
Posted Tuesday, February 4, 2003

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Tuesday, February 4, 2003

New Documents reveal Ben Gurion's pre-Israel Bio-Terror War

by Orest Slepokura

DAVID Ben Gurion established a unit for biological terrorism in 1947 even before the state of Israel was established, and used it to poison the water supply in Acre and Gaza in May 1948, in an effort to produce "mass killing", as stated in his letter to one of his operatives.

Documents newly released by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) describe the spread of Typhoid epidemic in Acre and its source in daily reports from May 6-16, 1948. The victims were Palestinian civilians and British soldiers about to withdraw from Palestine. The purpose was to evacuate Acre and prevent its inhabitants from returning to their homes.

. THE culprits in Gaza poisoning were caught red-handed and admitted their deeds.

The location of the center for biological terrorism in Israel, known as IIBR, is shown in photographs and its coordinates are given.

These documents are revealed by Salman Abu Sitta in an article published by Al-Hayat (London) on Saturday, February 1, 2003 [website:].

The investigative reports by W. Seth Carus of the Center of Counterproliferation Research, National Defence University ("Biological Terrorism since 1900"), Avner Cohen, Senior Fellow at the Center for International and Security Studies, University of Maryland ("Israel and Chemical/ Biological Weapons"), and of Karel Knip, Senior Science Editor of the Dutch Daily NRC- Handelsblad ("Biologie in Ness Ziona") shed more light on these findings.

A list of the diseases, toxins and incapacitants (including those used in the failed 1998 attempt to assassinate Khaled Mish'al in Jordan) developed by IIBR is given in the article.


Winston Churchill's preparations to start biological warfare against Germany
Polish underground army, 1943, admits using typhus weapons against German forces, asks Washington for more funding
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