
 Posted Monday, October 14, 2002

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London, Sunday, October 13, 2002


David Irving comments:

CONFIDENTIAL sources inside the newspaper tell me that this largely favourable story in the fiercely pro-Zionist newspaper's gossip column ("Mandrake") was subject to a touch of editorial interference from on high, "if you know what I mean."
   As for the description as "unpalatable," Jeez, if I swooned every time somebody called me "unpalatable" or worse I would be put on a life support machine.
   As for the new apartment, it is rented: Benté struck a very good deal in a depressed London property market.


Eagle's nest

DAVID IRVING, the unpalatable historian whose home was repossessed and personal belongings seized after he was bankrupted by a failed libel action, has enjoyed a remarkably soft landing.

Having arrived back from a five-month book tour in America, during which the bank took the opportunity to seize his £750,000 Mayfair flat, the Hitler biographer has now found similarly plush lodgings just around the corner.

"I am unstoppable," says an ebullient Irving, who was branded a "Holocaust denier, anti-Semitic and racist" by the judge during his High Court action against Professor Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books.

So where did the money come from? "I have 12,000 supporters who were outraged at the bank evicting my wife and child when I wasn't there to defend them."

Irving, who plans a second appeal against the court's decision on the grounds that Penguin misled Mr Justice Gray on the issue of costs, adds: "The new flat is comfortable, although slightly smaller than our old one."


on this website:

  Lipstadt Trial index
  Press items on the trial
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