
Posted Saturday, January 25, 2003

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Daily News

New York, January 24, 2003, 5:48 AM EST


Family of JDL Leader Rubin Sues Gov't

By Associated Press

RubinLOS ANGELES -- The estate of Jewish Defense League leader Irv Rubin has filed a $5 million wrongful death claim against the U.S. government in connection with his apparent suicide at a federal detention center.

Rubin, 57, was awaiting trial on charges of conspiring to bomb a mosque and a congressman's office when he allegedly slashed his throat with a safety razor and then jumped headfirst from a balcony at the federal lockup. He died in a hospital nine days later.

The FBI investigated his death and declared it a suicide. But Rubin's widow, Shelley Rubin, suggested her husband might have been murdered.

If the government rejects the wrongful death claim, Rubin's heirs can proceed with a lawsuit in U.S. District Court.

Letters sent last week to federal officials by Rubin's family attorney, Peter Morris, did not address the issue of possible foul play. Morris has argued federal agents and employees negligently monitored Rubin during his nearly yearlong stay at the detention center.

Morris said he would not rule out the possibility Rubin committed suicide. He said federal agencies haven't responded to his letters asking about circumstances surrounding Rubin's death.

"So far, they've just stonewalled us," Morris said.

Rubin was accused of conspiring to bomb the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City and a field office of Rep. Darrell E. Issa, who is the grandson of Lebanese immigrants.


on this website:

Torrance Fire Tied To JDL Member
Irv Rubin in Suicide Attempt
David Irving: A Radical's Diary
JDL leader's attorneys want separate trials for defendants
Defense attorney wants racist remarks thrown out
Trying to Blow up a Mosque? Meet the JDL fanatics | Los Angeles Times softens the profile of JDL terrorist Irv Rubin | LA grand jury indicts JDL members Rubin, Krugel in bomb plan | The Irv Rubin story: Never say never again | FBI spells Finis to Thug's Career: Militant JDL Chief Irv Rubin Arrested after Gunpowder Plot | Australia reports | Full text of charges | IHR recalls JDL's record | David Irving, Radical's Diary on Rubin: Help to fund"He seems to have enjoyed a life inspired by hatred of others whom he regards as inferior -- the very archetype of a nazi. | "From the Irv Rubin bust to the Stern Gang: The Rich History of Jewish Terrorism"
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