
Posted Thursday, February 13, 2003

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  We apologise to readers who were rightly offended. . .


David Irving comments:

READERS of my website will know that on Monday February 10 I posted a link to the Evening Standard article: London Evening Standard hypes book by revisionist Michael Hoffmann, and I predicted: "Famous columnist A N Wilson will now be sent to the stake."
With what speed has this famous columnist been forced to eat dirt! With what efficiency has the article itself been yanked from the newspaper's website! What nail-biting, jibbering fear must have seized the offices of the newspaper, above Derry & Tom's store in Kensington High Street, as they realised what he had written.
   How excellent that the article was by then already cached in computers around the world, and easily accessible. We have resuscitated it on our website so that readers can marvel at Wilson's original courage, and savour the petrified fear of the editor of the evening newspaper which led him to publish the cringing apology at left.

London, Thursday, February 13, 2003, page 11


An apology

ON MONDAY, the Evening Standard published a column by A N Wilson in which he set out his views on Israel's record in the Middle East. The Evening Standard fundamentally disagrees with the opinions expressed by Mr Wilson but as with all its columnists, allows him freedom of expression.

The column, however, made reference to one Michael Hoffman who, unbeknown to Mr Wilson, is a notorious white supremacist and holocaust denier. It is a matter of great regret that Mr Hoffman or any of his propaganda was publicised. The Evening Standard is taking appropriate action to prevent any such recurrence.

We apologise to readers who were rightly offended by the material in A N Wilson's column.



  Evening Standard article: Israel's record speaks for itself


The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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