted
down a bit, he remembered the parcel,
even shook it - and then realized,
after a totally coincidental phone call
by the "addressee", that the return
address was an outdated address. That's
when he knew it was a bomb. It could
not have been a book sent by
Ernst called me that night in San
Diego. He told me that when he took that
bomb to the police station, carefully
bedded on a bird seed box, his "...hair
stood up on end" as de drove it carefully
around every bump on the road. When I
asked him why he had not, instead, called
police to come and get the parcel, he
said: "Do I need to get the neighborhood
upset with screeching police cars and
howling sirens? The neighbors are already
traumatized by the fire which could easily
have killed the kids in the neighbor's
house who had to jump out of the window,
stark naked..." In other words, he did not
want to call attention to himself, fearing
more hostility. As a sidebar, it should also be
mentioned that when Ernst told the police
what he had delivered to them, their snide
response was that he may have sent the
bomb to himself - for attention!) By
late summer, however, the skepticism
evaporated. Several police forces
launched a joint probe after mail bombs
were sent to five different targets:
Zündel; another B.C.-based white
spremacist, Charles Scott; the
Mackenzie Institute, a Toronto-based
terrorism and security-policy think
tank; Kay Gardner, a Toronto City
councillor; and Alta Genetics, Inc., a
Calgary cattle-breeding centre. The
Mounties believed that four of the
bombs originated in Vancouver.The
mystery surrounding the mail bombs was
solved when a shadowy group of
anarchists, called the Militant Direct
Action Task Force, sent
"communiqués" to several media
outlets claiming responsibility for all
the potentially lethal letters, save
the one to Kay Gardner. In its
letters, which provided compelling
evidence that the group was behind the
mail bombs, the anarchists responded to
media reports about the grave dangers
to postal workers who had unwittingly
handled the mail bombs. "We have tested
our devices and found that only
extremely rough handling (or opening
them) would cause them to detonate. All
packages have been marked
to keep unauthorized people from
opening them," the group
Zündelsite comment: We
believe the so-called Militant Direct
Action Task Force was a "false road flare"
diverting attention away from two highly
suspect culprits, last names
Thursten and Barbarash. This
terrorist duo was arrested, along with a
girl, last name Rubin, after the
most intensive telephone spy operation
ever in Canada - as I recall it, 7,000
hours, that led the mounties to a storage
place belonging to the suspects where bomb
making equipment was stored. The Canadian
Mounties know a thing or two about those
people. So, one might reasonably suspect,
does CSIS. There were even the beginnings
of a trial in Vancouver, but the case has
been dropped and the records have been
sealed - for reasons of "national
security"! Incidentally, the original arrest
warrant stated that it was issued "for
suspicion of attempted murder of Ernst
Zündel." Later, that phrase
mysteriously disappeared. Farrell
is convinced that the package
containing the pipe bomb delivered to
Zündel's home was intercepted by
either himself or Pilotte. This raises
the possibility that the intelligence
service was aware of the package's
potentially lethal cargo before
Zündel received it. Farrell says
Lunau's warning to temporarily stop
intercepting packages addressed to
Zündel's home came only after
police had detonated the first pipe
bomb. What CSIS might have done to
alert either Canada Post, Toronto
Police or Zündel himself remains a
mystery. But what is clear is that the
rash of letter bombs prompted police to
issue an extraordinary warning to
Canadians to be extremely cautious when
receiving unexpected packages or
Farrell says, Canada's spy service
failed to heed the warning and, as a
result, unnecessarily put the lives of
Canadians at risk. That's because when
CSIS resumed the interception of
Zündel's mail, it continued to
ship hard-to-open packages by passenger
plane to Ottawa for inspection, even
though a pipe bomb had already been
discovered. "My concern was that there
could always be a bomb in Zündel's
mail," Farrell says. "And how are we
sending that stuff up to Ottawa? It was
being shipped by Air Canada. So what do
you think was likely to happen if a
bomb went off while we were
transporting his mail by commercial
jet?" Farrell
repeatedly raised this issue with
Lunau. "I was concerned about my own
safety and the crew and passengers on
the plane. I told Donnie many times
that I didn't think it was wise to send
Zündel's packages up to Ottowa by
plane. But he didn't seem that
concerned. I would say, 'Don, for the
record, we shouldn't be doing this."
Lunau would say, "Okay.
Noted." Farrell
rang the alarm, but no one at CSIS
bothered to listen.
So much for Mitrovica's exposé
of CSIS. And CSIS is the very same
Canadian government outfit responsible for
Ernst Zündel's detention - and that
wants to tar him as a "security risk to
Canada"! Ask yourself what kind of "justice" he
will get. I ask myself if he will live to tell
his story Friday when media will be there.
I don't think I exaggerate the
danger. Ingrid
Nazi prosecutor assigned to Zündel
seeks asylum after U.S. deportation:
Now 'he's our
seeking refugee status
Zündel held in Batavia, N.Y.,
detention center
fears key could soon be thrown
headed back to Canada
of Ernst Zündel by US: Is held in
Neo-Nazi activist held in Blount County
2001: Ernst Zuendel has emigrated from
Canada to the United States